amymitches’s Posts

on 9/21/24 9:52 am
Topic: RE: 12 years out randomly decided to hop on here again!

I have no idea why I decided to come on here and post an update. This page was my OBSESSION before and after surgery. I started at 317 in 2010 and have been sitting comfortably between 145-150 since 2012. I still have constant food noise and my appetite and portion sizes are 100% that of a normal person. All my labs are normal except iron. This really is a tool and you have to make permenant lifestyle changes for it to work long term. I am still very grateful for where I am now.

Here is a pic of pre op 2010

my wedding 2017

and a few recent ones

Good luck everyone!


on 5/26/17 12:09 pm
Topic: RE: 7 years out today

HAha I know right, I wanted to respond but didnt bother


on 5/24/17 6:55 am
Topic: RE: 7 years out today

Wow, Today has been 7 years since my surgery. I started at 317 and this morning I weighed 148. I lost most of my weight in the first 15 months and have kept it off. I got married a week ago and wanted to post my before and after. I did have a boob job and a tummy tuck 18 months ago. I havent been on this forum in over a year. Truth is after awhile surgery becomes a memory and you just adapt to a new lifestyle. Eating and food are still a daily struggle for me and I do weigh myself almost daily. I just wanted to post to prove this can work long term and wish everyone luck in their journeys.


on 5/29/15 8:15 am
Topic: RE: Checking in at 5 years, kept my weight off...succumbing to the fact I need plastics

Laura how long did it take you to recover...I am a nanny and trying to give my families a realistic amount of time i may need off


on 5/28/15 5:24 pm
Topic: RE: Checking in at 5 years, kept my weight off...succumbing to the fact I need plastics

I Had my surgery 5 years ago.  I started out at 317 lbs and today I weigh 150, my lowest was 140 but that was for about five minutes a couple years ago.  I eat healthy 80% of the time and eat whatever the hell I want the rest of the time.  I weigh myself everyday as that is the only way I can keep myself in check.  I can eat...quite a bit, not what I used too but I can put away 3 peices of pizza and a cupcake when I want to. So reality check you need to make a majoy lifestyle change before you get to that point where eating returns to "normal" I know for some people it never does but for me it has.  I wasnt really prepared for the emotional journey this was going to be as even when I started this I never thought I would ever be thin.  When I got down to 140 lbs and was getting attention from men I really let myself get reckless...and stupid and got some counseling for awhile to deal with the self hatred I still felt and maybe will always feel.  I now am in a great relationship and am trying my best to love myself...then theres the first it didnt bother me so much in the last year few months I have become very hateful of my body I am not sure why but I feel like I really need a tummy tuck. I need a lot of stuff but I think that would really make me look and feel better,  my whole body is saggy but when I work at it I can really tighten up my biceps which in turn helps with sagging batwings, my boobs are saggy but whatever I can deal with that, my thighs are terrible but again I can deal with that.  My stomach is the bane of my existence I am so sick of needing compression garments and what spanx goes with what outfit and I cant wear in the summer cause I need my stomach sucked in. I have a consult for a tummy tuck in July and I will hopefully go through with it in the Fall.  I can finally afford it and I really really feel like I need to do this.  When the honeymoon is over and the attention is gone and your just normal which is what I always wanted and now I have but left with this deflated body it is very depressing I still need some therapy to deal with this anger and guilt I have about letting myself get so heavy and letting my body go to hell but I am also very proud of my weight loss and how hard I have worked to keep it off.  I know I will never be fat again and I know I am committed to being healthy so I feel like now is the time to lose some of this skin Ive been carrying anf hiding for so long.  Thanks for listening good luck all!

