stomphyx doesn't look promising...what about pills???

on 10/3/07 1:30 pm - northern, CA
My insurance denied my initial consult with stomaphyx doc, and I don't want to pay $500 out of pocket for this consult, particularly because of the poor responses here on this board...(not to mention another $9k or more for the actual procedure that doesn't necessarily work on the hunger) I'm 4 years out from RNY, started at 225, lost to 158, up to 182.  Not a candidate for surgical revision and since stomaphyx seems so lackluster, I spoke to my PCP about prescription diet pills (I know--this is the revision forum, but I don't know where else to post this) and put me on Meridia.  It did NOTHING.  NADA.  I mentioned it to another doc at the same medical group and he said that he has had a number of patients use Acomplia with great success, but it has to be bought from the UK for about $200/month ($235/month to be exact).  It's the newest drug that almost made it to the US market but was turned down for FDA approval in June because of psychiatric disturbances. Anyway, is there anyone else out there that couldn't revise and turned to this avenue?  What was your result?   My pills should arrive in a week's time, and I'll see for myself...will update if anyone is interested.   Thanks--Cyn
on 10/4/07 12:21 am - Toms River, NJ

Absolutely - keep us updated.  I am interested and need all the help I can get.


Lap RNY 6/16/03
Revise to DS 8/15/11

on 10/4/07 6:21 am - LAGUNA BEACH, CA

What do you mean your not a candidate for surgical revision? What are the requirements for this procedure?

on 10/4/07 8:28 am - northern, CA
Ah--I should have phrased that better.  In  my own mind, I am not a candidate for surgical revision.  i.e., I cannot afford it financially, and I don't want to undergo another major surgery just to lose 30 lbs. or surgery that I have will be a lower body lift or something like that.  Just a personal decision.  I don't know if surgeons have a BMI that they won't revise surgical group doesn't do revisions, period.
jonathan R.
on 10/8/07 12:13 pm - east meadow, ny
I had the stomaphyx 2 months ago by Dr. Garber in Ny and aleady lost 40 pounds and feel full all of the time.  From my understanding there are no drugs that work.  that is why people have surgery.  You should really look into the stomaphyx  because it changed my life.
on 2/22/08 1:07 pm - Hercules, CA
Hi everybody, I'm new to this site.  My name is Deirdre.   Please say more about your decision to do the Stomaphyx procedure.   How far post op are you?  How long was your recovery?  What was the cost for the consult and procedure with Dr. Garber.  I've done some research on this procedure and looks like Dr. Garber is the best. I'm 11 years post op.  I had several complications including small bowel obstruction.   I lost 75lbs initially but since have regained the weight.  I need to lose 55lbs but could live with a 45 lb weight loss.  I've tried everything to get the weight off, exercise, diet pills.  Nothing works!  I long for the honeymoon period of the 4-5 month post op  when the weight rolled off effortlessly. I am so much wiser now.  I know that I must  attend  support group meetings.  WHen I had my surgery, it wasn't as sexy and as popular as it is now.  There weren't as many tools, magazines, protein drinks and vitamin supplements as there are now.  I basically had to fend for myself.  Consequently, I never  actually mastered what the best eating plan was for me.  I didn't process my emotional issues and i never kept a food journa.  These are all things I will do differently when I get the Stomphyx procedure.
on 4/20/08 9:32 am - Cumberland, RI
Jonathan Dr. Garber did my Stomaphyx this past Tuesday so obviously I am still on puree.   Did you feel full when you were eating the puree because I do not?  I am afraid it didn't work but I am hopeful that it is way too soon to tell?   Your opinion?
on 10/10/07 3:09 am - IL
Bad side effects for me! I have taken Acomplia.  I managed two months before the negative side effect -- depression -- made me unable to continue. While everyone is different, this is a side effect that has been noted, particularly in those who are prone to depression in the first place.   I noticed decreased appetite, but there is no magic and it's bloody expensive (I paid about $8 a pill, as you are).
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