Whats wrong with me ?

on 10/17/07 4:29 am - UK
For the past month 5 weeks have been having a lot of nausea  Also feeling very weak and tired as well  Today I felt as if I was going to pass out ,checked my blood sugar after eating and it was 3.5 which I know is lowish  but the weakness , tiredness ,and nausea are now getting me down  went to my doctor to request a blood test and as I had some done in July refused to do any more ,she just said that its depression ,and I need to execise this will make me feel better,well if I really felt good I would be out and doing things ,but this feeling is just crippling me and I really cnt stand it any more ,just feel like screaming" somebody do something " Yes I do have bouts of being deprssed but I really dont think this is the cause of how I am feeling now , was on holiday 2 weeks ago in NY ,and could hardly eat anything or do anything because of the way I am feeling ,every time I do go to eat I feel like I am going to vomit ( even though I dont ) I had the scope done last week and doc said enlarged outlet he didnt say anything else  WHATS WRONG WITH ME ??HELP
(deactivated member)
on 10/18/07 1:26 am
I'm not a doctor and I while I believe drugs are overprescribed (at least here in the United States), they can also dramatically improve quality of life and your outlook of it.  I would suggest speaking to your doctor about that or perhaps speaking to a psychiatrist.  Good luck! 
(deactivated member)
on 10/18/07 9:36 am - Ontario, CA
RNY on 05/07/07 with
Hi Susie, I am new at this because I only had my RNY on May 7th, 07 but I was told that we need lots of B12 to keep us from being weak, depressed and tired.  I take it daily and once a month I get a B12 shot from my PCP.  If you aren't taking B12, you might try that and see if it helps you feel better. You will be in my prayers. Hugs, Esther
on 10/19/07 12:22 am - St. George, UT
Susie: I've had two WLS Surgeries, one in 1979 (Gastric Stapling) and one in 1989 (Revision to RNY). With the first Gastric Stapling I had I was in bed literally for over 3 months I was so bad that I couldn't eat or barely drink anything. I had the surgery September 79 and was 100 lbs lighter by December 79. That should say something about how awful I felt, unfortunately nobody knew anything about the effects of the surgery and I had flown to San Diego to have it done and flew back home to Oklahoma after a few short weeks. I thought I was going to die, but I pushed on because I wanted to be thin so badly, finally my husband took me to a doctor in Oklahoma and he told me he was going to put me in the hospital in OK City if I didn't start to eat something, get up and move around, etc. etc. They said they were going to reverse the surgery. Well that was it, it scared me more than feeling bad. I put myself on a regime of 5 to 10 minutes of walking a day at first, by the end of the first week I was up most of the day and started to feel much better, by the next week I was walking 20 minutes, and by the end of the first month I could walk as long as I wanted without feeling I was going to throw up or pass out. I had terrible dry heaves for a while but that passed as I got cardio going again. All I'm trying to say, is your right, for some of us the experience is unbelievably overwhelming to our system and the body shuts down automatically. But you have to push to get yourself going again. It feels horrible to do that and if we were really strong minded people we probably wouldn't need surgery in the first place. But your life and family depends on it. Believe me you will start to feel better, for sure if there was anything wrong with your surgery the doctors would know by the tests. I do believe you need to get in and get some B12 shots they helped me as well, and take your IRON and Vitamin subliminal B12 pills.  Believe me your going to feel better if your anything like me it will take a few months. Hang in there your going to do it, I know you will. Janie
on 10/19/07 12:04 pm - NJ
I would think about CHANGING DOCS! My doctors are very pro-active. Both my primary physicians and my surgeons. If there is something wrong, they are going to find out what it is. Not tell me to cheer up, take an aspirin and send me on my way. I know you might have had this doc for a while. but you need someone who will at least TRY to help you, whether it is new meds or wahtever. I had hideous anxiety a few years ago, and my doc immediately gave me meds to help me, I am still taking them now. THey are great, and I'm not addicted or anything! Good luck...!
"Don't expect.......Suggest." ......–The Edge
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