on 9/27/11 11:25 pm
Topic: RE: Advertizing Rant
hahaha me too

on 9/14/11 4:35 am
Topic: RE: talk to me about anemia please
thanks guys, Ill have them taken tuesday

on 9/13/11 10:47 pm
Topic: RE: talk to me about anemia please
The last couple days I have been really run down...I havent been sleeping great but its more than that...yesterday I went for a walk around 4 and was so exhausted felt lightheaded and just wanted to die on the feeling pretty much the same energy, feeling like crap want to pull the covers over my face.  I'm not sure what is wrong I am never like this.  Should I call my surgeon, My iron was fine at my one year but I am a nanny and barely able to function the last two days, and they dont run labs again til my two year I guess.  I have a physical on tuesday should I see if they will run some labs. 

on 7/28/11 7:35 pm
Topic: RE: 20 Month Post Op Update
you are BEAUTIFUL!

on 7/21/11 11:22 pm
Topic: RE: Is something wrong with my pouch? someone please help!
chillll, your not gonna eat like a newborn forever...its okay!

on 7/8/11 11:13 pm
Topic: RE: Celebrated 100lb loss last night
thats awesome....congrats

on 7/6/11 4:03 am
Topic: RE: ok how much is it gonna cost me to look like Barbie
I appreciate your response!  I do have realistic expectations, I just wanted to get some attention so I would get responses with the barbie plug.  I realize the scarring is pretty severe, I just feel like I am okay with trading off with the skin for the scarring...After my consultation I may change my mind once I get the cold hard facts and the price, so right now I am just exploring my options...I may end up just doing the stuff that bothers me the most....thanks again!

on 7/6/11 4:00 am
Topic: RE: ok how much is it gonna cost me to look like Barbie
thanks for your response!

My thighs are def bad and my arms are pretty bad and I keep getting splothcy rashes....I feel like If im gonna do it I have to go all the way....I cant live looking this way for the rest of my life....I want to sport a bikini....scars and all!

on 7/6/11 3:35 am
Topic: RE: ok how much is it gonna cost me to look like Barbie
Well....I am 26 and have lost 167 lbs about... I think....I really wasnt considering plastic surgery seriously until recently....also all of you who helped me with my boyfriend crisis....thank you....I broke it off and we are both looking for places alone...I feel really good about it and without him/the financial burden that came along with him I feel like I really want to pursue plastic surgery.  I am by no means rich but I feel prepared to finance it if I can over the next 5 years now that I only have to worry about my bills.  So anyway for those of you who have done it what is the ballpark price for the whole thing...I mean total body lift...boobs, ass, thighs, stomach, arms...I have a consultation in August and want to know what to expect.  I really feel like this is something I really need to do for myself reguardless of the cost....thanks all!!!

on 6/27/11 6:39 am
Topic: RE: OT...but please please help me I need advice, im crumbling
thats what makes this so hard

on 6/27/11 6:38 am
Topic: RE: OT...but please please help me I need advice, im crumbling
The thing is I am certain he wants to be with me because he loves me not beacuse ive helped him with bills in the past but because he loves me I know he is sincere in his apologies

on 6/27/11 5:40 am
Topic: RE: OT...but please please help me I need advice, im crumbling
We are both on the lease....but I assure you he would never damage anything...I know my relationship is messed up but he is not with me for my money, Im not rich I just make more then him because my job requires 55 hours a week.  Im not trying to defend him but its just hard not to care about someone youve been with for so long.  Im concerned he may hurt himself the most when he accepts that it is over

on 6/27/11 5:17 am
Topic: RE: OT...but please please help me I need advice, im crumbling
Thanks for your advice....I have to say he does work he just doesnt make as much as I do...I know that doesnt change much but I wouldnt be around if he had no job....I think

on 6/27/11 5:09 am
Topic: RE: OT...but please please help me I need advice, im crumbling
Thank you all, I cant tell you how much your responses mean to me....this is the hardest thing I have ever done

