RESTORe, this is what I found out.
I know we have all heard and said various things..I am still
not sure about the comment that it was stopped because of the fasteners not working (or something to that effect...anyway, this is the message I got~~~
there was a teleconference with the sponsor and they are closing the study to enrollment. It does not affect anyone already entered into the study- everything will proceed as before. There are absolutely no safety concerns- Apparently there is a newer device that will soon become available. Eventually there will be another study with the new device but no time line was given.
What I am wondering, is if there is another tool on the horizon, why would they want to know how this one works? Oh well, I won't look a gift horse in the mouth.

I just received a call from Unv. of Colorado and she stated the same thing. She said they will not re-open the trial but would be starting a new one somewhere down the line. She also said they would keep my information and I would be one of the first ones called when the new trial opens since I had already started the process but was not far enough along to be included in the study. (Only had the testing scheduled but had not been done yet)
This makes sense. They probably want to save some of the funds budgeted for this study for the newer procedure. After getting an email from my study coordinatory yesterday telling me she would call me today with a date (and that I'm definitely in the study), she didn't call. ARGGGHHHH!
Lap RNY 5/7/03
I lost 50+ pounds of regained weight with hCG drops.
I still haven't heard anything. I've only gotten as far as filling out the paperwork and scheduling my initial appointment. Maybe if I haven't heard anything by Thursday I will call since I don't work that day. I'd like to know something so I can plan accordingly. My anniversary date is next week and I usually get my yearly blood work done but I've been waiting to see if it will still be necessary.
Thats the same thing she told me, and how I tried to explain it. I will just keep trying on my own and wait for the call for this new tool.
..............I am horribly impatient though, so it will be tough. I still plan on checking in and see how your doing. It is inspiring to see the success stories! Best of luck!!

I just did or not have the procedure on 1/28 @ Cleveland and was told by one doctor that the new
device will allow more sutures without having to take the endoscope in and out to reload. So instead of placing one suture then out with the scope and reload and back in with another and so on you use with one insertion of scope thus saving time, anesthesia risk . I heard this will be available by summer. Just guessing that is what is going on, not failure of sutures.
Thanks for all your posts I'm learning a lot.