RESTORe Update-3 Months

(deactivated member)
on 1/25/08 3:21 am
I went for my 3 month appointment today (actually it's been 80 days) and want to post an update.  The great news is that I've lost 40 pounds, 5 1/2" in my waist and I'm down 2 pants sizes!!  It was a pretty easy schedule..I just had to see the research nurse and nutritionist.  I had blood drawn and scheduled my 6 month checkup for May 9.  At that time I will have another EGD and see the nurse, nutritionist, and surgeon.    At my 6 month appointment they will reveal to me if I actually had the procedure or not.  I would be very surprised to hear that I didn't have it because I truly feel restriction.  I want to point out that I am very compliant with my eating, but my tool is making it much easier to stick to it.  Here's an example of what I'll eat in a particular day.  I don't normally measure my food but I knew the nutritionist would ask me today so I did measure yesterday:  Breakfast:  2 egg omelette (2 eggs, splash of milk, 1/4 c fat free cheese, 1 oz lean ham, 2 mushrooms, 1 tsp diet margarine) Lunch:  Big (4 cups salad, 5 grape tomatoes, 1/4 c fat free cheese, 3-4 oz chicken, sprinkle of chinese noodles (crunchy), 1 TBSP blue cheese dressing).  I dip my fork in the dressing and then stab the salad.  I don't use nearly as much dressing that way. Afternoon snack:  2 oz chicken OR 1 lite string cheese OR 1 piece fruit Dinner:  3-4 oz lean meat (chicken, turkey, fish), maybe 1/4 c of starch (pasta, potatoes) and at least 1/2 c cooked veggies.  OR I have  1 1/2 c turkey chili with 1/4 c ff cheese and 3 saltines. Evening snack:  1 fudgesicle (40 calorie sugar free) I also drink about 100oz of water a drinking 30 min before or after meals.  I was drinking crystal light but I noticed the weight loss picked back up with water so I'm sticking to it!! Good luck to everyone who is in the RESTORe procedure and also for those who are scheduled to have the procedure. 
on 1/25/08 4:28 am - Fort Worth, TX
Lullaby, I had my initail appt for blood work and questionaire on Jan 3, then my endoscopy was scheduled for today. My sister was to have her blood work done on this upcoming Monday, but the Dallas facility called her yesterday to tell her it was cancelled, so of course I panicked thinking the entire study was cancelled. Fortunately the study was just closed to further registration and thank GOD, I was already scheduled for the endoscopy. Then I had to pray to the sleet/freezing rain Gods, to allow decent weather to make the 50 mile drive today. Thank goodness, it was mostly rain, and I was able to make my endoscopy appt today. Now my concern is if my stoma is too large. The doctor said it's definitely large, actually larger than the tool used to measure the stoma. He said it would be a challenge to get it closed up, but he didn't think the size of it would eliminate me from the study. Do you have to know what the criteria is for the size of the stoma? Well, I'll know next week, so keep me in your prayers, but seeing the results definitely answers why I'm hungry shortly after eating my normal small meals. Everyone be Blessed..... Nannette
(deactivated member)
on 1/25/08 4:56 am
Nannette- The only thing I know about stoma criteria is that it has to be at least 2" wide.  Mine was 3" which was also the width of my pouch.  If yours is bigger than that maybe both your pouch AND stoma stretched?   Looking forward to an update from you next week!!
on 1/25/08 9:51 am - Fort Worth, TX
Thanks again Lullaby!  I'm reading the report the Doctor gave me along with pictures, and he says there is evidence of a patent RNY gastrojejunostomy with a very small gastric pouch size. The gastrojejunal anastomosis was characterized by healthy appearing mucosa and was large in size. So hopefully that means, my pouch is still intact with an oversized stoma.  I think that's what it means. All this medical mumble jumble confuses me. So I'll await my call next week. Thank you all for sharing and all the advice. Nannette
apirl R.
on 1/25/08 4:38 am

That is great on your success, I am part of the restore study at the brigham women hospital in Boston Ma.  The procedure was done september 5 2007, However i am not sure if i had the procedure or not, because it is a clinical trail, and the people who participated will not know if they are the sham until february 18.  My journey has not been good, lost 20lbs and put back 10lbs back on- i  feel that i did not have it done. Since you know you had the procedure, are you feeling fuller with less food?

