I'm in the RESTORE clinical trials.
on 12/31/07 12:45 am

Hi Everyone, Sorry I took so long to reply; I've had holiday company and just got freed up today. My EDG , bloodwork,and initial visits with Psychologist, Nurse, and Nutritionist were all scheduled on the same day, beginning at 7:30 AM-because I live 8 hours from Cleveland. My EKG, chest x-ray, additional bloodwork, and 2nd visit with nutritionist were scheduled the day before my actual procedure so I could stay over and only make one trip. I did have to drive back up for a 2 week follow-up and I'm scheduled in January for the 6 week follow-up visit. So far I'm doing great. Still struggle some with head hunger, but I eat my protein first and there not room for indulgence. I continue to feel good restriction when eating. Wterry99