HELP! Need revisional surgery for Vertical Banded Gastroplasty..Advice welcome.

on 2/21/08 4:26 pm - louisville, OH
i to had a vbg in 1991 and have had nothing but problems and heart ache since. i had vomited almost everyday since my surgery. got sever gerd and never really did get down to goal weight. started at 250 and lost 60lbs and went back up to 225. had to get open rny which was the best thing ever. not only do i not throw up but i no longer have gerd or any other medical problems and have lost all but 20lbs which is my goal. surgeon stated that the band was way to tight and wasnt allowing anyfood to pass and my stomache had grown into the band. with all the troubles the vbg gave me didnt want to have another wls but i did and i have never been happier. go for the rny u deserve it..................
on 3/3/08 12:38 pm - Weatherford, OK

It is nice to see a fellow nurse!  I have gained the weight back I lost from VGB.  I lost 130 pounds in about a year and then within 3 years I was back up to where I started from.  I really want to have a revisional surgery but my husband is against the "bypass" type surgeries because my mother had some type of bypass in the 1980s and now has anemia and poor health.  I am not sure which way to turn!

on 2/22/08 5:10 am - UK
hello,            i am waiting on a revision in the uk...had vbg in 2002 lost 150lbs and then broke leg in 2005 and gained about 30lbs..went to belguim in 2007 to be revised to lapband but, there were too many adhesions here i am waiting for a free rny!..yes i have had $60k of wls for free... cheers mark
on 2/27/08 9:10 am - Coeur D Alene, ID
I had VBG in Sept. 2003 and lost 80lbs and then started the regain. Have had alot of vomiting, my teeth are rotting I think from all the getting sick and now I have acid reflux. I really would lke to get the RNY.
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