Revison due to Non Healing Ulcers?

on 2/20/08 12:42 pm - bluffton, IN
yeah i was wondering if others were going through this also-you are a few years out arent you? i think thats what i read? im 6 months out and im very disastified i dont no if i want a revision because i struggled with fluids from day 1 and my kidneys arent functioning right i was fine before surgery now i feel like crap no energy and weak and cant eat and in pain horribly-ive herd of that  h phloryi are you a smoker? i will ask my doctor about this medication that would be great if it healed a ulcer --im thinking about the reversal really hard-im just scarred because people say its dangerous? what do u know about the reversals? i go to the dr tommorro too for a endoscopy to check out my ulcer and discuss options but im hoping its healed but im seriously doubting it because the pain is something fierce and the er doctors here in my town dont no anything about bariatric surgery or ulcers so i was there needing pain shots 4 times in 1 month now they wont give me any because they said i had to many in a month so im red flagged thats crazy because if i was a druggie id been red flagged a long long time ago u think? this pain is horrible they just dont no i was on demerol pills that didnt even phase the pain untill i took 3 of them =150 mg before pain eased up its crazy i only get about 2 bites of something before im hurting ----good luck at the doctors ill be thinking of you and praying the best for you and your health-   missy
missi B.
on 1/2/12 7:52 pm - danville, ME
I feel for you all.  I am 4 years out.  I have had several ulcers for the entire time.  I live on Dexilant and Carafate.  at my 4 year check up, I talked with my surgeon about my options and we have discussed having a revision surgery.  I am not sure that I want to go through with it.  We will just be resecting the pouch and he thinks it will take care of my ulcers.  Everyone I have talked to has said, "Do it!"  If it may take care of your pain.  what do you all think?  I am so scared.  Myblood work and everything is fine.  there is no "medical" reason to do this other than the pain.  I take Vicodin everynight just to keep the pain at bay. I am considering the surgery but am scared to death.  I have another scope on Friday to see what is going on with the ulcers.  I know they haven't healed because I had a bad episode on Saturday.  Had to take nausea medicine and the pain meds.  What do you all think?  Would you have the revision?  Thanks.  Missi 


on 2/20/08 12:48 pm - bluffton, IN
hi i was wondering how you were getting along? because im 6 mos out and i have a  16 mm ulcer that is very painful....and its not healing go thur for a scope to see if it has grown? if so my dr suggested a revision or a reversal i dont really no much about either one of them surgeries do you? any info would be great  im severly malnurished from not eating do to the pain i am on a picc line tpn iv feeding tube ive been on it 2 weeks now it feeds me 24 hrs a day my weight has stayed the same while on this-i have lost 115 pounds in 6 months but i just havent felt well since day 1 i dehydrated easy and kidney problems now from not peeing much blood protein keytons in my urine and bilibrum in my urine? seeing a kidney dr for this but havent herd anything yet about whats going on? well id apreciate any info might help    have a great day  missy
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