bomoni727’s Posts
Thank you very much PaulaToronto for your excellent response. I will take it under advisement and try these things that you are recommending.

Hi, can you tell me more about the prunes and aloe gel? Prunes I know, but how does aloe gel work for this?

Thanks so much for your reply. I will just go ahead and take it once every morning in 8 ounces of water. Thanks again White Dove!! I knew that if I came on here, I would receive the answer that I need.

I makes me feel better knowing that I am not the only one with this issue. I was not aware that this was an issue after WLS, especially with me being so far out. I have maintained my weight and wear the same clothes since I lost 100 pounds. It boggles my mind though. I exercise regularly. There's a whole lot of stuff that I don't eat. However, I could use a boost in my fiber intake. My question to you is, is it going to be safe to take it every day? I would be okay with that if it means not being constipated. I don't even have a hard time going every day several times a day. Then when they do the xray they see all kinds of stuff in there backed up. I will just go with the Miralax every day for now. Thanks again for any and all responses and opinions.

Thank you so very much for the reply. I went to the local pharmacy, and they recommended Miralax, so I will be starting on that as soon as possible to see if that works. The only other question that I have is whether or not you use Miralax routinely, or do you only use it when you are feeling constipated? Thank you

I had my surgery in 2011. Since then, I have had almost chronic issues with constipation. Can someone recommend a safe and effective colon cleanse? It would be much appreciated. Thank you and please reply to [email protected]. I really need your help and opinions.

Good morning everyone and Happy Thanksgiving. I take several vitamins daily, but wondering if someone could please send me a list of all of the required vitamins that we need to stay healthy after gastric bypass surgery. I had surgery in 2011 and have maintained my weight thank goodness. However, I want a list because some things may have changed over the years. I just want to make sure to stay on track with the required vitamins according to national bariatric standards for optimal health. I eat right, but want to make sure that I am taking advantage of all of the vitamins that I need so that I don't fall into poor health. Also, could you please feel free to recommend the best brands. Thank you all so very much in advance for responding to this need.

Hello Everyone,
I hope you're doing well with your journey. Do you know of anyone who has ever been a spokes-person for ObesityHelp?

Hello Everyone,
I would like to get some feedback from anyone on here who has taken the Bariatric Pal Vitamins. I decided to give them a try so I ordered the multi-vitamin with iron. It appears to have everything in it that is required for optimal nutrition for those of us who've had surgery. It only requires one pill a day and it is easy to swallow and it is not gel based so it dissolves in the pouch well. I just started taking them so I'll let you know how I'm feeling. I just thought I would ask on here to see what you think. Thanks in advance for all of your replies.

Has anyone ever heard of Barimelts Multivitamins? I need to know what your vitamin regimen looks like. Thanks.

Thanks for your reply Kathyjs,
That's the best possible advice any of us on here can receive, given the health implications of what happens when we neglect to stay on a regular vitamin schedule. Interestingly enough, the last time I was in to see my family physician, she said my B12 was a bit high and recommended a slight reduction. She also recommended that I cut back my vitamin D a bit as well. I do definitely take my calcium very faithfully, as I want my bones to stay strong. It's the reason why I can still run at my age. I take my D, B12, and my two chewables every day. My labs look good for the most part though. I do need to get in to see my bariatric doc though because I am long over due for an appointment. I have decided that I am going to start back tracking my weight and updating my online food diary to see exactly what I am doing. I believe that after a number of years, some of us need to just go back to basics. I will say also that my restriction is definitely still there, as I have found out when I've taken one bite too many.

Thank you White Dove for your response. I totally get what you're saying. I am one of those people who wear my weight well if there is such a thing. What I mean is agreeing with you about being able to gain several pound and it not effect how your clothes fit. You're saying exactly what I need to hear, and that is to get back on the scale so that it holds me accountable and quit being in denial by going solely by how my clothes fit. Right now I wear a size 6 but went down to as low as a size 2 at one point in the first two years of my loss after surgery. I have been staying in a 4 or 6 depending on the designer. But, who's to say that I couldn't fit comfortably in a size 8 or 10 even. With that said, I will do the right thing and get back on the scale every day or every other day in order to hold myself accountable and quit being in denial and get honest. That is why I love coming to this site because you guys are going to speak truth and be real. I do feel that it's gotten a little bit harder to maintain my weight. Even tough there are many things I still don't eat, just being older is enough to really watch it. I think sometimes I justify my eating because I still don't eat bread, pasta, fried food of any kind foods with too much fat, no sweets, and limited rice and potatoes. My biggest weakness is eating popcorn that I pop myself. I really have to watch it because I have a tendency to go over board with it. Thanks again for your comments and I look forward to hearing from others about their experiences who are more than 5 years out. I would like to hear from those of you who struggle with carbs and how you have successfully dealt with it. Thanks.

