Revision with BMI under 35
Hey Shay,
I know how you feel. Im going to have the EROS study done, but if that doesnt work....Im going to have a revision done and guess what. I am buying 4-5lbs weights to wrap around my wrist and my ankles so the scale will show an extra 20lbs. My BMI is under 40 also. Im not gaining weight just to have a BMI of 40. I am serious too!
Don't mind me. I was under the impression that EROS was a device, similar to the RESTORe device that is currently in Phase III study. But I was wrong in fact, dead wrong. EROS by way of being a procedure does not require FDA approval, in fact the doctor I went to see today does it. Of course he does this not as part of the study (which may or may not be covered, Dazzling do you know about that?) but as part of a self pay. He actually gave me some hope that I am not the worse person on earth for undoing this. He said that 20% of all GB fail in a very similar fashion. I don't know about y'all but while I was told that I could eat this thing wrong, I did not know about the failure rate and mostly after 18 months. I am not saying that I am not a contributor but I am not necessarily a villian. For the first time in months I don't feel like a hopeless failure; lol, now I am a hopeful failure; if that makes any sense!
I maintained my weight for 9 years and all of a sudden I started gaining at a rapid weight for no apparent reason. I got insomnia, my started getting IV's for my iron. My iron came up but and I found out that my thyroid was all out of wack. I started thyroid medication and I haven't gained another pound. I had gained 40 pounds in 4 months.
I went to see Dr. Adam Smith in Fort Worth. You know it is funny. I am also an insomniac now. I wasn't before but I can barely get to sleep without an aid.
The procedure itself is not FDA approved because it does not require approval. In fact the device they use for the endoscopy has only been required to submit a 510K which is premarket notification and not approval. This is what I do for a living so please don't mind me if I get caught up in the details. I'm a nerd.
I know that Dr. Smith is not on the research team and I emailed him today asking him to explain his roll to me. I will keep you informed when I get a response.
Shay me too. I have to take an aid to help me get to sleep, or else I can be up all night long, and then sleep like a baby during the day. I thought it was because of the anemia. When I get health insurance again I will go to the doctor and get a check on my Thyroid. Its har dliving w/o health insurance