Alcohol Behaviors

on 2/6/08 11:13 pm - Indianapolis, IN
This has been my second surgery with lots of unexpected complications over the last 2 years.  Went from stapling with ring to a RnY.  My intestinal length was made really short due to whatever the reasoning.  Anyway I hate food, do try to eat protein and get vitamins in but, food makes me so sick and bloated.  I take the extreme for diarreha, Opium.  Any suggestions on BLOATING?  Nothing has worked thus far.  My bigger problem is because of one habit I don't partake in as much I have started drinkin alcohol.  I am a Sales Director and run my own business, so it isn't causing problems with my responsibilities, as I am worried for my future if I keep it up.  Anyone experienced this or other behavioral issues?  I have seen counslers but it really hasn't helped, so I am looking to any of you with suggestions, I know it is going to kill me if I don't get a handle on it. Thanks, Justen (31yr old female)
Pam K.
on 2/7/08 2:42 am - Aurora, IL
I would try AA.  You can go to as many meetings as you need a week.  Have you seen a counselor that specificallly deals with addictions?   I would consider my eating an addiction, so figuring out what is behind it is really important to keeping control.  The opium may be contributing to your issues.  Isn't it highly addictive?
on 2/7/08 4:28 am - Indianapolis, IN
Would you have any idea how to go about looking for that specific counselor?  Addiction counseling?  Thats where I have failed not seeing the right type I think.  Thanks for the insite.
Pam K.
on 2/7/08 6:03 am - Aurora, IL
Find a local hospital that offers inpatient alcohol treatment.  Call them and ask if they offer out-patient counseling.  If they don't they can give you a referral to an agency in the community that specializes in that area.  If you have private insurance you may want to check for any preferred providers.  If you are employed and have an Employee Assistance Program they can get you a name.  It will be kept confidential.  You could probably do a search on-line for substance abuse programs in you area also.  Let me know if you have any success.  Don't give up!!! 
on 2/8/08 12:01 am - St. George, UT
Dear Justen: Interestingly enough, I jus****ched a show about 2 months ago which was centered around those who have had WLS or those who have lost a lot of weight. The focus of the story was that after much research folks who have lost one addiction have taken up another. That is for example, there were several guests on the show who have had WLS and have lost tons of weight but have taken up several other addictions to replace the food. For example one girl became addicted to meth, one to alcohol, one to sex, excessive spending and so on. You might want to get on the Oprah Winfrey site because I seem to remember that they said they were going to post a link for people with this problem, to get help. Sometimes knowing that others might share your same problem and getting in touch with those people can often bring on healing. I do have one question, where does one get opium legally, is it something Dr's prescribe for diarreha? I believe there must be better options out there than that. I may be wrong, but it seems pretty over the top. In reference to the alcohol, believe me, that can't be good, if your recognizing it as a problem, you must know it is. Definately seek help, it's everywhere if you want it. Good Luck, I believe I have also suffered after losing weight through 2 WLS's...By picking up new addictions. Shopping is my problem. To the extreme! GOOD LUCK! J Rolfson
on 2/11/08 3:26 am - Indianapolis, IN

Opium prescribed by my gastro doc, for severe diarrhea, this was last option.

Dyuanna P.
on 2/11/08 1:34 am - Bedford, OH
This happened to me as are not alone.  I have been sober for more than 2 years and life is so much better.  Remember, our weight is only a symptom of a bigger issue.  Alcohol is a symptom of bigger issues.  Once we get to the reasons why we ate or drank, we can begin to heal and live healthy.  Some people shop in excess after surgery, some go back to eating, others have excess sex.  One addition for's understandable... If you'd like to talk...let me know.
on 2/12/08 3:12 am - IL
I'm a recovering alcoholic. WLS is not the primary reason I became an alcoholic; family history is one factor.  But I do think it speeded up the process. Counseling won't help you.  Only AA understands alcohol addiction. And yes, it will kill you.  I was nearly dead before I stopped.


on 2/13/08 12:14 am - Indianapolis, IN
I appreciate your feedback as well as your honesty.  So, can you give me info and your steps to recovery, how often you went or how to get started.  How much you were drinking, how often, did you gain weight from it? Thank you so much.
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