Dr. says revision success not as good!!!

on 11/27/07 7:42 am
Hi I too am at the same placae you are.I had the lap band in Oct of '04---lost 80 lbs, in 4 months but was fainting, vomiting and choaking. Have since regained 45 lbs and still having problems (band is empty). My new physician is recommending removal of the band with bypass or sleeve. I too am researching...I'm booked for Jan 7th but haven't decided which way to go yet. I would appreciate being in contact with you and discuss our findings. If you are willing my emial is [email protected].  looking forwaed to hearing from you. Thank you. Carolyn
on 11/29/07 4:02 pm - Bridgeport, CT
I was just wondering. Who is new surgeon that you found. I was considering  using your former surgeon for my revision but a few people have had issues there.
on 11/29/07 1:18 am - GA
I was banded on 3/26/07 and am also considering converting to RNY. I am very displeased with my lapband results thus far. I was also displeased with my original bariatric surgeon (very conservative fills) and have since found Dr. Scott Steinberg at Dekalb Medical Center in Decatur. I had my initial consult with Dr. Steinberg last month and expressed to him my displeasure with lap-band and he told me that if I'm not seeing results we can convert to RNY bypass. I am seriously considering this option and am wondering what insurance requirements/stipulations must be met in order to convert?
on 11/29/07 9:55 am - Miami, FL
I'm not sure about the insurance portion of it.  But I wish you luck.  My husband just happens to have United Healthcare and they have bariatric coverage so I'm waiting till after January when my insurance with his company kicks in.  If you have Aetna like I did, good luck....they are the WORST!
on 11/29/07 11:14 pm - GA
Thanks so much. Luckily, my new bariatric doctor said to me "If you're not happy with the band, we can always take it out and go with bypass surgery". I sure hope he's right...
on 12/4/07 6:38 am - Stanwood, WA
That is what I did. I had problems with my band after about 1 year. Kept and tried and tried to get it working again but I started having a lot of pain. In the end I had a revision to a Mini Gastric Bypass. -Van
on 12/8/07 11:44 am - Manteca, CA
Wow, so many here going with the RnY after a failed lap band. Just a word of caution: I had the RnY originally, proximal, and IT DID NOT WORK FOR ME so beware the RnY does not always work either. I am now seeking to have the DS, which I believe is the best of all the weight loss surgeries. My original bariatric surgeon recommended I have the lapband over the RnY. No way. After I found the DS forum here on OH, that is what I want!. So I would advise all of you seeking the RnY over the lapband, go check out the duodenalswitch.com website and read all about it. It is in your best interest to check out EVERYTHING ABOUT ALL SURGERIES OUT THERE! Best of luck.




Check out
www.dsfacts.com  and www.duodenalswitch.com
 for all the accurate information on the great DS, and find surgeons in your area or around the country or out of the country.

I couldn't have done without all the great peeps on this board.

SW: 234.5     CW: 157   GW: 140 - ish 


(deactivated member)
on 12/8/07 10:10 pm - TX

OK, I was neither a lap band nor revised to the RNY.  I was RNY revised to the DS.  But I did want to comment on the person who said they didn't want their stomach removed.

When the stomach is removed at the greater curvature, it also removes a lot of the hormone, Gherlin, which many doctors feel is the source for hunger pains. Your stomach is a muscle and therfore will stretch a bit, so it does not stay at the 4 oz size most DS surgeons make.  At 16 months out, I can comfortably eat a 12 oz dinner. 

I also want to point out that the DS stomach is more like your natural stomach than a RNY pouch.  The DS stomach is just a smaller version of your stomach with the pyloric valve being retained (The RNY uses an artificial opening called a "stoma" which is notorious for enlarging, therefore emptying your pouch out quickly, because there's no valve to regulate emptying into your small intestines)

And if you're unlucky enough to have staple line disruption, you have food emptying into your "old" stomach at similar speed.

There is no dumping with the DS.  There is no food getting "stuck" with the DS.  And it's rare to vomit.  The constant vomiting is related to staple line disruption.  Mine happened at 2 years out and believe me, it hurt like hell.  I had nothing to eat and only had coffee that morning.

The gas that can be associated with the DS can usually be controlled by diet.  It's also very rare to get diarrhea.  I tend towards constipation, even with my DS.  I have to eat a diet high in fat in order not to feel like I'm not finished in the morning. 

 For example, yesterday I ate: *most days I eat at least 2 X this amount.  I just haven't been hungry lately due to a cold*

Coffee with half and half.  4 big mugs with lots of half and half

Vanilla protein shake made with full fat milk and a banana

egg salad with a lot of mayonnaise

hand full of peanut M*M's

samples at Sam's club, lots of cheese samples and chicken samples, plus quiche and a slice of naval orange

Chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes w/butter

2 slices of pizza with pepperonni and extra cheese

I know for a normal person that would be a lot of full fat.  But as DS'rs only absorb about 18 % of the fat they eat, it isn't for me.  And today, I just don't feel like I'm empty.  sorry if that's TMI.


(deactivated member)
on 12/8/07 10:15 pm - TX

I also wanted to comment on the rate of loss.  In my siggy, you'll see a link to the lab rat charts and if you scroll down to each person's individual name, you can click on their name and see their stats, which will tell you their EWL % for each month they put their info in.

I was concerned about not losing as much as my DS siblings or as fast, but as you can see by clicking on my name in the lab rat chart, I lost just as well as first time weight loss patients and much better than some.  Believe me, it wasn't because I went low carb until I got to goal, either, as I'm 55 years old and once I was out of pain and in a normal size for most women my age, I was happy.  It was never my intention to get model thin or look like a teenager (not saying I do) but I am in a size 4 and am stabilizing very nicely.  It's so weird how our bodies just seem to know we're at the proper weight, then it all slows down to a crawl.

on 12/9/07 10:27 am - Baker, LA
I enjoyed reading this thread.  I will be having a revision on December 17th from band to RNY. I have failed miserably with my band.  I will have had my band 2 years this month on the 28th.  The first year I only lost 20lbs. I just couldnt get good restriction then I moved away from my surgeon, which is something I didnt consider long term with my band. I finally found someone to do my fills in my home state. Started to get restriction finally with my band then it slipped.  I had it repaired in May and had to start all over again. All of this was going on with me while I had to watch my sister, who was banded 3 months after me, experience major success with her band.  Her surgeon will be doing my revision.  He said that some folks just aren't good candidates for the band. I obviously was one one them. I'm so excited about my revision!  You all have encouraged me!  Despite what stats say I will be a band conversion who will be very successfull with RNY!  I half way know what to expect with all of the foolishness I've had to endure with the band. Blessings to all new revisions.


highest life time weight 330lbs///  lowest life time weight without surgery 217lbs
weight pre band 292lbs ///  lowest weight with band 232lbs
pre op weight w/ gastric bypass 252lbs
current weight with RNY 195lbs

"Everything is possible for him who believes."   
Mark 9:23

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