Stomaphyx Today

on 2/1/08 7:50 am - Norwich, CT
Hi,    I just got home from Tufts where I had stomaphyx.  I was put under general anesthesia and about 1 1/2 hours later, I was extubated and in the recovery room.  I had some discomfort in my abdomen but they gave me plenty of pain med and I swoon was comfortable.  After a while I sipped some water slowly and then a cup of tea.  Dr. Shikora said that he put in 8 fasteners.  I was slightly disappointed because I thought the more the better, but he said my pouch apparently was not as dilated as they expected, but that my stoma was quite large.  He said he put in as many as would fit and as a matter of fact he said  my stoma was so small post procedure that they had some difficulty visualizing the stoma,, so I'm very happy about that!!!  I am feeling no restriction at all with water or coffee and probably any liquids and I hope that's normal.  Wouldn't that make sense that if I'm sipping slowly I probably wouldn't feel any restriction??  I guess the real test will be in a couple of weeks or so when I advance my diet and actually eat.  At this point, I'm trying to be so very careful and conservative that I don't want to try to eat anything for as long as possible.  Please keep me in your thoughts...I realize that I now have the opportunity to accept responsibility and change the reast of my life. Please, everyone post any thoughts, experiences,stories etc. etc ANYTHING you've heard etc because believe it or not everyone has a different take on the same thing and I want as much info as possible.  I will also continue to post as well. I am on a stage 3 diet---protein shakes, sugar free puddings, jello, yogurt etc.  I will see him next Friday so I will stay on this diet until then or even longer.  I plan on going to work on Monday and start out at the gym before work each day starting with Monday. Thanks!!! Sue
Betsy C.
on 2/1/08 10:06 pm - Efland, NC
Sue - What a wonderful post.  You really hit all the major points right on the head.  We need to get our heads around the fact that we now have yet another chance to get it right (in our heads).  Please continue to post your progress, and take care of yourself! Kathy - Good luck with your appointment in Baltimore on Monday.  That would be wonderful if the cost to you is only $2,000.  If that's the case, many people will flock to Baltimore for the procedure, especially after Sue reporting what it cost her for the same procedure.  Good luck, and let us know how that goes. Betsy

Lap RNY 5/7/03
I lost 50+ pounds of regained weight with hCG drops.

on 2/2/08 8:09 am - Cincinnati, OH
Sue, congratulations and the best of luck. Keep us updated as much as you can. I am so confused about all the new procedures. I'm looking into the ROSE procedure which sounds like the same.
Pam K.
on 2/1/08 8:15 am - Aurora, IL

I have been llooking forward to seeing how your procedure went today.  Sounds like it went perfectly!  How exciting.  I am considering this also.  Your comment about accepting responsibility and change the rest of your life is very positive.  I am evaluating my motivation still at this point.  The first time I heard about stomaphyx I was ready to commit to having it done that afternoon, however, I really need to make sure my head is on straight.    Glad things went so well!!


on 2/1/08 10:45 am - Norwich, CT
Thanks for your post!  Let's pray that this motivates and energizes onward to  successful  and responsible control of our lives!!  Blessings, Sue "I can do ALL things through Christ which strengtheneth me."
S Andrews
on 2/1/08 11:55 am - eatonville, WA
Congragultions Sue! I have been anxiously waiting to hear how things went for you. I had to cancel my EGD proceedure because my husband couldn't get the day off so will reschedule that soon. The Dr wants to do that before he does the stomaphx proceedure. Did your insurance cover any of this or have you had to pay for it yourself? Please keep us all posted on how things go for you. I want to have a second chance at this myself. I'm trying to exercise faithfully and watch what I eat but I realize now that my stomach has stretched it isn't enough and feel like I don't want to waste what I did have done.  Your in my thoughts and prayers. Sharon
on 2/1/08 3:07 pm - Norwich, CT
Hi Sharon, The procedure, (to my knowledge) is not covered by insurance.  I had to go to and get approved for the amount of the procedure which in my case was $10,500.  I believe other doctors may charge  a little more or a little less, but the average is roughly the same.  That being said, do I wi**** had been covered by insurance?? ABSOLUTELY...  But the flip side is since my iivestment is 100%, will I be very willing to toss it all away for a few hotdogs, or some sweets or chips?? I HOPE NOT!!! A door has been closed in my mind, and I believe and hope that is the answer.  As it has been said over and over on this forum, this is merely a tool that I (and all of us) have at our disposal to utilize to the max this opportunity to "get it right this time"...a chance to finally do it again and succeed.  Maybe it's taken me 20+ years to "get it", but I think I'm much closer to finally "getting it".  There is a part of me that doesn't really want to test the amount of restriction I may or may not have simply because I doen't see that as the change I need to make in my life.  I need to change my mindsset and let the "tool" do the rest.  It's a help I can call upon when I absolutely need to, but do I really need to challenge it?  For me, I need to change the focus in my head and use that tool as backup, not the other way around. I will continue to keep posting I promise.  The only thing I have now is a slight sore throat and laryngitis. Stay focused...(I hope and pray that when my body is resistant and screaming at me because it wants to be big)  I can be the adult over this body and as the adult say gently, "No not this time...maybe later." Good Luck and keep us posted on your journey!! Sue
(deactivated member)
on 2/1/08 9:14 pm
Amen Sue!  GREAT post!  It's very much the way I look at my procedure too.  I am 3 months out with RESTORe and the moment I feel fullness I stop eating.  I refuse to test the limits,  I've even spit out what's already in my mouth if I feel it's that one bite too much.  Congratulations on your decision and I look forward to your updates! 
on 2/1/08 10:30 pm - Norwich, CT
Hi Lullaby,    Do you think it's "normal" to feel no restriction while on a liquid diet? I'm definately sipping very slowly. Sue
(deactivated member)
on 2/1/08 11:15 pm
I didn't feel the restriction on my liquid diet either.  I did however feel satisfied with the protein shakes.  I had a lot of head hunger the first week.  It was really difficult but as far as real hunger, I didn't have it.  I was on protein shakes for 2 weeks and it did get easier towards the end..I sort of gave in and accepted it instead of viewing it as a struggle. 
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