Enough is Enough’s Posts
on 10/17/24 9:02 am
I guess we all have different definitions of hangry. If I haven't eaten in awhile and I want to eat but don't need to eat, that's going to put me in a foul mood, which is my definition of hangry I've just always thought of feeling low energy or having blood sugar issues which require food-as-fuel to be something different.

on 10/16/24 5:58 am
Morning! Very busy day at work today. Yesterday our systems were down for most of the day so I was bored but today is back to back meetings plus all the things I never got to do yesterday. Gotta boogie.
QOTD: Stealing Grim's famous line - "Hunger is Not an Emergency"
Accountability: On point - didn't even touch lunch, plus good for the rest of the day and tons of steps.
- 1/2 protein coffee
- turkey sausage links
- mystery boxed lunch at a meeting today
- veggie chorizo quesadilla

on 10/15/24 9:35 am
I know, it was so good!
I feel so bad remembering that so many people lost loved ones and had their work / home lives upended, but working from home in PJs with no commute will always be my core happy memory!

on 10/15/24 9:33 am
Thanks, I was a little worried about me, too! I couldn't understand why I couldn't land at a functional school, until I finally realized there aren't any, anymore. I'm really happy I took the gamble to go back to school and give myself a fresh start :)

on 10/15/24 9:28 am
In case he doesn't get back online to answer you--this is a family trip (with his brother and daughter). They are sightseeing but there is also a big focus on commemorating an uncle who died there during a battle in WWII. I am so sad I didn't have enough time PTO to join them--it looks like an amazing itinerary!

on 10/15/24 9:25 am
Heck yeah--if others can thrive without crushing guilt, I think that is definitely the right move, lol. Maybe someday.

on 10/15/24 9:00 am
I think lots of people post yesterday's meals. Whatever works, right?
Personally, I need to post a plan for the day and then feel the crushing weight of guilt when I have to admit in my accountability the next day that I screwed up, even though I am sure no one is paying any attention to what changed. :/

on 10/15/24 6:49 am
I'm so happy I have the hybrid schedule now! Best of both worlds:)

on 10/15/24 6:32 am
Good Morning! I'm at my desk and somehow feel like I've forgotten everything that seemed so urgent on Friday. 3 day weekends are good for that.
QOTD: I couldn't possibly choose. I have had lots of wonderful years I would love to revisit. But 2017 was a great one. I was at my lowest post op weight and just moved in with Grim :) I know it's probably controversial but 2020 was pretty great too. I had never worked from home before and it was glorious to have so many extra hours in the day.
Accountability: I had 2 cookies in Maine.
- protein coffee & a few bites of leftover cheeseburger
- egg white egg bite
- babybel cheese & apple slices
- 1oz. beef short ribs & broccolini

on 10/11/24 1:48 pm
I'm calling dibs on the Nutella you don't want (before Sheila jumps in!)

on 10/11/24 5:29 am
Good Morning! Well I slept like crap and it was not one of those, "I've had enough" nights, it was an "I'm going to die if I only have 2 hours of sleep" nights. I finally managed to get back to sleep at 3:30am and I slept until 6:30am. Thank goodness because I was not ready to manage today with an all-nighter.
We've got a fun 3 day weekend ahead. It's my dad's birthday so we're going out to spend time with him on Saturday, and Monday we're going to a fall festival in Maine for the day. I have to work my butt off on Sunday for cookie stuff but that's not a bad thing. People are ordering so many Halloween cookies! It's crazy!
QOTD 1: Both bananas and blueberries have to be the exact perfect ripeness for me. If it's perfect I like them both but if not--yuck.
QOTD 2: I take a bariatric vitamin every day, plus an extra vitamin D3, and I take a proferrin a few times a week. The iron is supposed to be daily, but I won't lie and pretend I am as compliant as I should be.
Accountability: I barely ate and over 10K steps
- protein coffee
- turkey sausage
- turkey meatloaf
- ??
Look, they are naming wood varieties after me, now!

on 10/10/24 11:05 am
Ha. I would say it's a deal breaker on any date but Grim has one and I keep him around!

on 10/10/24 5:41 am
Morning. Quick post because I'm already in the office and have a billion things to do. I'm giving a training that I've done a million times this afternoon but it's always been 2 hours and today I only have 30 minutes. I need to figure out what I'm cutting!
I LOVE the first meme. Nothing truer.
QOTD: Anything MAGA tops the list. But any Patriots gear is a close second (sorry Amy, I guess we can't date!)
I just took my Wegovy shot before I left home and I'm in the office feeling yucky. The idea of eating is literally nauseating. But I brought egg bites, a balanced break, an apple and a babybel cheese in case I do want to eat later.

