StomaphyX info

happy girl
on 12/24/07 11:25 am, edited 12/24/07 11:27 am
I thought this was interesting info that I would pass is second  and third hand, so take it for what it's worth.  my cousin works as an RN in Endoscopy and was talking to one of the Dr's about stomaphyx and the success/failure  of it for revisions and he said when "they" (the dr's doing stomaphyx) first started doing the revisions, they weren't putting in enough tacks/ stitches (not sure of the terminology), so now they know to put in more, and some dr's have gone from putting in only 4, to doing in tight enough that only water will go down, knowing that it will allow food to pass after 2 or so weeks on a liquid diet.

Anyway, that's what I heard and it could be why some weren't getting good results at first, because it was so new and the drs really didn't know how to proceed for a WLS revision

2003 RNY, 2007 Revision Distal RNY
April 17, 2009 ~ fleur de lis TT w/Muscle Repair, Medial Thigh Lift, Ventral Hernia Repair 



Suzanna N.
on 12/25/07 3:46 am - Ocala, FL
It would make total sense. There has got to be a learning curve...there is with anything. Thats why they say you don't want be one of a bariatric surgeons first seventy five patients. Overcash was pretty upfront with me on the fact that the StomaphyX was no magic bullet,....just another tool. Just another tool that I could AGAIN break if I did not listen and adhere to instructions I might add. I am going to say something that sounds harsh and oh well if it ****** anyone off, but many of us (This exludes mechanical or surgical failures not brought on in someway by yourself) were very non compliant and expected the tool to run by itself and do ALL the work. Well I am here to say my stoma was really stretched......and it was not a failure of my original surgeon. I can't tell you how many times I threw up because I put one too many bites of food in there. I drank with my food, sometimes deliberately so I could eat more. I drank enough beer and soda that the gas in my pouch alone should have blown that sucker up. And lets not even talk about what my diet was like.........  I would bet there are plenty of others like me rather they admit it or not. I see a lot of people *****ing about the stomphyX two to three weeks after they get it and I am having a hard time understanding that if they are following the instructions. I guarantee you if I do exactly what Overcash told me to do, I will lose weight.  Now will it be I think that is the problem. Because he is asking me to be accountable for what I put into my body and actual THINK about it. That is HARD. Its much easier to unconciously graze or eat whatever looks good at the time. Everybody wants to go in and have a procedure and have the original tightness, magic, honeymoon period and forgiveness....YES FORGIVENESS (I did not break mine wls overnight....It took a lot of work to screw it up that bad) of the original surgery.... I know I will screw up some and maybe lots. But I also know I have got to work at it this time. I mean REALLY work at it and not just pay lip service to myself. I also do believe there will be a lot of us who will fail with the stomaphyx. I think its a numbers game. If we failed once based on non compliance, wouldn't you expect a high number of failures again? I sure do. Frankly, I think we (the noncompliant) are a certain group who are going to have higher failure rates on ANY procedure because we don't want to follow the rules in the first place.  And I admit thats my personality.....I do not want to follow rules, measure my food, log my intake, go to support meetings or any of it. I make a decision, I want the I then want to be done with it and move on. < again, this is MY personality and I am quite aware of my own faults. So, for now at least, I am sucking it up and doing what I am told and going through some motions I truly detest and trying to make them habits. I wish everyone luck with this or any other revision procedure, or wls in general. This is not an easy ride......exhilarating yes.....easy..........hell no. Good luck to all in their journeys and I guess in a year or two we will have more solid information on several of these new procedures. Even though I am always a bit skeptical when looking at stats, numbers or whatever.....(sorry I am in Purchasing and I know how to manipulate the heck out of my data when needed). Its just that there is always a story behind every % point....and to me, some need to be weighed heavier than others. Suz
happy girl
on 12/25/07 10:12 am
I think you raised ALOT of really meaningful points.  I have worked very hard on forgiving myself.  I wasn't nice to myself when I was heavy, and I wasn't nice to myself when my surgery went bad.  It is hard work, but like you said, if you stay compliant you'll see results.  I think too one key is the post op diet .....can you share what Dr Overcash has you do, is there a period postop where you are on liquids, then progress etc

2003 RNY, 2007 Revision Distal RNY
April 17, 2009 ~ fleur de lis TT w/Muscle Repair, Medial Thigh Lift, Ventral Hernia Repair 



Suzanna N.
on 12/25/07 9:16 pm - Ocala, FL
You bet. I am heading into my third week on "full liquids".  But his diet list that I got at the hospital included some mushy/chewy foods as well (oatmeal, cottage cheese, ricotta cheese). I have been living on yogurt, cottage cheese, oatmeal, strained cream soups with high protein milk and the good old protein shake. I get all my fluids in and am hitting above 60, and under 90 grams of protein a day. Calories are running around 700-800 per day right now.  My follow up appt. is on the 4th of January and I am not sure what kind of foods I can eat after that....I am assuming soft foods until the pleats and scar tissue is completely healed in the pouch. Before he discharged me the one thing he was adamant about was that I was to eat no more than 2/3 cup solid food at a time.  No more at one sitting or I would stretch this thing right back out. And he also reiterated the 'no drinking with your meals" rule. I am staring at my left over oatmeal from breakfast, looks like I ate about 2/3, of my 2/3 cup serving. I am not stuffed, but I am satisfied and full enough that I know I don't really want anymore. Normally, even though I am full, I would mindlessly keep taking a bite more here or there till I finished the bowl without thinking about it. I bought a 'diet minder' from is a handy food, fluid and activity log and I just keep it with me and keep writing everything down. I was amazed that I could be taking in 800 calories on what looks like basically no food! Its quite a reality check. Good luck to you.
on 12/30/07 9:14 am - Cumberland, RI
SUZ...AMEN...You are me.  I lost 247 lbs. with RNY.  My surgery was four years ago.  I have regained about 60 lbs. because I can eat more and I do eat more.  I am investigating Stomaphyx because I have convinced myself that there is no way for me to conquer this than to be physically restricted.  I don't want to journal, to exercise, to appear different than my normal size friends.  What you say is eloquent and TRUE!! Good luck with your journey as well. Donna
Suzanna N.
on 12/31/07 1:31 am - Ocala, FL
Thanks Donna. It SUCKS, but it is what it is...... LOL... Good luck to you too. Suz
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