any post op stomaphyx around
I had the StomaphyX procedure 2 days ago with Dr. Overcash in FL. He and the entire hospital staff were outstanding---friendly, efficient, professsional. The operation went well, although it was more intense and painful than I thought it would be. I woke up in a lot of pain and they gave me a shot for pain and let me sleep for 2 hours after I left the recovery room. Now, I am just very sore; it even hurts to breathe deeply. I have NO regrets and I recommend this procedure over a full revision. It is MUCH safer. I am on liquids and pudding, oatmeal, jello, applesauce for 2 weeks (2/3 cup) and then I talk to the doctor again about what foods to add. I had the procedure Wed. morning and flew back to Va Beach today---in retrospect, I would definitely have staye done more day to heal and sleep. If I can answer any questions for anyone, please feel free to write.
Pat in Virginia Beach