ROSE procedure

Renee M.
on 2/8/08 7:10 am
They called me up and let me know about it after I tried to get a revision over the summer (lap band over RNY) but my pouch was too small for a lapband.  They had already done an upper-GI and 2 scopes prior to finding that out, so I'm guessing that's why I'm only having to have one more scope done and  no more upper I think the reason there is a fee is to cover the charge of the endoscope, except mine is what insurance won't pay for the scope, which is like $400.. Is this supposed to be better than the other procedure?  The one where people were talking about the surgeons not being able to get in enough sutures and stuff? And is this not a "blinded" trial?  Everyone gets it done, right? lol.  It was just Restore that was the one w/ the "placebo" group? I
on 2/8/08 9:00 am - Altoona, IA
I was told only 3 people are in this so are we the 3 then..Let's keep each other informed..
on 5/26/09 4:24 am - Gilboa, NY
You can have a lap band OVER a RNY? I didn't know that...but I'm interested...
on 2/8/08 8:57 am - Altoona, IA
hi which site are you going to? I am talking to some one from Ny,NY  Siani(sp)  That was how I felt about the scope and GI, at least I would know.  I have not been told anything about this 1000,00. I have enough expenses to do this dang it.. 6 drives to Ny and motels are not going to be cheap and this is for an experiment. But I will still probably do this...
on 2/9/08 1:37 am - Altoona, IA
> here is the link I used to find out about it...Call Mary Lou first and she will contact the Oregan or which ever place you are interested in let her know. I would love to hear if you get started on doing this program. I will be having a scope and GI hopefully within the 2 weeks to measure them. April if you have more questions let me know
on 2/9/08 1:21 pm - Altoona, IA
That is strange  I was told they only have 3 people in the study so far? Who are you talking with?
on 2/9/08 10:58 am - Bridgewater, NJ
I am trying to qualify for the Rose study in NYC- it's at Mt. Sinai Hospital.  I've already had my upper GI and upper endoscopy (yesterday).  I was told by the Dr. that did the endoscopy that I did have the measurements to qualify - he said my stoma was about 2cm and pouch about 5 cm.  They're currently on hold because they're waiting for new equipment from the manufacturer.  They've already done 4 procedures he told me (the surgeon performs the procedure with the gastroenterologist that does the endoscopy).  I believe they are accepting 35 people into the study. Don't know how many are waiting - They did ask me where I lived (in NJ) because of the followup visits - said they had received a lot of calls from far away. As far as the expense, I had the upper GI and upper endoscopy on my own (had primary physician give me referral).  They told me that they will submit surgery through insurance.  If insurance won't pay they will cover up to $9,000 of costs (study coordinator said it should not exceed that). Will post more when I finally get to talk to the surgeon.
Cheryl Gebbie
on 2/11/08 7:47 am - Knoxville, TN
I have been asked to get a upper GI and an endoscopy ...for a trial at Mt Sinai .....I wonder if its the same as the one you are going for.  I live in TN but they said I meet all criteria so far and if my pouch is at least 30mm then I will get to meet with the surgeon ..I did explain that traveling to NY would be no problem ...\have a friend I can stay with in Staton Island.   He has already said that he would love to have me visit.   I go tomorrow for an appoint with the Gastronologist to get the tests scheduled... I do have a primary and secondary insurance ..they said that I would hyave to cover the tests \and my travel expenses ..but I think everything else is covered. I hope I get in the trial far it looks promising  Cheryl Is Sarah Daniels the person you have been talking to or Angel Godwin?
on 2/11/08 11:03 am - Bridgewater, NJ
Hi Cheryl, I have talked briefly to both.  Sarah is the study coordinator at Mt. Sinai and Angel is the nurse practitioner at Dr. Herron's office. go to and you can learn more about Dr. Daniel Herron who is heading the study.  In the Our Team tab, you'll see the bio on Angela Godwin. So far the contact with Sarah was an initial one - I gave her my stats and she had a prescription faxed to me for the upper endoscopy with Dr. Miller.  Dr. Miller performs the procedure with Dr. Herron. After the upper endoscopy (which was so easy by the way - didn't feel a thing!), I met with Dr. Miller (who performed it) and his thoughts were that I would qualify based on the measurements.  They're just on hold now as I mentioned in the previous post because they're waiting for equipment. Look forward to hearing about your experience too - Jen
Cheryl Gebbie
on 2/12/08 2:25 am - Knoxville, TN

Jen  I went to the Gastronologist here in Knxville today he has me scheduled for the upper GI Series this Friday at 7:30 and the endoscopy on the 27th at 830am ......I just hope this doc knws where to measure ...he does do alot of work with Gastric Bypass Patients because they have the prgram at the hospital he works at ........

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