Insulin Resistant will this cause a problem with lap banding?

(deactivated member)
on 6/11/07 8:33 am - Montclair, NJ
My primary doctor said today that I was insulin resistant. That I need to eat more proteins and less carbs. I'm cool with that. I had been having episodes of my sugar levels bottoming out and me shaking and sweating. I use to be diabetic, she says i'm not anymore. Will loosing more weight get rid of the insulin resistance? Will the insulin resistance keep me from getting the surgery? now I'm kinda worried about what's gonna happen at my consultation next week.
on 6/13/07 4:54 am - TN

Incase you didn't get a response I was going to say ... Post it over on the lapband board!  I'm sure someone can help! =)

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~~Sami~~ *.
on 6/16/07 10:17 am - Jacksonville, FL
In general, all of the weight loss surgeries have shown to help with type 2 diabetes.  Insulin resistance is a precursor to that, so I would assume it would be helped by a Lap-Band.  The more malabsorptive operations have more effect (so DS has a pretty high "cure" rate of Type 2, RNY less so).... but even the Lap-Band helps. The only issue I could think of is when you're super restricted, it can be tough to get some protein sources down... like big hunks of meat and such.  But it's also usually hard to eat bread, rice, and pasta... so they'll probably balance each other out. :)

Lap-Band June 14, 2001. Dr. Rumbaut, Monterrey, Mexico.
Lap-Band removed after 7 years and converted to Sleeve Gastrectomy on July 7, 2008 by Dr. Roslin.  I've had three happy healthy Lap-Band babies.... and one VSG baby.  5 years out from revision to VSG.  Gained 55 pounds in past 5 months, now considering DS. :(


on 6/17/07 2:38 am, edited 6/17/07 2:39 am - Canada
If your blood sugar is bottoming out, I definately would not get an RNY. It will cause your sugars to go even lower that is why diabetics do so well with RNY, and most of them get off insulin rather quickly. The lap band should not affect your sugar levels and would be my choice for you.  As far as feeling better now? Follow your doctors instructions and stay away from sugars and carbs. It will be hard for about a month and then you will not miss them. You will feel better and your blood sugars will not be on a rollar coaster.  Good luck at your doctors appt. Losing weight may not cure your blood sugar problems, but it always helps. I am hyproglycemic (low blood sugar). Deb
(deactivated member)
on 6/17/07 2:52 am - Montclair, NJ
I'm hoping to get a lap band. thanks for the response. I'm working hard on the diet. keeping away from the carbs, upping the proteins and no sugar. implementing things I'm gonna need to do AFTER surgery.
Zee Starrlite
on 6/19/07 2:17 am

You could never "used to be a diabetic".  Once you have diabetes, you have diabetes forever there is no cure, only "control".  Insulin Resistance  is right before you become diabetic - It is when your pancreas is shooting off burst of insulin and your body just does not process it/accept it.  When that happens, your sugar remains elevated because your body has not accepted the insulin. Diet and exercise makes all the difference with Insulin Resistance/Diabetes.  And you can absolutely get the Lap Band. You know, you should really do your own research about Diabetes/Insulin resistance.  Diabetes can be a really horrible disease when you are not informed on how to take care of yourself.  You know how Oprah always says "stay away from the white stuff"  Do that.  Instead of White Flour, White Rice, White Pasta, White potatoes, have Brown Rice, Wheat Pasta, Sweet Potatoes, Good Rich whole grain breads.  Lots of greens, vegetables (corn & peas are sugary carbs), eat salads, nuts, fish, chicken, turkey etc.  Stay away from processed foods like chips, cookies, candy etc.   Remember Exercise is your saving grace.  Do a lot of walking and cardio if you can.  Strength training builds muscles and muscles burn fat.  Drink lots of water. Much Love, Peace, & Harmony, Leila All the Best to you, Leila



(deactivated member)
on 6/19/07 2:33 am - Montclair, NJ
i was told a long time ago there is no cure for diabetes. i know this. when i lost my weight with the RNY, i no longer needed to watch my suger. but I always told people I was diabetic. because I knew, 'diabetic forever'. but my blood levels would come back normal from the hospital, so doctors would say I wasn't. now my primary says I'm insulin resistant. my sugar levels are good. it's just once in a blue moon they drop real low. they're never high. I've been schooled in diabetes before and lived with a diabetic father and had to watch his diet and give him shots. I watch my diet and don't consume sugar or bread or pasta. more protein. I'm a water feind, so that helps. thanks for your post.
Zee Starrlite
on 6/19/07 4:47 am
Sorry Piper, I did not know until after I posted that you had RNY.  The malabsorbtive WLS have a weird effect on diabetes.  It is very true that because of the rerouting of intestines and the weight loss that the diabetes goes into "remission" for a lot of people.  I think for RNY it 80+/-%.  The Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy with Duodenal Switch has an even higher rate of remission. I say it is weird because with the RNY the diabetes will go in remission and again re-appear with weight gain.  So many RNYers become hypoglycemics too.  That is a hard condition to control DSers are weird with their blood sugar readings.  Their diabetes most always stays in remission but they sometimes will get a high blood sugar reading that drops to normal immediately. God, I hate diabetes.  It strikes like the plague in my family.  My dad's side, the women are very petite - slim and busty and no fail, they are all diabetics.  Most of them have suffered horribly - blindness and amputations.  So, here I am this big girl trying to free herself from this fate. Piper  I think you said your pouch was small.  If that is the case, the Lap Band can do what for you?  If your stoma is enlarged, you can have that tightened.  Check out the DS board for revisions too.  There is only one Lap Band over RNY that I know of that has had great success (you could be one of those too).  Others just haven't done so well with it.  Not trying to be discouraging just looking out for a sister.  Please check all of your options. Best, Leila
(deactivated member)
on 6/19/07 6:30 am - Montclair, NJ
Thanks for the info. yeah, diabetes is strong in my family too. both sides. my father, grandmother on my mother's side and my sister. all complications from diabetes. I don't wanna join the ranks. thanks again.
on 7/17/07 11:33 am - Trail, Canada
Quick answer from someone who is dealing with that right now and has a lapband... YEP!  and it is brutal and nastey and you have to always be prepared for a sugar low... and your weight loss can be slow to none, as is my case as I have to drink fruit juice daily... but I also can't eat normal food because of the lapband so I have a double whammy....   Having lived three years of hell with the lapband I am very biased against it right now... but you may be fine with it... but you won't know till you try it.  and if you have problems... well... it can be bad. But think of it this way...  even with weight loss surgery you are always a diabetic, it just goes into remission...  diabetes is not cureable. If you don't have surgery what is gonna happen to you.... a lot worse things then having low blood sugar... and slower weight loss is often healthier and with banding you don't have a window that continually is closing on you... and if it doesn't work.... you can always have a revison. Sorry to be so glum... but I live the bitter reality of failure of the banding system.
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