(deactivated member)
on 1/25/08 5:02 am

apirl- I defninitely feel fuller on less food.  Of course I'm also eating the "right" kinds of food that are supposed to make us feel fuller.  Since I've been detoxed from carbs I stay away from them as much as possible.  I was a big snacker and the chips, pretzels, crackers, cookies, etc all go down so easily and I was able to eat quite a bit of them.  It's very possible that you didn't have the procedure since 1/3 of the participants won't have it.  The good news is that very soon you will find out for sure and be offered it if you in fact didn't have it.  I'd love to hear from you again after your next appointment.  I don't know anyone who has completed the 6 month trial (at least on OH). 

apirl R.
on 1/25/08 5:35 am
thank you so much for your quick response,  i will defintely keep you posted.  One more question, how do you feel if you try to eat to much? Is there a pain in stomach?  It is so weird that i can eat just as much as before the restore. 
(deactivated member)
on 1/25/08 5:57 am
I don't feel pain, but I do get a sort of uncomfortable tight feeling just below my chest...pretty much how I felt the first year or two after RNY.  It's hard to mistake the feeling of fullness in your pouch.   From what you're describing, my guess is that you did not have the procedure.   You don't have much longer to find out!
on 1/25/08 8:16 am - Norwich, CT
Hi There,    I went to Brigham and Women's and had an endoscopy (with Chris Thompson) to see if I qualify and I don't think I did.  First of all, I think he said my opening was 16mm, which was apparently not over the limit and the other thing against me was the fact that I have a Protein S deficiency  which affects clotting and I think that is also what disqualified me.  I don't know for sure because I was disheartened and didn't return for my follow up, which is where I'm certain I would have been officially disqualified.    So now I will be having Stomaphyx next Friday.  Is what you wrote pretty much all you eat in a day?  I'm assuming that you aren't "grazing" because that sure is a fail safe way to regain weight.  Do you exercise every day?  Are you working at this every day?  Does it get easier?  I think that after my Stomaphyx I will be too afraid to eat much of anything for fear of blowing all the pleats out. Sue
(deactivated member)
on 1/25/08 9:36 pm
Hi Sue- Grazing was my biggest downfall...well that and my carb addiction.    I'm so happy with my results and the fact that I've been given a second chance at losing.  I do not have the urge to sabotage it by going back to my old habits again.  I am very greatful for this opportunity to have my tool adjusted and like you, I'm afraid of undoing what's been done.  I was SO VERY careful the first 6 weeks because they warned me that the stitches could dislodge and I wouldn't even realize it.  Now I'm just careful not to eat to maximum fullness consistently because I don't want to stretch the stoma again. Unfortunately I am not exercising.  I have always hated exercise and it's very hard to get motivated to do that.  My husband is on me constantly to do "SOMETHING" but this is something I haven't been able to start up...YET.  I know I need to...there is no reason NOT to do it.  I have to, and I   As far as it getting easier, I think it has.  I've made my eating habits just's a routine now for me to eat like this and I intend on keeping it this way.  What I listed above is pretty much a typical day.  Of course some days are different and I might have a bite or two of something I'm not supposed to have if we're at a family function or out to dinner.  Last night I went out with a couple of my friends and we went to Maggiano's (GREAT Italian).  I had a tiny piece of bread (YIKES), 2 forkfuls of linguini and about 4-5 bites of chicken parmesan and I couldn't eat anymore.  I ordered a small popcorn later at the movie and hardly made a dent in it.      I'm looking forward to hearing about your stomphyx procedure when you're up to posting about it!
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