on 6/27/11 4:47 am
Topic: RE: OT...but please please help me I need advice, im crumbling
I dont know where to go with this question, I need some advice and many of you may have been through this....I am in my mid 20s ive been with the same guy for 7 years....when I met him he was coming out of a marriage and we immediatley got together and I was coming out of a kind of serious relationship.  We jumped in and moved in together like 5 months later.  Weve had many rocky times he has never hurt me or anything like that but has done wrong, making promises he cant keep like quit smoking lose weight etc etc.  I supported him through most of out relationship and if we do break up I am sick over how he is going to afford to live.  He has a child too.  The thing is he never got divorced and I thought i was okay with it taking this long we have just recently started the actual legal process but I feel so resentful I am even involved reminding him to make appts and call the lawyer and most of my tax money is paying the lawyer.  I have lost a lot of weight and getting alot of attention from guys, and honestly it sounds shallow but there so many things I want to do now and I cant help but wonder if there is someone out there more compatible with me.  Im not wanting to jump in a new relationship or anything I just want to get my own apartment and live my life.  I went off on him yesterday and told him I couldnt deal anymore I love him but have fallen out of love in the sense of a romantic relationship, we havent had sex on months and I dont want too either.  He is devastated and promises he will get the divorce on his own, treat me better, get another job etc etc.  I totally believe him I know I mean the world to him and it is absolutely killing me he is feeling this way.  I cant eat I feel like I cant breathe and I am so torn in my heart I know i need to go out on my own and just see what happens but I want to just run home and hold him because he is so crushed, on top of that I am so worried about what he will do financially, I make alot more than him and the lease to out place ends in september I left last ngiht and went to my moms and said I would pay half the rent until sep1, then he has to find some place but I will stay out until then and get my own place.  I am truly not being like oh im skinny now I cant get anybody I truly feel incompatible with him and I know he is willing to change to get me back but its like too little to late , I told him I feel like his mom having to take care of his every need, make sure his bills have been paid on time, do his laundry, make sure he has clothes for special occasions.  I am so crushed and I would never hurt myself but I am struggling so bad I feel hopeless, I dont know if i can handle crushing his world like this....I am frantic right now and I hope this all makes sense....please help me

on 5/28/11 9:42 pm
Topic: RE: year out, and half the fatty I used to be!
Well I refuse to call it a Surgi........but its been a year and things have gone well.  I consider myself lucky, never dump ever puke never get things stuck, eat what ever I want with a heavy focus on protein.  Yesterday was a family party and I had some chips and cake but nothing like the amount I would have eaten before. I felt normal and it was nice.  Ive gone from super morbidly obese to almosttttt normal....BMI chart can suck it though.  Ive drank about 10 protein shakes in the last year and my protein levels are good.  MY surgeon says all my labs are perfect and asked me to write up a testimonial for his new website and hes going to put me before and after pics up on it.  I was honored when he walked into my one year appt and said its stories like mine that makes him love what he does.  I feel freakin amazing.  I have been jogging and weight training and actually enjoying it.  I have lots of skin and struggling with it more than I thought I would.  I have aconsultation with a PS in August.  I am really feeling like I need to go with at least some plastics, I am only 26 and really feel like I need to "finish" this journey.  I still struggle with food and overeating.  I realize now more then ever this is a lifetime struggle and I take it day by day and weigh myself daily now that I am in maintenance.  I am working towards losing another 10-15 lbs but feel pretty happy now too.  Well first pic is not even at my heighest....maybe 290/ surgeon has the only pic of me at 317 and he is going to email it to me eventually.  The second pic was yesterday at a cookout weighing 158.6.

Thanks all!


on 5/24/11 5:54 am
Topic: RE: journaling....
your weight loss is amazing and inspiring
you are beautiful!
thank you for this post

on 4/23/11 11:00 pm
Topic: RE: What are you doing/eating today?? Easter edition!
First off amen to white pants....I bought my first pair in a size 8 the other day, white linen from old navy and cant wait to wear them....
Today starting off with a run....then a few bites of turkey sausage, already had a sugar free hot cocoa
having ham potato mixed veggie and deviled eggs today....making a sugar free cake with splenda cream cheese frosting too
happy easter all

on 4/20/11 5:21 am
Topic: RE: Pretzels and peanut butter???
love your signature

on 4/9/11 11:42 pm
Topic: RE: mozzarella sticks?
thanks sweet thing
