POST StomaPhyx pateients - updates please?

Shelley S.
on 10/2/07 5:31 pm - Belmont, CA
Hello, It's been awhile since we've heard from some of you.  I had the procedure 8 days ago and so far am quite disappointed.  I still feel true hunger AND head hunger.  I can drink fluids rapidly which I certainly didn't expcet.  I had an enlarged stoma, not an enlarged pouch so everything was going through instantly.  Now it feels like it goes through a a little slower.  I'm just on liquids, but the hinger was driving me insane so I ate some soft foods like cottage cheese.  I just ate a small portion, but couldn't feel any fullness.  I see my surgeon for a follow up tomorrow morning. I posted a survery weeks ago for people who have had stomaphyx.  There are now ten responses, all mixed.  If you are two weeks or more out from your procedure, please take a moment to fill it out (it's a fast 10 question multiple choice online survey).  It's completely anonymous. _3d_3d I'll periodically post the results.  I'd also like comments from any post-SP patients in general.  The surgeons need to know how this is going. thanks, Shelley
on 10/2/07 11:38 pm - AZ
Hi Shelley- I'm two weeks out tomorrow.  I don't have any problems drinking liquids.  (Nor burpping or gurgling either).   I don't know about restriction though because I'm not ready to switch from a liquid diet yet.   I don't feel hungry...but I don't feel full either.   Just kinda neutral.   I've been getting in about 900 - 1000 calories a day (2 bottles of Isopure Zero Carb Drink (for 80 grams protein) sipped through out the day.  I have a slimfast for breakfast (I've always liked the taste), soup for lunch and dinner.    Sometimes I have a sugar free pudding in the afternoon.   It doesn't seem like much but it is keeping me not hungry.   I've just started working out again.   Just a bit of cardo....and it's still ok but I think I will need to increase my calories a bit because I was a little hungry yesterday about 2 hours after working out. I'd LOVE to know if I will have any restriction or not.....but, for as long as I'm satisfied with this....I'm not going to change.  Because I know once I start solids again I won't cut back this much! I lost 7 pounds the first week and 1 pound this week so I can't really predict how quickly my weight-loss will be.   But I'm certain that there will be weight loss!!!  (According to my calorie/exercise program, I will lose 52 pounds in 6 months if I keep this up!) I have my first followup with Dr. Schlesinger this morning.  I'll post if I have any more information. Lorri
on 10/5/07 9:58 pm - mashantucket, CT
Hi. I'm new. I'm very interested in this. What state are you in and do you have a website for your doctor? Thanks' Gail
on 10/4/07 2:44 am - Wilmington, DE

Hi Shelley, Disappointed here too.  First two weeks wow -14# .. but all liquids will take off weight off anyone. I'm 5 wks out, lost another 5, but have gained back 2  (total lost 18 in 5 wks).    I do not feel restriction, it's just like before, right at first I feel something, but after just a few minutes, nothing.   I really didn't expect it to reduce my head hunger, although I am much more aware of when I am running to eat.. fustration, boredom, irritation etc..  can't quite get a grip on it yet, but I'm not giving up.   I hope more complete the survey. Take care, Tina

on 10/4/07 10:25 am - WA
Ok, sorry to be MIA, just busy. I am 4 weeks out and started back in regular foods two days ago. The restriction I feel is variable. My RNY was so long I don't remember how the restriction was then, so I have nothing, really, to compare it to. Liquids do go through no problem. I fixed two scambled eggs and 1/2 piece of wheat toast for breakfast and had to leave about 1/2 an egg on my plate. I am eating very slowly because I fear over stretching the pouch and fear having pain of having it too full. I am careful to stop after 1/2 cup or so out of fear and feel satisfied for a few hours. (I try and eat every 3 hours--something with protein. For lunch I got a pita sandwich and ate half without feeling very full but was satisfied for 2 hours, like something was still in my stomach. I ate the other half faster and felt over full. I really am mistified and trying to find my way, adding foods in slowly and seeing how they do. When I eat out, I can see I am eating about 1/4 what I used to and felt comfortably full.  I still have only lost 5 4 weeks. As a matter of fact, I had lost those 5lbs after the clear liquids phase. However, I did just go out and buy new pants, skirt, blouse and sweater in the next smaller size and lost 1 inch off my hips and thighs.  I am struggling with sweets, as I always have. They go in easy and never get stuck. I wish there was a pill to make us hate sweets, like they have for alcohol. So I am happy to be back on solids so I can fill my pouch with something that will stay in there to keep me from wanting to eat. I want to start vegetables, but have been leary. Will try some cooked tonight. My best diet ever was very low carb and strangely, it helped keep thoughts of food out of my head. Weird how our bodies work.
jonathan R.
on 10/8/07 11:56 am - east meadow, ny
I had the stomaphyx by Dr. Garber in NY over 2 months ago and already lost about 40 pounds.  I think it is amazing.  I am always full and unable to eat very much.  In fact I needed an endoscopy to clear out my pouch last week because it was too tight and the food couldn't pass.  Dr. garber was really happy this happened to me and he said when he did the endoscopy that the pouch looked just as tight has 2 months prior when he did the procedure.  I think there are so many variables that go into the success of the procedure.  The first being surgeon experience Dr. garber said he as already did over 50 of these procedures.  I also think motivation on my part has helping with my success.  When I was on soft foods Id din't get very restricted either until I started solid foods and my pouch is really tight.  i will keep everyone updated but so far recommend the procedure highly but chose your surgeon carefully.
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