Hello All,
I just had my 8 year surgery anniversary for RNY. I came today to sincerely seek out your opinions from anyone whether you're 8 years out or not as to how you have been maintaining your weight, labs and diet in general. This has been quite the journey for me so far. I went back over the whole ordeal from the first time I sought out the surgery to where I am now.
For the most part, I have done well to maintain my weight, although I've had struggles. I finally got to the point that I don't really get on the scale anymore unless I go to the doctor. That is probably a mistake, but what I go by to determine if I am still on track or not is how my clothes fit. I am still wearing the same clothes that still fit from when I first lost my weight. It seems like my body has reset and settled into a weight that I can maintain, or at least still able to wear my same size clothes.
I would just like to get some advise and words of wisdom from you. The biggest challenge for me right now is, while I can still wear the same size, I would feel much better if I got the last 10 pounds off that would be a goal that I never achieved. Just wanting to hear from you out there about your weight maintenance and some pointers. Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.
Monica, surgery on September 7, 2011

Compression socks could be a good idea. I would probably enjoy compression socks. I'll look into that. As I stated earlier, I am willing to try a number of things to stop the cramping they it happens and also to prevent the cramping. For starters, I went ahead and got myself some magnesium citrate. The only complaint that I have is the pills are so huge! They are beyond horse pills. OMG they are so big I have to cut them in half.

I think I may be okay for my calcium intake. I do get about the 1500 that you take. I like that my bones are not brittle and that I can still run. I know it's because I am not carrying so much weight and the fact that I take my supplements.

I would be surprised if I were dehydrated. I drink all day, throughout the day into the evening. I am very careful to get my fluids in. I drink at least 100 oz. plus a day of fluids. I don't drink any pop or drinks with sugar in them either.

Hey! That's a great idea. I forgot that I make my own bath bombs are they are fabulous. I've had previous co-workers asking me if I had a website because they like them so much. The ingredients that I use are natural with 100% essential oils. I remember the first time I used my own bath bombs. I thought, well if I am going to make these for others I need to try out my own product and loved it. So I think it would also help to do a good soak in the tub with extra Epsom salt.

Got it! Thank you so much. This will be a tremendous help in tracking my lab results and numbers so that I can compare them from year to year.

OMG! Thank you so much for your wonderful ideas. I never would have thought about mustard, oil, or anything like that. That's why I like coming to this site when I have an issue going on. The pain is such that I am willing to try just about anything to keep it at bay. Thanks again.

Thank you for your helpful reply. I went and bought the magnesium citrate and started taking that yesterday. I don't have a problem with constipation, thank goodness. I take apple cider vinegar in warm water every day and that takes care of any constipation issues. Besides, it's just plain good for you overall.

Thanks for your reply,
I just had my labs done in November and magnesium did not stand out as an issue. But, it still would not be a bad idea to get them done again because things can change. I know that having RNY surgery is what makes me very aware of staying healthy and stay on the look-out for any issues. Thanks for your suggestion.

Epsom Salt? Ah yes. When I was growing up my dad would swore by Epsom Salt. I remember him soaking in it all the time. He was a carpenter so often came home with sore muscles from work. I have soaked in it but it's been a long time. May be time to have a good soak in it. Thanks for that suggestion. I will do that.

I actually did not know about a spread sheet to track my lab values. That would be awesome to have. I track the main essential vitamins that I am suppose to take, but it would be great to have the spreadsheet. Thanks again.

That's a good idea to have my blood checked. I just had my labs done back in November and the doctor didn't say anything about my potassium levels. I will go ahead and get my levels checked again, it doesn't hurt anything. I just want to make sure that I am where I need to be. Thanks again.