Which would you choose lapband or rny?

Suzanna N.
on 1/5/08 5:31 am - Ocala, FL
Ouch! Joyce, that does not sound fun at all. I hope it gets better soon for you. I am feeling back to normal at about 99 percent. I am back on regular food now and doing what the doc said. All is well and the weight is coming off. I am down 25 lbs and just breaking my first stall....oh joy! So far....so good. I know what you mean about the nice Arizona weather this time of year.....Florida is usually great for the outdoors right now too..... Good time for hiking.
on 1/5/08 7:49 am - Layton, UT
Oh my gosh!  25 pounds is awesome!  That's in less than a month, right?  Are you feeling restriction now that you are back on reg food?  What do you think so far of your "phyx"? Sooooooo is your Distal producing the awful aromas that my Distal is producing?  HELP!  Any ideas?  I'm wondering how I'll keep my job?
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010   
     www.dsfacts.com , www.dssurgery.com , & www.duodenalswitch.com


Suzanna N.
on 1/6/08 10:32 pm - Ocala, FL
Yes, less than a month. Yes, feeling some restriction....nothing like an original RNY pouch, but seems pretty good so far. I will hold judgement till I pass the 3 month mark on how well I really think it works.....lol. And yes, I definitely can smog up the bathroom. But its not too terribly bad usually. I need to pay more attention to which foods really do me in.....LOL
Laurie LOVES her DS
on 1/3/08 4:19 am, edited 1/3/08 4:22 am - Southern, CA
On January 3, 2008 at 8:55 AM Pacific Time, Donkey wrote: If I had it to do over again, I'd go with the distal RNY.  I'm having issues with my DS.  Donkey,   Stop bad mouthing the DS and TAKE SOME RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOURSELF if you truly are a DSer. You have been urged by myself and others that if you are telling the truth and are having issues with what you think is a DS, then you need to see another surgeon since you claim your surgeon thinks nothing is wrong  .... because what you've told us is obviously NOT NORMAL for a DSer.    There are reports of the surgeon you claim is yours... doing the BPD instead of the DS, so maybe what you ACTUALLY have is the BPD and as such should  STOP CALLING YOURSELF A  DSer!  By the way, why did you remove your surgeon's name from below your user name at left?  With what you 've posted in the past, I'm surprised you are still alive and well enough to post today. THIS IS WHY EVERYONE THINKS YOU ARE A TROLL ... because what you say about the DS is all lies.   None of what you say adds up.   Maybe you have poor reading comprehension ... or you are a RNYer bent on spreading lies about the DS.  (Note to RNYers ... I did not say ALL RNYers spread lies about the DS ... just crazy people like Donkey who loves to stir, stir, stir) Laurie

PRE OPS ...  Want a surgery that has the least chance of long-term re-gain, is BEST at curing your Diabetes (98%+), removes much of the hunger hormone Ghrelin, NO DUMPING, NO MARGINAL ULCERS and NO STOMA / STRICTURES? CURIOUS WHY I CHOSE THE DS?  VISIT MY PROFILE.

on 1/3/08 4:43 am - Huntsville, AL
ROFLMAO!  What is WITH YOU?!  You obviously have ISSUES --  But, with the DS they are NOT!  LOL!
on 1/3/08 2:26 am - PA
DS (preferred) or RNY.  I had nothing but problems with the band.  I know it works for some, but for me it was a nightmare (and made my revision to DS more difficult).
Missy - Got my DS 11/06/07 and got RID of the  band!  Thanks Dr. P!!!
on 1/3/08 2:28 am - VA
Hi Darnell, I would suggest discussing your situation with a surgeon that has experience doing a lot of all the WLSs and revisions. There may be one in GA as well as one in VA. I know I'm biased, but Dr Elariny near DC is very fair minded and would give your situation and eating habits an honest assessment. Please PM me if you'd like to talk further. Take care, Gina

5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
Join us on the
Lightweights Board!
DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny

on 1/3/08 2:45 am - Horsham, PA
I would shop aroiund for surgeons. I had the DS with a lower BMI and NO comorbidities.


Angelette to CathyO,
Angel to Levitown_Loser, Tom and Mommyto2gr8kids, Heather!


~~Sami~~ *.
on 1/3/08 2:53 am - Jacksonville, FL
Hi Darnell: I would really seek out a truly experienced revision surgeon.  You say that this guy has performed MGB revisions? If so, what procedure has he done... what are the results...etc.  Ask if you can be put in touch with his MGB revision patients.   I've had a Lap-Band for 6-1/2 years now.  To be honest, I wouldn't recommend it.  I've seen way too many complications, Band removals, etc. in the past 6-1/2 years.  I would consider talking to Dr. Rutledge about revision options as well... I hear he now bypasses a lot more intestine.  Perhaps he could do that (easily) as well as fix your pouch.  Just a thought. Even with a Lap-Band, you're not guaranteeing a lack of a stretched pouch.  A lot of Lap-Banders suffer from esophogeal dilation... which basically means they're esophagus enlarges to form almost a bigger stomach so they can eat more.   If it were me, I'd probably be leaning more towards the RNY, if the DS isn't an option.

Lap-Band June 14, 2001. Dr. Rumbaut, Monterrey, Mexico.
Lap-Band removed after 7 years and converted to Sleeve Gastrectomy on July 7, 2008 by Dr. Roslin.  I've had three happy healthy Lap-Band babies.... and one VSG baby.  5 years out from revision to VSG.  Gained 55 pounds in past 5 months, now considering DS. :(


on 1/3/08 3:58 am - Small Town, OH
Hi Darnell! My BMI goes between 36-39. I was approved for my DS when my BMI was, if memory serves, 37.5. You should be able to have the DS without any problem is your BMI is 39. While I understand your desire for aftercare and proximity close to your home, I was stress weighing your pros and cons.  I think the biggest goal (the biggest "pro") is having a surgery that will benefit you.  I have heard of may RNY and lapband revisions to a DS but NEVER a DS revision to a RNY or a DS revision to a Lapband.  The only revision from a DS that I've heard of is when someone loses too much weight and wants their common channel lengthened for increased absorption.  I think those facts alone speak for themselves.   Also, if you think back to 8 years ago, gastric bypasses were few and far between where as now they're more common place.  Trends show the DS will be the same.  So, while there are no DS surgeons close to you now, there probably will be several in the not-too-distant future.  I'm in Ohio and my parent's next door neighbor had the RNY about 10 years ago.  She had to go to northern Ohio (I'm not sure if it was Bowling Green or Cleveland) because that was the only place that was performing any type of gastric procedure.  Now, you can find an RNY surgeon within any major (and some minor) cities.  Columbus, Dayton, Cincinnati, Cleveland, etc, are full of them.  So, as I'm sure you can see, medical procedures and surgeons who perform them grow at an alarming rate...especially one like gastric procedures that make LOTS of money for the surgeons. With all this being said, again, I have to stress weighing your priorities and your reasons for wanting the revision. This should also include what you want your post-op life to look like.  I would also examine the reasons for your regain and see if your new, chose procedure would help with those issues.  If not, you might find yourself back here for yet another revision in another 5-10 years. Best of luck on your journey!

HW/SW/CW/GW    231/225/123/130-125
~Surgeon's Goal of Normal BMI reached at 6 months Post Op~
~Personal Goal Range achieved at less than 10 months Post Op~

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