on 7/16/07 5:32 am - LOUISVILLE, KY
Hey everybody, I just want to give you encouragement because if you're looking into having a revision that means you have gained some weight back.  Alot of people feel ashamed and like a failure because of this.  But I just want to tell you DON'T BE ASHAMED BECAUSE YOU'VE GAINED! We have a disease.  It's called compulsive overeating and whether the medical profession recognizes it or not, it is real,   just like anorexia or bulimia !!  Weight loss surgery is a tool to help us fight this disease.  There is no cure.  Most times it works the first time, sometimes it doesn't.  There are lots of people who have gained their weight back and a few that didn't lose much at all.  But I believe, that "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again !!"  I commend those who have the courage to keep fighting for your health, your self esteem, and your mental and physical well being.  You are worth it!!  Just don't be ashamed, because we are human and far from perfect!!   In the famous words of Queen Deneen......."One step takes us on to the next, so keep on stepping!!" Peace and Blessings to all of you!!
What you believe, you can achieve!!

on 7/16/07 7:05 am
Thank you so much for your post!!!!  I am scheduled for revision from a lap band which I had performed in 03 to an RNY in September and am so happy with my decision but have really wrestled with feeling like a failure.  I appreciate your post so much!  Lisa
on 7/16/07 8:41 am - houston, TX

Thank you for your words of encouragement. This site has been very helpful to me. I was not aware that revision was an option for me until i saw a doctor's adverstisment on television. I had a consult but still thought maybe i just should go back to working out and dieting. I joined several weight loss and even the local gym. Worked out three months straight, ate right and all that was lost was 15lbs. So discouraging to me. Coming from a home of skinny people my weight was always frowned up on. Now grant it, the men didn't seem to think so. alot of them like me at the heavier weight then the smaller weight. I just wanted to be healthy and smaller again. anyway. so i decided to be serious and do the things necessary to make sure i am approved for the revision. this past friday i talked with my case manager who said that she was going to fax the info to my provider Cigna (ppo) said that they have 30days to respond. I hope it only takes a few days. the first procedure only took themm 2 weeks. So please everybody keep me in your prayers. Thanks

Baby Blues
on 7/16/07 1:51 pm - Roy, UT
BLESS YOU!!! Thanks so much for those wonderful words.  I have gained 1/2 of my weight back while waiting for my revision from lap band to DS.  I have been sitting here for the last few days HATING myself and questioning if I should even bother getting a revision or if I was even worth it.  I was so close to just giving up until I read your post tonite.  THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!  I really needed to hear it. hugs. Tammy
I'm selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes. I am out of control and at times hard to handle, but if you can't handle me at my worst...then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.     ---Marilyn Monroe
on 7/18/07 2:08 am
Thank you sooooo much for your post. I'm going to see my surgeon today at 3:00pm. I had a RNY back on 9/02. Since that time I've gained back almost 80 lbs and am so embarresed and ashamed of myself. Your post was very helpful to me. I'm hoping that my doctor will help me and give me a revision. I want to have a DS but I think he only does a revision with the Lap-band. I'm going to look for a surgeon who will do DS. Do you know how I can find a surgeon in Northern NJ who does this? I think at this point I would be willing to travel anywhere in the country to find a GREAT surgeon. Please reply to this post. Thanks Leslie
RNY 2002 (regained everything)   Revised to DS 2007
5'8"  SW 246 - GW 150 - LW 143 - CW-148
Follow Your Dreams.... & Hold On To Them !!  
Angel to Karen W
Angel to MIssy
on 7/21/07 3:35 am - Dallas, TX
You are the blessing!  I really needed this.  My revision is July 30th.
on 7/25/07 3:03 pm

Thank you so much for posting this.  I really needed to hear this.  This is exactly why I came back to this site.  I am waiting for approval from my insurance, but am very hopeful.  The people I know around me have all done great, so I get very embarrassed that I haven't.  It is nice to know that others out there know what I am feeling (not that I am glad it happened to them), but that I am not alone. 

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