I'm excited yet nervous at the same time. My date is quickly approaching and I am trying to have everything in order before the big day. Monday at 6am I am to report to hospital and while this has been a long time coming, I still feel like it's all a dream and someone is going to wake me up and tell me that this isn't true. I'm trying to get my mind right for after the procedure. I am confidant that God brought me this far, He will lead me through the operation. Having take down of Vertical Band Gastroplasty and converting to a Lap roux en y gastric by pass. Just wanted to post and encourage anyway who is trying to have a revision to not give up. Look at it as a second chance to live again and this time don't take it for granted. Will post when I make it home for any1 interested on how everything went.
"Consider the Works of God"

Congrats on the date. I have a question for you. Did your insurance cover this? I had a VBG done back in 2001. They had to take the band out after less than two months. I am trying to get gastric but am scared my insurance won't cover it. They have a one and done type deal but my one was taken out and I should get another chance.
Good luck!
Yes my insurance is covering it, but you have to read the coverage details with your insurance provider. They will only cover a revision only if it is a medical necessity. I had to prove to them it was a technical failure. I had to have an upper endoscopy done with a GI doctor, had to have a psychological and nutritional evaluation and a 6 month supervised diet and exercise program with a physician and they wanted to know what symptoms I had. My acid reflux (GERD) come back, had ulcer, and hiatel hernia, so in the end after 3 denials they had proof that it wasn't my fault that the weight came back but that the band had slipped.
Hope that helps