major pain after a revision

lyne R.
on 1/6/08 5:49 am - windsor, Canada
Just wondering if anyone else has had a 2nd open surgery ? i had a open  vbg done in 98 and i just had a revision done to an open rny.i can't believe the pain that i'm still having my incision healed so nice but i'm in pain inside i have trouble coughing and sneezing  if i do it burns it's really strange so please if anyone else has had problems and found out what it was caused by please let me know  forgot to mention i'm 9 weeks out and had a ultrasound done at 4 weeks  docs can't see if it's caused by a hernia or just damaged tissu they told  me i had to wait 6-8  weeks till everything is healed but i'm very worried cause this pain isn't getting any better  thanks Lyne
on 1/6/08 6:29 am - Columbia, SC
I haven't had a 2nd surgery yet.  However, things don't sound right.  You are 9 weeks out and you are having that kind of pain.  I really think the doctor needs to do more to see what is going on.  I hope you are some good pain meds because there isn't anything worse than being in constant pain.  Please keep us informed if you find out what is going on.
on 1/6/08 7:13 am - Layton, UT

Yikes Lyne! I feel the burn to so to speak!  BUT.....I'm not even 2 weeksk post-op yet so I have hope that all will go away!  This is my 2nd OPEN since my first Rny proximal was also open.  I also had a full abdominoplasaty a while ago so my poor abdomen is screaming at me!

Today is my first day off of pain meds so I'm toughing it out (want to be able to drive) and hope that the healing take the burn away.  I've been holding a tight coughing/sneezing pillow but can't imagine doing that for 9 weeks!!!  I do notice that my breathing is better after a long walk which makes my coughing a little gentler.

Let us know what you find out and prayers your way that your healing completes so you can enjoy your Revision!

Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


on 1/6/08 8:46 am - Smyrna, TN
I am considering a  revision.  Like the woman in pain I also had a VBG  but in  about 16 yrs ago have done great until the past six months now able to really eat much more than ever have gained 30 lbs in just 6 months am 89 lbs to the good from original VBG. Just miserable now  can anyone tell me their experiences with revisions. What is involved? Would you do it again? Anyone from Tn? Considering  CMC Center for Obesity ? Dr Houston or Dyer.  Any input appreciated.           Hope things improve  for you!
lyne R.
on 1/6/08 11:19 am - windsor, Canada
Hi  this for the lady considering  a Revision this is Lyne the woman who is still in pain ...have you talked to your original surgeon?  they  might be able to do a  scope to see whats going on in there  when i had mine done they only found a hiatal hernia that's not the reason i  regained most of my weight back   the reason is i stopped going to  the Gym figured it was ok to have a bite of this and a bite of that since i was at my goal weight i even had a tummy tuck and skin removed from under my arms  well next thing i knew i was back to my old eating habits and miserable and ashamed of myself for letting this happen that's why i'm here today. got a second chance and thank God everyday!well get back to me and wish you the best of luck!  Lyne
lyne R.
on 1/6/08 10:56 am - windsor, Canada
Hi Joyce  thank you so much for writing back ,but i am a little confused are you saying you had a Rny back in 2003 lost 140 and gained most of it back? if you don't mind me asking what do you think was the cause for the weight gain ?i know  with the vbg 90% of the patients regain  cause you are still able to eat whatever you choose there was no restrictions and that's what happen to me once i was at my goal weight i figured i could start eating  a little junk here and there Man was i wrong look were i'm at now! that's why i chose the Rny to keep me away from the sweets ...that is my down fall. What exactly is a proximal? as for walking i walk the tread mill for a half hour and do the bike for 20 min everyday can't let the pain stop me i've tried jogging on the tread mill but it hurt so bad so i just stick with walking i see my surgeon tomorrow we'll see what he say's!thank you so much for the prayers can never use too many of those you will have to keep me updated also i hope the burn starts going away for ya.i will update tomorrow when i come back from my surgeons Lyne
on 1/6/08 12:46 pm - Layton, UT

Lyne, I had proximal Rny (short limb) done in 2003 and lost 140 pounds.  I regained about 40.  I am hoping to lose 40 or a bit more to be at my goal weight.  ....  My regain was from an open stoma, bad choices, a couple of surgeries that took me away from the gym and oh....did I already say ...bad choices!  LOL!  Wish I could blame it all on someone else....but alas....sweets are my friend.  I don't have any false hope that I will magically stop eating sweets....just hoping for a second chance so I can get on a better plan!  I"ve purged the nasty stuff from the house and will take this retraining period seriously; hoping to eventually live forever as a Southbeach dieter.

Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


on 1/6/08 3:03 pm - Corbin , KY

I am looking to have a revision done but I am having trouble finding a dr that I can trust with my life.I'm more scared of chosing the wrong dr than the surgery itself. I am not sure where to look for some suggestions on this site since I am new. I know I have heard of patients having the problems your having but it should have decreased by now from my understanding. I would go back to my dr and have to do more test. It needs to be checked more closely. Let me know how your doing. My name is Karyn

Tawnda C.
on 1/6/08 11:40 pm - Jacksonville, Fl
I had a revision one week ago today, Dec. 31. I had original open RNY on 10/22/02. I lost around 155 but had gained back 50. I had been having pain/pressure in middle of my stomach so the doctor, not the one who did original surgery, ran tests and found a large fistula. This surgery has been easier pain wise because he went in old incision. The bad part is he isn't allowing me to swallow anything by mouth yet to give scar tissue time to heal inside. I have to do Ensure through G-tube every 3 hours. Head hunger is now my worst enemy. Also I can only brush my teeth and rinse my mouth out. I am already bored and hope I can go back to work on Wednesday. I see the doctor tomorrow and hoping he will let me start on something, even ice chips, by mouth.
on 1/7/08 12:52 pm - Corbin , KY
Thanks for getting back to me. I have been having pain  and pressure in my stomach as well and it seems like whenever I eat, you can hear my stomach growl 2 ft away and it  really bothers me. I am a nursing student and I won't eat if we have to go back to class because if I do everyone can hear.. I know I sound stupid to be a nursing student but what is a fistula? May I ask how much you weigh now?I'm at 215. I am so eager to get it done but I am not sure how to find a reliable dr. So your not sure how much longer you will have to have the G-tube? Gosh that must be hard on you. I hope you get to rid that soon and like you said eat ice chips or something. So what exactly did they have to do? I amd sorry to ask so many ?'s but I really want this done because I am getting married this year and I don't wanna be a fat bride.
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