RESTORe a No Go for me...
Well if you are a smoker, You do not qualify for the RESTORe study.... That was my answer... Sydney was really nice, she did tell me that if I could quit and have 3 mos of documentation from my phys. then I could still be considered. Oh well!!! I would quit right now if I knew for sure that I qualified (ie; enlarged stoma), but it was about a year ago when I quit and I was also trying to watch my diet and well, needless to say I was drinking about 100 oz of water a day, getting in all the protien, etc... and I gained about 10 lbs not to mention I couldn't poop!!!! anyways I started smoking again and I then got regular again.
On the good side of this I am 1 day out of the 5day pouch test and I have lost 8lbs...!!! and when I started looking into this I thought I weighed around 215 lbs (I Hate getting on the scales and I just assumed that was my weight, bcause last time I weighed myself I was around 210 lbs) well anyways on day one of the 5dpt I weighed myself and to my amazement I was 200 lbs, well now I am under 200 again I plan on working hard to keep it that way!!! I am still craving carbs, but I am resisting... I could actually eat more at my mealtimes than I do , but I am making myself stop... and I got into a size 12 pair of jeans I haven't been able to wear in a while (they aren't the stretchy kind either, I have been wearing size 14 stretchy kind!!!!)... So I am gonna keep up my hard work!!!!
Thanks so much for all of the info and support, I had gained ...LoL... so much from this sight, when I first had RNY in 2001 I researched for almost 2 yrs and this sight has helped me tremendously...
Thanks so much,
Kathy - haven't heard a word yet, but today will be a week so I'm hoping I'll hear something. Just be thankful you got in when you did. She's sending the consents out to people who contact her, but she's not scheduling anyone for the next month or so because they're so backed up. I'll post a new thread as soon as I hear.
Lap RNY 5/7/03
I lost 50+ pounds of regained weight with hCG drops.
I think you're doing amazing by not letting it get you down! Sometimes when God says NO to one thing he is going to say YES to something that's better for you. Good luck with the 5 dpt! Let us know how you are doing! I am really proud of you! And I can relate to the constipation thing...I've started drinking a little coffee because nothing else is helping....Hang in there!
Awww... That's so nice to say
I finished the 5dpt Tues. and I have been writing down everything I put into my mouth... I have been drinking over 100oz of water a day, around 100g of protien and less than 1000 calories a day, eating 4-5 small meals, etc, you know really trying to stick to the rules... But tomarrow is gonna be hard, I am having a BDay party for my G maw, she is 91 years old!!! but we are gonna have sketti and lasagna and of course I am making cake (I am a stay at home mom with a hobby of making cakes... Oh maybe that's how I gained) anyways I am only in charge of making the cake, so I am holding off till the AM to make it so I won't be tempted to test the icing too much (Real Butter cream) anyways I am gonna allow myself to bend the rules tomarrow, and only tommarrow, I plan on drinking all the water I can so maybe it won't be too bad on me, and if I find myself struggling after tomarrow to get back on track, I plan on buckling down next week and doing the 5dpt again to discipline myself!!! Anyways as far as the RESTORe thing is concerned, I think it may have worked out for the best, my DH works shift work and I am a stay at home mom with no one to really watch my son and we would have had to take him out of school for the 4 hr drive to Cleveland and we would have had to work around my hubbys work schedule, not to mention the $$$ for the trips so it worked out better for me, don't get me wrong I sure do wish I could've got the chance, but it's my own fault...
Thanks again,
ps.... I am a coffee addict, I used to drink 2 half pots a day, since the 5dpt I treat myself in the evening to a big mug of coffee with skim and I've been doing OK, but I do still smoke....

Lots of ppl have had success with this... including me... It helps you kinda get back to the right mind of thinking and getting back to the Good habits... go to this sight and it explains all...
Good Luck,