I had a REVERSAL 4 weeks ago

How long were you in the hospital? Did you have a feeding tube? and was it an open surgery this time? Also, do you know if the Greaylin (sp) hormone is still bypassed? I am soooo glad You are feeling better. I bet you have a lot more strength and energy too! I cn't wait to feel better!

I am actually still losing weight just fine. There is never a real complete reversal. They put my intestine back, but I still have restriction and am not hungry at all. My insides will never be fully all back to normal. There are nerves and such that will never function again. My pouch and my old stomach are joined but due to the upper part still being my pouch, I still feel full very quick. I am greatful to be able to eat something at this point - when I opted for the reversal it was to survive and weight loss was not as important and getting nourishment, but I do hope to lose more than the 75 I have already lost - my doctor says 40 more would be perfect. I do need to watch what I eat though cause I am able to eat more than most bypass patients, but no where near what I used to. For example, 1/2 cup MAX. Deb