White Dove’s Posts
Most of us use Miralax. I also take a probiotic. I do not know about cleanses, but ask your doctor to recommend something. There is prescription strength laxative that can be prescribed.
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
I still prefer beef. Chicken is just difficult for me to eat since surgery. Unless it is soup and really moist it is too dry. I wish I could find ways to fix it to make it more edible for me. I have a rump roast marinating for sauerbraten. I plan to have that with red cabbage and spaetzle tomorrow. Then will use it for sandwiches or quick meals for a few days. It is something I really like to eat. There used to be a German resturant here years ago and I learned to love German foods.
I love ocean whitefish and sometimes get a box from a company in Alaska. There is a new Korean resturant here and I ate there once a few months ago. We had a big crowd and got a lot of dishes to share. Everything was so good. I plan to eat there more often this year, but when the weather is better. We are having lots of snow and very cold temperatures, so I am inside most of the time.
I bought a kit for water gardening almost a year ago. I finally got it out last month and planted thyme, basil, parsley and tiny cherry tomatoes. The basil and thyme are thriving and will be ready to start cutting soon. The parsley is slow, but I am having fun watching it. The garden automatically turns on for 16 hours a day and then 8 hours of no lights. I used to buy them as gifts for other people and finally bought one for myself. I miss fresh herbs in the winter and do buy them but it is fun to watch them grow.
I had blood work early this morning and it was about 2 degrees here. The hospital was crowded and I was there for an hour and a half waiting. My sister was with me and we were talking in the waiting area. This lady was in a room with the nurse. She got up and came over to us and was mad that we were talking. Said she could not hear and shut and locked the door to the little room. What a witch. I was not sitting there when she came out but she went to my sister and told her that she was rude. My sister ended up calling her the F word and my sister does not confront others or swear. I felt bad that she got exposed to that toxic lady.
Most people are nice and I don't know what happens to some of them. She was probably in her 50's and loooked "normal" but you can never tell. We stopped at McDonalds and got breakfast to go. It is cold here but the sun is shining and the snow is pretty.
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
I know my experience with venison was bad because I needed to add something like bacon because it is dry. I no longer have people who bring it to me. I have had it when it was excellent.
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
At 76 I do end up in the hospital a lot. I am glad that they are there to take care of us and hope QJB's dad is OK and it is a short hospital stay. Swinging chickens.
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
Chicken is iffy for me away. Too dry and I cannot eat it. I love chicken if it is cooked properly.
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
That would be awesome. I have put them in boiling water, but never tried poaching in butter. I wish we lived closer. I could learn so much from you.
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
For me it is kimchi. I have thought about it for a long time and decided to try after you posted about making your own.
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
The place to try lobster for the first time is Red Lobster. It will be perfectly prepared there. Just get the lobster tail and dip it in the melted butter. It is the tastiest seafood of all. Preparing it at home is tricky. Eating a whole lobster is a lot of work and the tail is the best part.
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
I am so sorry about the salt burning his little paws. I know that some people have shoes or boots for their pets. Maybe that would help but depends on whether he would wear them.
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
I have never had kimchi. I lover sauerkraut so think I will also love kimchi. I just added it to my grocery order for this week. I have not done any crafts in probably 40 years. I used to do paint by number paintings and holiday decorations. Then life and work caught up with me and I never took time to do things like that. Now I am completely retired and looking for ideas to spend time. I think a trip to a hobby store is long overdue.
I googled diamond painting and it looks beautiful. I am going to give it a try. Thanks for mentioning it.
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
Happy Birthday Jen, Em, and Julia.
My plans for 2024 are a trip to Las Vegas particularily because I want to take a helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon and eat at Hell's Kitchen. There are so many fun things to do in Vegas. I don't gamble but love the entertainment there.
I am also planning a week in Hawaii with my sisters in May. Other than a luau I plan to spend most of that week on the beach. It is cold and snowy here but the sidewalks and roads are clear. When the sun comes out it is pretty sparkling on the snow.
I like the snow but getting antsy for spring. Spring is my favorite season when everything is fresh and green and there are warm sunny days again. Today is a good day to be on the couch with my cat, a blanket, and the gas fireplace running. I am going to watch Outlander and maybe finish a book I am reading.
I am enjoying the article that Teenie posted and thinking o f ways to increase my protein and vegetables. I got out for a short walk today with my jacket, gloves, hat and scarf and really needed that fresh air. The real secret of keeping weight off is the combination of eating well and getting as much exercise as possible.
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
Happy Birthday. Hope you feel a lot better soon.
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It is entertainment to me so I don't care if it is history or not. I love Dylan's voice and music.
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
I will wait for it to be on TV but I am looking forward to the Dylan movie.
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
Lunch for me is usually whatever is left over from supper the night before. Most meals last me for two or three servings. I try to make a pot of chicken or vegetable soup once a week and portion that out for lunches. It is the easiest way for me to have a meal and I use a lot of meat in my soups so they are high in protein.
We are in for a few weeks of very cold weather and snow. Most of the time in the 20's. The last few years we had little winter weather so this feels strange. I have been experimenting with making bread lately. This weekend I made one with bisquick and beer. It was too sweet and I threw most of it away. Today I am making a whole wheat and oatmeal bread with honey. Whole wheat takes a long time to rise so I will be playing with it most of the day.
My cat has learned fetch and brings me his ball for me to throw it. He wakes me up at night with the ball in his mouth and looks so cute that I have to play with him.
The diet that Teenie posted yesterday has some recipes that look great and I will be making some of those recipes in the next weeks. I am no longer trying to gain weight so will concentrate on getting in protein and lots of good vegetables.
Have a great day everyone.
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
Thanks. I am going to try that.
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
Thanks for sharing this. I looked through it and there are some great recipes. I am going to follow this for the high protein and good meal ideas.
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
Happy Birthday. Enjoy the kitties.
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
That is a great idea. I do a lot of Doordash and order things I think I will enjoy. Lately I got my appetite back and enjoying eating again. I had Meals on Wheels one time after being in the hospital and remember that there was a lot of really good food in their deliveries.
I usually do an order from Walmart or Giant Eagle once a month and do look for things that are already prepared and I can just heat up and have. Giant Eagle here has wonderful meals like stuffed cabbage or roast turkey dinner.
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
No New Years diet this year. I have been underweight for months. My goal is 136 and I was down to 116 and not trying to diet just no appetite. I got caught up in the last few weeks and am eating more. Was 132 this morning so happy about that.
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
My New Years memories are wearing fancy dresses, dancing, eating traditional foods, and kissing everyone at midnight when they played Al Lang Syne. Then driving home in a car where everyone was drunk and it seems like the drunkest person was always the one driving. We survived all that craziness and now New Years is a quiet night at home and I will go to bed by 10:00.
It is a cold and rainy day here today and it feels good to be inside looking out.
Happy New Year everyone!
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
I remember the long lines at Weigh****chers the week after New Year's when we all went back to our diets. That would last until about March. Now I make resolutions on a daily basis. As I get older, I find it is important to still set goals and have things to look forward to. It is all one day at a time and do my best to stay as healthy and active as possible.
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
Possibly a 100 pound weight loss to show that you are serious about being on a diet. Your doctor will give you the required amount.
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
I read that it could put diabetes into remission and decided to try. I had been on insulin for about ten years and the diabetes did not go into remission. But it was improved for a long time, then gradually came back. I should have done it ten years sooner, but thought it was too drastic.
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
I can no longer tolerate sugar and eat very little of it. It makes me sick.
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends