sclerotherapy done today

on 7/26/07 11:57 am

This is my first time posting.  I am from michigan and went to Dr. Baker in Grand Rapids to have my stoma repaired today.  I am over six years out and the size of my stoma was a 17/18.  It should be between 12-15.  I hope it works.  Sometimes people have to go back two or three times.  I have Priority Health and I was told they will pay.  We will see.   After they took me back to the surgery room it only took about 30 min for the doctor to look and fix my stoma.  I've been very tired today.  The first four hours I really didn't feel good.  I just wanted to sleep.  It has now been twelve hours and I am up and moving around.  I'm not feeling to bad.  Tomorrow should be ok.  If I don't take pain meds I can drive.  I have gained about 40lbs back from my lowest weight.  I hope to take off 20lbs.  That would be a very good weight for me.  I will keep everyone posted, good or bad.  Best wishes, Lora.

on 7/26/07 1:50 pm - Jacksonville, FL
RNY on 12/20/05 with
I had mine done a month ago. It was easy and fairly pain-free. Amazingly--my insurance covered all but the 20% co-pay. I was surprised to say the least--and PLEASED. You might find that the first few days of eating is like "right after surgery." I was told to stick to liquids and soft foods for about 2 weeks. Good luck

on 7/26/07 3:17 pm
Could someone explain why the liquids after schlerotherapy or stomaphyx?  Is it because the liquids won't stretch the pouch as much as solids.  I assume that liquids are easier on the pouch during the healing period.  I just don't know why.  Anyone?  Thanks. Amy
on 7/26/07 3:57 pm - Jacksonville, FL
RNY on 12/20/05 with
Why liquid diet after procedures?? The pouch has been compromised----the acid injected into the stoma can weaken the tissue and actually cause HOLES.  I was told one of the complications was rapid deterioration of the stoma requiring immediate surgery. Anytime there is surgery on the digestive system, doctors prescribe a clear liquid, to cream liquid to soft food diet.  It's not just for WLS but ulcer treatment etc.   You have to baby the system along, until it is ready to go full speed again.

on 7/29/07 1:05 pm
I met with Dr. Overcash in Florida in late June and really liked him, and am going to make the decision about the Stomaphyx procedure this week. He can schedule me as soon as  Aug. 8 if I decide to do it. I initially lost 100 lbs. 10 years ago, but now am stuck at 250. He advised a full revision, but he is not a provider for my insurance company and it would take weeks to start the process over, get approval form another doctor in my state (VA), etc. I also don't like the risk of complications from a full revision--they can be serious. However, if I do the Stomaphyx I will have to self-pay.  Any advice?  (A full revision would be covered by my insurance, but is major surgery compared to the much less invasive and much safer endoscope procedure.) I'm still not sure what to do.... Pat in Virginia Beach
on 7/31/07 4:50 am - Wilmington, DE
I'm in the same boat as you are Pat. Can't decide. .when I look at myself, or walk or see how much I can eat.. I want Stomaphyx done.. NOW. But my total hesitation is the money.  It will be out of pocket for  me, and I have teenagers who will be going to college in next year.  Can I be that selfish and use that much money for myself?  To fix something that I myself screwed up?  I have gained 50 since my lowest.. (I'm 3.5 yrs out) and am so totally miserable.   The weight is ruining my life and my relationship with my b/f. I too am scared of the full revision.  SO far I am lucky with not having any malabsorbtion issues with vitamins etc.,  Bypassing more is just inviting trouble  (imho). You are in VA?   Maybe we could do this together if we decide this is the right thing :) Let me know what you are thinking. T
on 7/31/07 5:35 am
Tina, I decided on the Stomaphyx procedure with Dr. Overcash and I am scheduled for next Wednesday morning. I believe insurance might have paid for a full revision, but it is too risky, and I have been lucky and have no problems with leakage, malabsorbtion, not digesting certain foods, etc. That's the problem--I can eat anything.   I refinanced my house to pay for it, and I hope I can use this second chance and never have to have surgery again. You ARE worth the money--your happiness, health and relationships....Go for it.  (The doctor is Charlottesville, VA is taking patient names, but hasn't performed the surgery yet; I really liked Dr. Overcash and wanted him to do the procedure. Even if I chose a full revision, insurance would not pay for him to do it since he's out of state.) Pat
on 7/31/07 7:50 am - Wilmington, DE
Good for you Pat.  You made me cry when you said you refinanced your home.  I seem to be a lot like you, can eat anything, and have had no problems.  I wish you the best.  Please keep in touch and let me know how you are doing.. and in the meantime, just drop an email if you need to vent, question, or just bounce thoughts off of....   [email protected] T
on 7/31/07 11:54 am
Pat, I am hanging on your every word.  I'm also in Virginia & will be traveling to Dr. Overcash for StomaphyX  on August 22, 2007.  Will this be the first time you meet Dr. Overcash?  Or are you already in Florida?  Can you eat a lot now?  I have a huge pouch & hope he can make my pouch small.  One thing that worries me is that he said we can have this procedure over & over & over again.  That suspect this means that the procedure is somewhat temporary.  I pray that it lasts awhile!!  Amy
on 7/31/07 1:09 pm
Where are you in Virginia? I had a consultation with Dr. Overcash in late June. I liked him right away.  Yes, I can eat a lot and I can eat sugar and anything else. Since the StomaphyX does not involve the intestines, I will still be able to tolerate sugar, etc., so I will have to be very careful. It will only reduce the size of my stomach, not what I can eat. However, that's also a good thing. I have seen many friends who are miserable after surgery because there are so many food limitations for them that they don't enjoy eating at all anymore and/or they are malnourished. Other than the weight, I am very healthy. (The only pre-surgery requirement Dr. Overcash has is a stress test, which my insurance paid for. They will do blood work at the hospital the morning of the surgery.) As for having the procedure done "over and over" again, I plan to not have ANY more surgery except plastic surgery! We all know it requires a total lifestyle change and I do not think your stomach is meant to be re-stapled countless times...I think we have to really work (mentally, emotionally, spiritually) at leaving our identity as a "fat person" behind it for it to work for good for us. Good luck, Pat
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