JustaSouthernGirl76’s Posts

on 3/3/25 6:52 am
Topic: RE: It?s been 5yrs/hernia issues

I was diagnosed by endoscopy with a diaphragmatic hernia in 2019, the pcm called it a large hiatal hernia.Through some serious miscommunication during Covid I didn't have my repair surgery. Never heard from my pcm and had no pain except my reflux which I've been dealing with since probably 2012(4 Prilosec and 2 Pepcid daily) so nothing happened. Fast forward to Jan 2 this year I thought I was having a heart attack. Just sitting watching tv my heart started racing, squeezing pressure in my chest, I was sweating. I saw my pcm she did an ekg said everything was fine couldn't understand why my chest hurt. Maybe it was acid she said and gave me a prescription for another PPI. Two days later I'm in the shower my heart rate shoots up to 130 there's a terrible squeezing in my chest it feels like someone is shoving something up into it. My chest hurts so bad to even put on a bra or touch it. Went to the ER, ekg & bloodwork were fine. He said it was probably my reflux and maybe a panic attack and my hernia acting up . He sent me home with anxiety meds and referred me to cardiologist. Cardiologist said ekg was fine and bloodwork looked good but he wanted to do a stress test because I'm 48.

Also got a referral for an endoscopy. Right after the endoscopy when I woke up my chest pain wasn't as bad I could touch my chest, it was still sore but nothing like when I went in. He said everything looked good to him, pouch was 5 cm he could see my incision and a small sliding hernia. Two days later my breathing is still not great, getting tired easily, my chest is still sore and he said well maybe you're coming down with something and the chest soreness is probably from the test(ð??'). I had it going in.

I couldn't stand it any longer I was afraid to keep letting this go on so back to the ER we went where we sat in the lobby for 18 hours. They did ct scan and x rays. The PA said everything looked good to him he could see evidence of my gastric sleeve. I didn't have a gastric sleeve I had open rny almost 20 yrs ago.

Go see a general surgeon for a consult about my hernia and he can't explain why I'm having trouble swallowing or why my chest hurts. He's put in for some swallowing tests and referring me to a general surgeon who has bariatric experience.

I know when my body feels pain and I know this wasn't acid. I've aspirated acid many times this was so different. I literally thought I was having a heart attack. It's been a few months and I still can't exercise or do much. I spent a good bit of January in bed because I couldn't eat food made me nauseous. I'm better than I was but far from okay. Has anyone had anything like this happen? I feel like I'm losing my mind. Everyone says I'm okay, but clearly I'm not. I have trouble sleeping at night if I lay a certain way it feels like I'm swallowing a tonsil, like a lump is stuck. Pills get stuck, food gets stuck. My chest muscle is still sore I can't vacuum or pick up anything. I cough constantly at night, a few months ago I'm riding 120 miles a week and now I get winded going up the stairs.
I know I'm not imagining this and I've never had a panic attack in my life.

It's really frustrating when you're in pain and everyone tells you that you're fine.

Never Give Up!
on 11/7/14 2:38 am
Topic: RE: Alrighty Then.....

So within a weeks time I've been put on two acid blockers: Prilosec AND Zantac. I am to take them together twice a day. I am also on Celexa so I was told to be really careful because they aren't supposed to be given together.

I have a referral for an Upper GI and while I was there I made an appt. for the nutritionist. I can't believe after 8 years I'm sitting in a doctors office about in tears over my weight. I said this is HARD, hard as hell and no one who hasn't been overweight, severely overweight for a very long period of time can understand what this feels like. I am 43lbs heavier than I was 3 years ago and I'm afraid it's only going to get worse. He started telling me about some weight loss drugs that might work. He was being nice and trying to be helpful but I DO NOT want to take another FLIPPING pill!!! I have a box full now! The good news is I'm down 2lbs since my last visit with him last thursday:)

He was shocked to learn that my lowest weight was 170. He asked me how tall I was and kind of made a face. I said I was walking, going to the gym and doing Zumba. It wasn't like I wasn't trying. I look at all the people who look so skinny after wls and that was NEVER me! I tried like hell but it was Never me!

