I got a Surgery Date! AND Insurance Approval!
Thanks for your encouragement... I have been getting increasingly uncomfortable with all the side affects/complications of my previous WLS!!! I am excited to continue this road of revovery. I looking forward to live more of a "normal" life... the discomfort is getting worse... so I have hope.
How long ago did you live here in the Northwest??? The only complaint I have with living in the Northwest is the TRAFFIC other than that it is a beautiful place to live! I love it!
Take care and thanks for your respones and encouragement!
I lived in Kent from 1989 to 1993. I worked in the Ballard neighborhood in Seattle. I loved everything about the NW except the rain. After 5 years, I still had not gotten used to it and figured if I hadn't by then, I never would and moved back to Chicago where I am originally from.
You must be getting so excited! 12 days and counting!
Isn't it strange how WLS patients are about the only people on the planet actually looking forward to surgery?