can vbg be revised to a lapband?
i got stomach staples (vbg) 10 years ago and for the first 2 years it was great until my staples fell out and now i have regained 110% of my weight. now i have high cholesterol and joint pain. and ofcourse im a size 18-20. my cousin got the lap band at the same time i did and she has kept all the weight off no problem and she eats cookies and cake all day. i dont think i could go thru with getting a bypass. does anyone out there have a vbg to lapband revision? and how are you doing?
Hi there!
Hon, did you have the "Vertical BANDED Gasrtoplasty" or the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy? If it is the VBG, then you still have your stomach, so I would think a band placed around the whole stomach would work. You'd have to consult a surgeon who does revisions. I hope this helped!
ETA: Hi again, I just read your profile, and see that you HAVE talked to some docs. Maybe consider another type of WLS? I would think a surgeon would need to actually SEE what your stomach looks like before they know what can be done as a revision.

I had the vertical banded gastroplasty done 16 yrs ago have gained about 40 -45 lbs back kept 89 lbs off. Went to a seminar yesterday asking the Dr. the same question you have and he said it is best to repeat or revise the same procedure not place a lap band. I was really hoping to hear the lap band would be a great option. Of course this is one surgeons informal opinion. Good Luck!