Feeling so... (also posted in wls grads)

Never Give Up!
on 11/5/14 8:25 pm
Topic: RE: Ulcer free!

I will be having a scope done soon and I'm so nervous. I've not been feeling very well for some time now. There are days I feel perfectly fine and others where I swear there is something trying to gnaw their way out of my insides! I was recently told I have reflux, kind of an off the cuff diagnosis because of an episode I had. I can't wait to see what is going on this crazy pouch of mine. How scary for you and I'm glad to hear it has healed!!


Never Give Up!
on 11/1/14 12:09 pm
Topic: RE: I'm SO COLD!!!

:) My husband says please get your "dead people's feet" off me!! He said my hands and feet are like ice. I've even had students recoil from my touch and say they are like ice cubes. I have a wool blanket, quilt, and my husbands naturally heater like body to keep me warm:) When I was heavier I hated wearing coats because I knew it made me look even bigger but now I have no choice!


Never Give Up!
on 10/31/14 4:16 am
Topic: RE: Acid Reflux or Hernia Trouble?

Thank you so much for your post!! I have had such troubles lately and just that feeling that something isn't right. I think I convinced myself it might be in my head since all the testing came out negative. I can't even eat without painful bloating and the gas is ridiculous. My stomach makes more noise than you can imagine. Thank you, Thank you!!!

Never Give Up!
on 10/30/14 1:33 am
Topic: RE: Acid Reflux or Hernia Trouble?

I woke up yesterday at 4:30 am and was not able to breathe. I had a burning in my chest like fire and all I could do was cough. I coughed and coughed and it burned and burned. A little bit of blood came up but mostly saliva. I have NEVER been so scared. I started vomiting (for me vomiting is mostly like spitting) It was just awful! I was so scared I called my husband at work and he came straight home. My chest stop burning but after about 30 mins of vomiting my throat was on fire! I went to the doctor who told me he thought I might be suffering from acid reflux(put me on Zantac). About a 4 months ago I was having serious stomach issues (gas, bloating, diarrhea, etc) I just didn't feel like me. I had tons of testing done (xray, barium, ct) and even went to the ER, they found nothing.  I will admit I have gained weight since my surgery, more weight than I thought I'd ever see again (was 170-175 and now I'm 218) but I can't imagine all my issues are from that. I also had a tummy tuck in 2010 and in the last couple of years I've some soreness kind of like a lump in my abdomen. The doctor seems to think it's scar tissue and I just have to "live" with it. I'm just curious if anyone has had any issues like these or similar to these. I'd love to hear about it. I'm really sick of feeling sick! I never took one pill before surgery now I have my own little pill box:/

Never Give Up!
on 8/13/13 6:28 am
Topic: RE: diet soda

I've been out for several years and still can't drink it. Well..thats not entirely true..I can drink it but you don't wanna be ANYWHERE around me when I do!! It is an awful feeling and causes large amounts of gas. I wasn't a huge soda drinker before surgery so it hasn't bothered me much. I wish sweets and bread would affect me the same way;(

Never Give Up!
on 8/12/13 10:51 pm
Topic: RE: Acid/belching gnawing feeling in my pouch??

I haven't been to the boards for a very long time but I knew this would be the best place to find answers. I as just recently at my PCP office for hip pain and some strange spots that have formed on my legs. I was also trying to explain to him about my surgery and how my pouch has been giving me a fit for months. He wasn't listening which is apparent by the fact that he prescribed an Aleve type product for my hip pain!!

I have gained 30 lbs since moving here to Va so that probably has a lot to do with my issues. My question is this: Has anyone with RNY surgery felt a constant gnawing/hollow feeling in their pouch?? I can wake up with an empty stomach and feel bubbling and gurgling. I was say it feels like a cross between morning sickness and indigestion. It's an awful feeling burning like someone dropped acid inside me. It doesn't matter what I eat, how bland the feeling always comes back. My abdomen swells every time I eat, I don't know if it's gas or what but it's driving me nuts.


What could be causing this kind of pain? My husband is ready to take me to the emergency room and get it figured out. He has lost all faith in my PCP. I am several years out and haven't had any serious issues until this.

thanks in advance for any help!!


Never Give Up!