on 3/12/07 9:26 pm - Birmingham, UK

I don’t think you necessarily need to see some one about head issues, You are spot on you made poor food choices pre op and the operation has not in any way changed your will power. My desire to eat is stronger than my will power not to. Had you have had a DS or a RNY in the first instance people may be praising your brilliant weight loss. You don’t have head issues no more than any one else who needed Wls. You just happened to have had a procedure that has a fairly high failure rate and sadly you are just another statistic and it hasn’t worked.

Two years is long enough isn’t it really I am two years post op and having my band out I didn’t even manage to lose 50lb I lost about 23 and regained 14 and I am still regaining the loss was in the early days I haven’t lost any weight since October 2005. My band was fitted in may I lost a few Lb then a few more after my fill in October and now its coming back..………I have no satiety so I never feel full. I am restricted but don’t feel full so I am left feeling hungry all the time. As I right this my guts feel like there on fire like heart burn but all the way down. I need to eat to alleviate that feeling and I know in 20 mins or so my stomach will be rumbling and in pain again. I cant each much which is exactly how the band should work but also I am starving how does some one cope with that?

It’s not what I sighed up for I was told that I would feel fuller sooner and I would be able to eat child size meals and lose 2lb a week quite easily. I did question my surgeon about all these possible issues but he assured me it was all rubbish he used the words “I guarantee” you wont fail. He talked me into a procedure I really had huge doubts about. I knew I wasn’t a volume eater I know my weight came from high cal food and you don’t need to eat large amounts to consume high calories. I couldn’t resist the chocolate pre op and a few hours on a operating table didn’t change that.

I think times up if you are in a position to get the revision do not deprive your self form the quality of life you deserve. You give it your best shot and it didn’t work, Just because you didn’t succeed does not mean you didn’t try. We all tried to diet pre op and we all failed with a band some do great some don’t it’s a fact. I truly know how you feel I have walked a mile in your shoes.

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