on 9/25/07 8:10 am - UK
 , I had my original RNY done by a surgeon in Brussels  Contacted the original surgeon as I had only lost 66 lbs after 10months was told by him that my weight loss was satisfactory for a woman of my age ( 52 ) and that I should be happy with the increased mobility I now have ,which of course I am BUT ..........I am not happy with such a small (in my opinion) weight loss  SO today I went to see another  eminent bariatric surgeon regarding a revision and was told that again due to my age I would be lucky to lose another 14lbs if I do undergo revision .... so that means I will be 217 lbs  at 5ft 3. 1/2 inch I am still obese !!!! He also told me that if I had not had a distal bypass that I would now be starting to gain weight ,so thank God I did have the distal as thats all that is keeping me weight stable at this moment .... I had contemplated having StomaphyX ,he said that he wouldnt advise such a new procedure ...and that this was also a very temporary fix. So it looks like I am destined to be fat..... as I have been since a little girl.... I cannot even have cosmetic surgery as am still too fat to be operated on ,I had wanted to get rid of my huge overhanging stomach ,but no surgeon will do anything for me at this weight .... I feel so let down and unable to move on after this news today ... Sue xxx
on 9/25/07 11:58 am
Isn't there another surgeon you can talk to?  Are you stuck with him?  I think your current surgeon is full of it.  A true distal measures the bypass from the cecum.  A 'fake' distal measures the bypass from the pouch.  Amy
on 9/25/07 9:50 pm - UK

 Hi Amy

No am able to see any other surgeon I just went to see this new guy as he has a good reputation

Its now only after leaving his office that I remember what I wanted to ask ,,,like why would I only get another 14lbs off ? Surely that cannot be right ? Why do they expect me to be content while still overweight  ? I feel that I have to accept second best again " well you have lost xxxx amount ,so whats wrong with that " Well I want to be around 165 -175 which is not a size zero by any means ,its just like I asking the impossible to be a normal size I think they just want me to accept the weight loss,and  stop complaining ...maybe thats what I should do ? and just get on with my life ... as a fat person all over again

on 9/26/07 7:33 pm - West Palm Beach, FL
This is the most rediculous hogwash I ever heard.  I had my surgery at 59 and lost 150 lbs.  Just had stomaphyx.  I eat less but am not really losing.  Back on point  [email protected] People in this 6000 member group are of all ages, sizes and successes.  They will tell you that these docs are full of it and help steer you to what works.
on 10/7/07 3:48 pm - wahiawa, HI
I am so discouraged myself. I am 34 and 5'2 and weigh 207 (BMI38%) and at the time of surgery I was 244 (BMI 44.6) I feel like I have to explain all the time the ratio with weight when I am so short. I lost all of my weight within my first 3 months. I have had tests done and found that my stoma is huge,and they bypassed 120cm for my open RNY. A month ago my doc did his first sclerotherapy (SP?) on me I was so excited because for the first time I felt full. That only lasted a week. Havent lost any weight. I am supposed to go back on Tue and I want to ask for a revision. I already had a hard time convincing my loved ones to support me the first time. I have been told that I should be happy with the weight loss. I am still obese. I want to scream but who will listen? I understand what you arg going thru. I am at the gym 4 days a week while nothing happens. Shelby
(deactivated member)
on 10/7/07 11:04 pm - TX

Sue, if you haven't already done so, look into the DS as an option for your revision.  Do not take that surgeons advice, there is still hope.  In Spain, there is a great (not just good) DS surgeon who has preformed thousands of surgeries and hundreds of those have been revisions from RNY to DS.  His name is Dr. Balsatar.

Here are some links for you to check out:


good luck to you.


PS, read my profile to see pics, etc.

on 10/8/07 10:02 am - UK
Hi Dawn Thanks for your response  Yes I have read your profile a while ago ...  I have looked into a DS ,and regret having the rny now,through my own impulsivness I have actually been in touch with Dr Balstar many months ago though  ,he told me that I would have to wait until at least 18months before thinking of having a revision ,so I am now 11 months out  and have lost 66 lbs So maybe in 6 months I will contact him again and see what he has to say ... I have had a distal bypass so my weight loss SHOULD  have been better than this .. I have just had all the  bad side effects from being distal ... the runs, foul smelling gas , and not much of the good effects... weight loss !! Love Susie xxx
(deactivated member)
on 10/8/07 10:34 am - TX

Well, sweetie, if you have to wait 6 months, then you do.  You can do it.  Dr. B is one of the best and if anyone can help you, I know it's him.

Come on over to the DS board, read and learn and when you feel comfortable, jump right in with your questions.  There's a lot to learn and we DS'rs love, love, love to talk about our fabulous surgery.  We'll be glad to welcome you there. 

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