Advice please .. or am I rushing things?

on 5/19/07 12:15 am - UK
ok I will try to cut a long story short for you all, had  a DISTAL RNY Nov 06 bmi was nearly 53 and I think that why the surgeon gave me the distal ( supposedly thats for larger bmi's and gives greater weight loss and sustained weight loss in the long term) Have STRUGGLED to lose 56lbs  and i know that without this op I wouldnt have lost this amount... but if I can eat like a horse now what chance do I have now my 6month honeymoon period has ended?  My surgeon is so busy he never returns my calls,and I feel a bit lost ,I really cannot see me getting down to any kind of normal weight if this is the way its been for the first 6 month period I am still morbidly obese at  243lbs at 5ft 3 in s should I wait another 6months to see what happens? its just its so frustrating when other folk have the op and the weight just falls off ,most have lost more than me and only 3 months out ,its all driving me a bit crazy I can still wear the same clothes ok they ARE slacker ,,, but still look ok ... it just feels like its never going to happen for me ,shoulkd I request some kind of tests to see if everything is ok ? I feel like I need something done but dont know what , I had this op because I found food control a struggle and am STILL struggling I feel like screaming ...what does everyone suggest  ? Susie xx
on 5/20/07 7:47 pm - LivingHappy, AL
You need to change whatever you're doing now. Do you eat breakfast? If not start, making it meat and eggs only.  If you don't eat within 1 hour of waking up, your motabolism is slow for the rest of the day. Have meat first at EVERY meal and don't even put bread or potatoes or rice on the table. If you eat pasta it should be Dreamfeilds only. Don't eat fruit, it has too much sugar, take a vitamin C daily. It is very difficult to mess up RNY in the first year. I didn't comply completely, and lost 100 pounds. I also have a distal, and a slightly larger pouch because of the added malabsorption. If you don't eat the protein, you have probably lost more muscle than fat, as fat is resistent, and eating protein and exercising a LOT protects your muscles from loss during this first year. Muscle also takes burns more calories daily than fat does. Just because you CAN eat like a horse doesn't mean you should. You have to stop now, and eat what you're supposed to and ONLY what you're supposed to eat. I promise you, you can lose more. Your distal makes you absorb less fats than you would with a proximal. You just have to leave the carbs alone completely. You can have bacon, and ribeye if you like them, just no toast or biscuits. Leave cereals alone. You are only 6 months out, I lost my 106 over a year's time. But I had to follow the rules. You need to not drink 1/2 hour before meals, and not drink for an hour afterwards. Then you need to waterload, which is drink as much as you can until you feel full. When the full feeling goes away , do it again! Up until 1/2 hour before your next meal. This will help with feeling full and not snacking as much.  Susie, I think you are battling head hunger, where you go to the kitchen and look for food when it's more a thought than a feeling of hunger, because old habits die hard. We all battle this feeling that we think we need food, when we can't really eat that much, and if you give in, you will be eating too much before long, because if you pack it in, you can stretch your stoma, the opening to your intestines which would allow you to eat huge meals. If you feel you have a problem with eating huge meals already, you need to make an appointment with your surgeon, and have an endoscopy and see if your stoma is stretched. It probably isn't. Try to eat what you're supposed, exercise even by walking every day or every other day, and really push your limits on the walking to increase your distance. I wish such good luck on losing more weight. I know you can do it. I'm struggling with head hunger at night myself. I won;t even be hungry, but find myself thinking " what can I eat" . It's my old habits trying to come back. If you want to PM me , we can chat about how we're doing anytime you like. No surgeron will give you a revision at 6 months out. Please give yourself a chance. Ask yourself what can you do different. OK?
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