on 10/9/24 4:58 am
Good morning! Diddy? Yikes. I would have HR investigate, lol.
Huge shout out to Teenie, who connected my weird temperature symptoms to Wegovy. Apparently feeling extreme cold is very common. I am really glad that it's not likely connected to menopause, because none of the women in my family have had extreme symptoms and I don't want to have that in my future.
QOTD: Jimmy Carter please! And if we could make it a dinner party, I would ask Abe Lincoln, Dolly Parton, Betty White, John Oliver, and Tina Fey to join us.
Accountability: Not enough steps and too much wine but food was on point.
I ordered some new swag for my business and I guess I am not a large? Haha. So comfy though. I rocked my sweatshirt dress yesterday :)
- protein coffee
- turkey sausage
- turkey meatloaf
- chickpea tortellini (I am so sick of this but it's so dense that I have only been able to have 2 bites at a time, so it was approximately 80 servings instead of 2 as the box indicated)

on 10/8/24 8:55 am
That's an interesting thought about the Wegovy side effects. I hadn't spent much time looking them up because I think sometimes knowing side effects can make you susceptible. But I'm looking now.
I hope your new meds kick in for ya!

on 10/8/24 6:57 am
I seem to be fine for the first 20-30 minutes then I just start shivering uncontrollably. It's such an odd feeling.

on 10/8/24 6:55 am
I'm not sure I've lost that much yet but maybe it's contributing?

on 10/8/24 5:25 am
That meme is hilarious! We are squarely heading into winter here though. It's so damn cold. In fact, question for the ladies who have hit their time--I have always known about hot flashes but is getting INSANELY cold at night a thing? I read that hormone fluctuations can case feeling cold, and lately it's been crazy. I am under blankets surrounded by body heat from Grim and cats, and I will be shivering with my teeth chattering. It's been a few weeks like this. It feels more internal than external.
I have a glorious no-meeting-WFH-Tuesday and I am excited to dig into a few big projects and decorate some cookies on my lunch break.
QOTD: I am torn between rigging a lottery and taking revenge on my vast number of enemies. Grim thinks it's hilarious that I still hold hard grudges against people from kindergarten, but if you wrong me, you will not be forgiven. Ever. Anyway, revenge sounds fun, but getting away from everyone and living on a fancy remote island in a fancy mansion with my fancy boat, and only Grim & cats might be the better choice.
Accountability: Didn't have much to eat yesterday and I actually drank a lot of water and got over 12k steps. Who am I? Of course I woke up feeling hungry so it's not going to be a stellar repeat day.
- protein coffee
- balanced break & apple
- turkey meatloaf
- veggie burger

on 10/7/24 7:02 am
Thanks for starting. I am starting to realize my limits and working full time while running a small biz means I'm just feeling stretched very thin and something's gotta give. This week it's the menu thread. I'll post for my own accountability but I can't commit to starting right now. I need my mornings to do cookie stuff before work.
QOTD: The best boys--Fezzie and Innie who are 7.5 year old tuxedo cats from the same litter.
My weekend accountability was fine. I've been better but I've been much worse.
-protein coffee
-apple & balanced break
-chickpea tortellini with vodka sauce

on 10/4/24 2:58 am
Good Morning and Happy Friday! I think that sign was the trap I fell into on Wednesday and 10/10 recommend.
My stomach was still feeling off yesterday and Grim was not too far from my office when he finished up his doctor's appointment so I had him come get me at the office and take me home a few hours early. I figured out that GERD is my primary issue again because insurance stopped covering that med that finally helped. I signed up for GoodRX and found out I can get it at a reasonable-ish price so I'm going to call the doctor and ask them to resend the script.
QOTD: Any fun weekend plans? We're going to a baseball game tonight, and I really want to do something fall-ish this weekend. Maybe apple picking or a trip up to Maine for some leaf peeping. TBD. I ought to do some cookie stuff but I would rather have some fall fun.
Accountability: I barely ate at all yesterday but we ended up going to see Mean Girls in the theater (it was October 3rd!) and I had 1/2 of a small bag of popcorn.
- protein coffee
- turkey sausage
- chickpea tortellini
- dinner tbd b/c of the ball game

on 10/3/24 2:24 am, edited 10/3/24 2:58 am
Morning all. Well, a day on the couch was just what the doctor ordered. I got the maximum amount of rest that a person can get. I feel much better and maybe I look a little less raccoonish? I got less than zero steps and rotted my brain with true crime documentaries and I'd call it a good day. Back to reality today, though.
QOTD: Have you ever been cheated on? I don't think I have, but who knows, I guess. I have had friends over the years who found out their SOs were cheating and some of them stayed together and some didn't, but I have always known that I don't have the temperament to forgive. One of the documentaries I watched yesterday had a woman forgive her husband for terrible awful cheating and I wanted to jump through the screen and shake them both.
Accountability: I really think I managed to be in the negative for my step count, lol. I suppose I must have walked from the couch to the bathroom to pee a few times, but that's the max activity I had for the day. I eventually felt hungry and I had a few bites, but nothing that resembled a meal. I just had a few sips of coffee and it turned my stomach, so I don't feel like making a menu, but here is my best guess:
- protein coffee
- egg bites
- chicken & broccoli
- chickpea tortellini

on 10/2/24 1:39 am
Good Morning, gang. I've been feeling incredibly yucky for a few days so I decided to take a sick day today. With any luck I will get in some naps and resemble that little frog soon.
QOTD: Any suggestions for a good binge watch? Can be old or new! I have been thinking about rewatching Six Feet Under for ages but it seems a little intense for how I am feeling today.
Thinking about food turns my stomach, so no menu. But I promise to drink a lot.