my revision date.
After traipsing around the country to several "fat-docs" (at Tel HaShomer, Ichilov, Ein Karem, Har Hatzofim, and Poriya in Tiberias) and disappointments - I finally have a doc willing to operate - and SOON.
This surgery is risky (but so is not doing anything) GERD can become very debilitating (as it already has become so for me). I take medicine for it and my situation has been worsening.
Dr. Giron of Poriya in Tiberias!
Surgery: RNY GB - gastric bypass as a revision from previous ops of SRVG.VBG, and POVH and GERD.
When: hospitalization 1/02/08 and op will be 3/February/08.
Visiting hours: 10:00 AM -13:00 PM
15:00 PM-20:30 PM
Connex Bus #39
To my dear friends who care: I have researched and suffered for many months. This is n
ot a new medical situation, but rather an on-going one. I am an adult and am capable of making life-decisions. My choice may not be what you would choose in a similar situation; but this is mine. I hope you can support me in this. I need caring and positive people in my life. I know you are one of them.
Thank you in advance.
Mikimi in Israel
m[email protected]