My endescope findings ??
This is part of what I have just received from the new surgeon who did the investigation on me 2 weeks ago ,this will not ( for financial reasons ) be the surgeon who does the revision by the way .
This demonstrated a 9cm long gastric tube with a widely open join to your RNY bypass ..........but shouldnt he have measured the size of the opening ?? Or am I just being picky ?
Susie xxx
Hard to say if it's even possible to accurately "measure" the opening via scope in terms of units, etc depending on what they were going in to "do" - the wording "widely open" is the key phrase, it would appear. I'm not an expert, but I review operative reports as part of my work, and that tends to say (to me) that they've observed it to be larger than what they would normally expect - though it leaves much to be interpreted as to whether it's a negative obesrvation or simply just an anomaly that any typical post-op would have noted on their scope since the RnY join is fabricated as part of the surgery vs. being a "valve"-type outlet as in a non-op.
Ask your surgeon/doc if they have any other info that would shed light on that. Wish I could be more help...