It's Working

Cathy A.
on 8/17/07 12:39 am - Modesto, CA
I wanted to give and update on my progress. I had RNY 2002 and Revision to Band Oct. 27,2006. It has been a very slow road for me but I finally got a good fill, got my head on straight and am losing.Wahoo! I have lost 15 pounds this month making 35 since being banded. I limit my food to one cup or less and I don't eat sweets or bread. I am not grazing at all. I feel great and very motivated. I am also using the Beck  Diet Solution Book to help my head. My highest weight was 425. I was 388 at RNY and 292 at Banding. I am 257 today so I have come a long way.  It has not been easy.  I went to my suport group meeting and was talking to a new person.  When I told her I had wls she said "You did have you gained weight?"  Well that hurt. But when I told some of my story she understood. Newcomers gota love um. I can hardly wait to be under 200 so people won't give me that look. Thanks for your support. I am going to post more often.
(deactivated member)
on 8/17/07 6:38 am
Cathy A.
on 8/19/07 11:26 pm - Modesto, CA
Thanks Linda,    The head thing is really where I lacked with wls. I know they say its not brain surgery but unlike the wls where we are given a tool to help we are not given help to heal our heads. I know they say go to a counselor or theraphist, nutritionist.. This may help some but I really think this book could help everyone they should give it with the binder they give you when you get wls lol and I am not joking  there would be more success.   You will get to that 159 I know it. And I will to who know what the possiblities are now  200..175...150  I can't even imagine right now but at least I am on my way.
Cathy W.
on 8/17/07 6:53 am
Hi Cathy, Congratulations on your revision and weight loss.  That's great.  It gives you hope and renewed confidence.   What do you think of the Beck Diet Solution book?  Can you tell us a little more about it?  I ordered it but haven't received it yet. Obviously the new person at the support group meeting didn't think before she said that.  After hearing your story, I'm sure she was impressed.  Sometimes people don't think things through.   Congratulations on your RNY/Band combo.  I'm happy for you. Cathy


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Cathy A.
on 8/19/07 11:14 pm - Modesto, CA
I love this book I really feel it has helped me fix my head while wls is fixing my body. Both have to be fixed to work the best. I have read many self help and diet books and I feel this is about the best. Easy to read and follow the program and comes to mind in times of trouble.  I am glad to read you are doing so well with your StomaphyX. Of course they always come out with something new after I have mind. I think my Dr is going to do those also.
Amy Williams
on 8/17/07 7:43 am
Cathy, Glad to hear you are getting some results.  I'm so sorry that you've been hurt like that, I couldn't even imagine.  You are doing wonderful!

  I've lost over 400 pounds!  
I love helping others, if you have a question just ask!  

Click on a link to read more about my journey:  
My website   My reconstructive photos 

on 8/17/07 10:35 pm
Amy, I just read your website & photos.  You must've heard it a million times, but WOW.  You are beautiful!  Congratulations doesn't seem worthy enough word for losing 411 lbs.  I bow to you, Kenneth & Dr. Martindale! Amy
Amy Williams
on 8/18/07 8:37 am
Awww thank you Amy! 
on 8/19/07 1:25 am - Chicago, IL
Hi Cathy, I want to wish a big congrats on the weightloss!  I'm having the same thing done very soon and always look to others who have done the same to see how it works for them.  I do have one question though?  You've been banded since Oct. 2006 and it's been about 10 months and you've lost 35 pounds.  I'm under the assumption that once I had my band over my busted RNY that I would loose significantly more in a 10 month period. I know we're all different, but I'm just sitting here a little consfused because ... I don't know what would be the point of a band if it doesn't help you lose more.  I know it would not be like when we all had our RNYs for the first time, but still. I'm trying my hardest to ask this question without being insensitive or discounting the wonderful progress you've made...but I really need to know why only 35 pounds in 10 months? Don't hate me... Lori~
Cathy A.
on 8/19/07 11:08 pm - Modesto, CA
Hi Lori, When I went for my revision I thought I WAS going to lose really fast.  I don't know if its because I am so envolved in support others or whatever that I have had to have the experiences I have with wls. I do believe some of it was my fault and some was with my situtation. My surgeon is 2 hours away, and I have to get authoriztion for every visit from my insurance, I had one fill that was lost leaving my band empty. (We don't know how exactly it happened but after the Dr check the previous fill and then was putting a little more in, the needle must have sliped and it just went into my body instead of the port.) Anyway  the next month when I went back it was empty and I had to start over with small fills. That set me back about 4 months. My Dr would have done fills closer together but with the insurance approval and cost of gas and $30 copay for each visist I could only go once a month so that's part of the reason I have been so slow at losing.    The other part was my willingness to follow the band rules. I wanted to eat like I had when I had my RNY which was not that good basically what I wanted only small portions. With the RNY I lost because of the malabsorbtion  and less food. Being 5 years out my body has adapted and the malabsorbtion isn't working that well anymore.    I finally  gave up and started following the band rules. Because I was pretty open before I continued to eat bread I had no problem, with it which most bandsters can't eat bread. I was using that as a guide to being tight enough. My Dr asked me to give up bread and sweets. I promised I would and I have. I don't know if I can eat bread I just don't try. My advise to you is to get your head on straight now forget about your previous wls and focus on being a bandster and following the rules from the start. If you do you will lose faster if you fight it, it will be slower. There is no magic bullit all wls takes work.    I can say that now that I have surrendered and have a pretty good fill it is almost effortless to lose. The weight is just falling off, I feel great, I don't miss bread hardly and I don't get hungry inbetween meals. Today I love my band and it has taken along time to say it.    I don't hate you...I want to help you I would love to keep in touch and help with your journey it I can.
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