Is Stomphyx working

on 8/15/07 12:48 pm

Hi Everyone I had the procedure last Friday and I am home.  I stayed in the hospital one night and the only pain i really felt was in my shoulder from the bed and my throat from the procedure itself.  SO here is what happened … the procedure lasted 1 hour.  They put a breathing tube thru your nose because they actually have to do the procedure thru your mouth. I was up in my room 2 hours later and I was restless, very thirsty and just uncomfortable.  I left the next morning and actually drove myself home.  Slept all day Saturday and Sunday.  Went to work on Monday but with little pain and as of today, I am great.  I lost 10lbs already!

 My doctor here in Vegas is Dr Cottam but the day of my surgery was ironically his last day at the office so I am not sure if they have anyone at the office yet to do it but please call them, 702-313-THIN

I have kept my diet to all liquids and it hasn’t been as tough as I thought BUT I did a stupid thing last night and “tested” my stomach with 3 bites of pasta well … my stomach did not like it and it was gone faster than it went down.



I will keep you posted of my results.


on 9/13/07 4:28 pm
I had stomaphyx done Sept 14th and it has now been 1 month. I have gained two pnds. I had no problems after. But do not feel satiety or a fullnesss at all like I used to after the bypass.  I feel that it or I am unsuccessful. I am eating soft foods, protein puddings, and protein shakes and alot of unsweet iced tea, But I am depressed. My Dr., Dr Schlessinger says to give it another 2 weeks, but  it's been another week and I have not lost a pound . He said that he may have to look down there again and that my insurance will not cover it as I lost my job August 22nd. So now I spent the eight thousand dollars and have nothing to show for it. Plus it's not working and I feel the Dr. should do something about it. Atleast find out the cause. I don't know anything about the pouch or stoma or which needs to be smaller for thr satiety, so I'm hoping he will do something even without the  insurance coverage. Any ideas or thoughts from anyone? Has anyone else had it done and it failed?
stacy B.
on 8/13/07 12:14 pm - Wantagh, NY
If someone ate three slices of pizza 5 days after the procedure they are doomed for failure no matter what the doctor does because you are supposed to be on mushy diet for first 3 weeks.  My doctor always says that surgery is an aide to dieting and you need to work with it for it to work.
Cathy W.
on 8/13/07 1:37 pm
Hi Stacy, Ditto for me too.  Even if I wanted to eat even one slice of pizza, I don't think I could phyically do it.   How are you doing?   Cathy


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on 8/13/07 9:59 pm
I would like your opinion on this, please.  The pizza eater said she chewed & CHEWED everything to mush.  Do you think maybe she chewed so much that it was mushy & drained easily out of her pouch?  Is that possible?  If you wouldn't mind, what do you eat?  Thanks! Amy
Cathy W.
on 8/14/07 9:09 am
Hi Tina, I completely understand your concern.  I think that is very normal.  I know that I was.  There are excellent surgeons doing this procedure.  It seems that it is such a simple procedure that the complication rate would be small.  However, congratulations on your upcoming procedure.  Who is doing your procedure?  When is your date? During my liquid or Phase 1 period, I pretty much ate chicken broth for the first day, I ate for the next day or so cream of chicken soup with some protein powder added and after that I've pretty much stayed with cottage cheese.  The Phase 1 lasts two weeks to allow the procedure to heal with the fasteners and pleats or plications to heal.  I've eaten 4-6 "meals" a day of 1/4 cup.  I've been fine with that the majority of the time.  I didn't realize how many times I'd take a bit here and there of things mindlessly.  I've caught myself mindlessly or on autopilot before I popped a little taste of something.   After two weeks, I've progressed to Phase 2 foods.  I can now have moist canned chicken, moist flaky fish, scrambled eggs, soft vegetables chewed well, as well as the Phase 1 foods.  I've tried some chicken and green beans which has been okay.  Honestly though, I've enjoyed the cottage cheese and have pretty much stayed with that.  I'll probably try the chicken and green beans.  I'm still eating 1/4 cup when I'm hungry.  I usually average eating four of those meals a day.   This procedure doesn't help with head hunger.  Although, it has helped me to deal with it.  When I get it, I focus on the restriction and satiety I'm now enjoying.  I don't want to do anything to minimize that.  Again, like our original surgery, it is a tool that is up to us to use and it doesn't do it for us.  I want to do everything that I can to respect my surgery and this procedure.  You also need to refine "full" to satiety.  On a hunger scale of 1-10 with 10 being "full", I'm probably feeling a 7-8.  It is retraining that a 10 isn't the goal but more like a 7-8.   Another thing I've noticed is my portion perception has changed.  I was cooking dinner and needed the 1 cup measuring cup.  I pulled it out and noticed it was HUGE.  I've already changed my perception that smaller is more normal.  I never would have believed that is something that would be changed having the procedure.   I hope this helps.  Good, bad, or ugly (LOL), I'll let you know. Cathy
on 8/14/07 9:17 am - Wilmington, DE
Hi Cathy, Thank you so much for your time and information.  I know I have a road ahead of me.  But I want one more shot at it.  I go to Dr. Overcash on the 29th in FL.  wow..did I say that?  I just posted on the grad board for suggestions on what to do with the time that I used to spend eating and snacking, mostly from boredom, at home and work.  This is something I know I need to work on. Thanks again, and keep us updated. Take care, T
on 8/13/07 3:08 am - UK
Please let us know who /  what the negative reports are ? Would be very interested to find out as well  Susie x
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