Which would you choose lapband or rny?
I loved my DS until a surgeon here in Omaha decided to reverse me without my knowledge. Once I learned the quirks of having a DS I loved it. You just have to learn the new way your body works. I went from 400 to 185 and have stayed between 185-190 for the last 2.5 years ****il the revision anyway, I have now regained 50 pounds and doing everything possible to get it off, apparently my body is keeping every calorie I swallow).
Good luck to you.
Hi Darnell,
I am fairly new to this site but I just wanted to let you know that Lap band did not work for me either. I could never find the right fill amount an if I did it only lasted a little while and I was right back to wanting to eat a side of beef!! I am scheduled for a lap to rny on 1/16 revision and I can't wait. I would have been in a whole different place right now had I just done the rny to begin with two years ago. I think I lost a total of about 32 lbs and put back on about 40. grrrrr!!!!

80 lbs lost lots more to go....