Dcgirl’s Posts
Mine is Bcharya brand from Amazon for $300 also. I don't know any other brands but this was simple to set up and it's fabulous. It has an app to tell me when I need to add litter or remove the bag from the bin below.

Good morning! I don't often grab fast food but if I do it's chicken since I don't eat beef and sometimes I eat it too quickly and I get the foamies so I have to be super careful. I'm trying to think about when I've gotten shaky or hangry and what I have done. I suppose it doesn't happen that often - other than the last few weeks (breakup, move) I'm not one to "forget" to eat haha. So I guess I don't often run into that scenario cuz I'm always planned?
Today is going to be a great day. I started early and I'm ending early to go do a double class at my old gym. It's a 40 min drive which is bananas but I love it so much so I'm going to try to do a double class 2x a week. I tried the local satellite Jazzercise last night and it was meh. It's in a church rec room and it's a small group and the energy just isn't the same. But I will definitely do the occasional drop in.
Amy I have a QOTd for you - "what's the best thing you've ordered online recently?" I got a robot kitty litter (not the $600 one; a cheaper one) and it's CHANGED MY LIFE. No joke.
Eats today: the rest of the egg salad, sushi and more sushi. I did a shot today so likely won't have much capacity.
Have a wonderful Friday Eve!

Hi friends! Pure mayhem over here - I moved Monday so I've been packing or unpacking for 3 straight weeks. Yesterday I worked 4 hours and still got 3.7 miles walked INSIDE. Literally that was just tromping floor to floor and settling in. I am nowhere near done. I'm having to accept that this will be a month long project - I'm gone 4 days this weekend and then an entire week so when my mom and her caregiver come back they are going to help me organize and figure out where the things go!
I am bummed I missed yesterday's QOTD. I am proud to say, NOW! I am seeing great success on Wegovy, I had the strength and courage to leave a relationship that wasn't what I wanted or deserved, and I moved to a new city. Onward and upward! It's been a super challenging year but I'm feeling excited!
Q: I also had a ton of regain - which I'm battling now. Apparently the stress of moving is useful for weight loss - I've had a big loss in the last month. I think I have two tips - you will find success in the kitchen, not the gym. Focus on food choices, calories, macros. However, exercise is critical for mental and physical health as well as just functional strength. My tip here is: the best workout is one that you love! I'm so thrilled I found Jazzercise - it's cardio and strength and the most amazing community!
I have not been eating enough (said me, never), but todays eats will be leftover spicy tuna, leftover egg salad, and I'm going for a walk later to explore the new hood and may try an authentic street taco place a few blocks away!
Have a wonderful day!

Hi Yma! Thanks for starting us off. It's like a whole job and I'm thankful QJB has done it as long as she has and thrilled you've taken up the task today! ??
I had a great weekend - old friends on Friday night which made my heart happy, Saturday was organizing and removing all photos from albums so I can keep the memories but not have six huge plastic bins that weigh a jillion points, and yesterday was a Jiu Jitsu women's workshop my friend ran - I think I can get away from an intruder who runs up behind me and puts his arms around me on the street now!
It feels so good to be organizing and purging. One week from today the truck will be loaded!!!
I had a great class this morning and then ran into giant for life forces: rotisserie chicken, boars head chicken, avocados, cheese, and creamer. Yum. I'm set for todays meals!
Q: I have my spirits animal, an 11 year old chunky tabby named Chloe. She runs this house. I got her in the split. As if there were any other option!!!

Friday!!! Hells yes. This week seemed long. Your weekend sounds great. Are the leaves already changing? The high tomorrow is 80 in DC. I am more than ready for Fall!
People are really starting to notice my weight loss. It's weird, it's like I just crossed this threshold where people look at me and go "wow". I'm feeling so thankful for wegovy and so grateful I found a virtual program since my insurance doesn't cover it. Grateful Friday over here!
I am also BEYOND excited because I know I was saying I'm burning the candle at both ends and so I made the mature decision to RSVP no for an Oktoberfest party tomorrow, I obviously then added in Friday night plans lol. My work husband from three jobs ago is in town and I'm meeting up with him and his friends for dinner. I can't wait!!!
Eats today will be boring and more of the same. A quarter of a potbelly sandwich, cottage cheese, turkey and cheese. And iced coffee! I hope everyone does something that fills their cup this weekend!

Thank the lord, the weekend is in view. I can't remember if I mentioned I decided to skip the Oktoberfest party Saturday so I can have a day to relax and pack and read and watch tv and lay on the couch. Sunday I have a jiu jitsu workshop a friend is leading and then a show at the Kennedy Center with an early dinner after with a friend from painting class. She is one of the strongest people I know...she's from the Philippines and she married an American, they had a son who has autism and is non verbal and huge and destructive and then her husband had an accident and had a brain injury. She somehow keeps her family going and works at the World Bank. She's also super creative and so kind and generous!
Q: Yep. Once that I know of and it was very hurtful. After that, I always told boyfriends, listen, don't cheat on me. You want to be with someone else, feel free. End it with me first.
Eats today - continuing on with leftover potbelly, some popcorn, and I have a bunch of diced onions so I think I'll make a can of tuna!
Have a wonderful Friday Eve!

Good morning! Sorry you are sick. The pits. I hope today is a wonderful day of recuperation!
I have read some really positive reviews of Nobody Wants This on Netflix. I may give it a whirl this weekend. I have RSVPed no to a few social obligations because I just feel like I'm burning the candle at both ends. The move date is coming soon! I am so, so excited!
Today I am meeting some colleagues downtown DC at a WeWork and we are running an enablement session on zoom together. After work we are going to one of the gal's apartment for a work sponsored fun activity - making tacos! All the food was delivered right to my door. I'm a fan of team building through I know others do NOT want to zoom with their colleagues at 6:30 pm. But we are treating it as a social experience!
My ears today - 1/4 of a potbelly leftover sandwich, if I'm lucky then poke for lunch, and a small chicken and corn taco for dinner. It's foong to be a great day! I have been up for hours and accomplished a lot but now I'm laying back in the bed with the cat and it's glorious! Have a wonderful day!

I mean, since none of your meals are more than 3 ingredients, you'd actually be an ideal zoom chef!

Good morning! I feel you deeply! I'm not going to have downtime until thanksgiving it looks like. Exciting news - I move two weeks from today! Between moving, an Oktoberfest party, a musical, a Diwali party, an NFL night game, a weekend in western VA for Friendsgiving, a customer event in Texas, chemo for my mom in Philly and a host of other stuff, I am relying on my google calendar to get me where I need to be! All good stuff but it's never-ending. Just the packing alone is a lot but I've made great progress!
I cannot for the life of me think of one. Maybe Scooby Doo. Like me he's a scaredy cat so actually we wouldn't be a good pair. How about the funny crab from Ariel?
I was soooo tired from getting home last night at 11:30 but got my morning class in and I'm feeling good. I want to tie up a bunch of odds and ends at work today. Wednesday I am going into DC to cowork at a WeWork office and a few of us are going to our colleagues because the company planned a "learn to cook tacos with a chef" activity via zoom and 3 of us will do it together. I got six Whole Foods bags dropped on my porch today. What a nice team bonding activity!
Eats today - I have leftover quiche that is divine. I have oven roasted turkey and honey backed turkey. I have havarti cheese. I have cottage cheese. I basically have all kinds of great meal choices.
Have a splendid day, everyone!

Whoa! You're up early on a day off! Enjoy the long weekend and kid time! I'd insert a heart emoji but this site is so hard to use on a phone that it's quicker for me to type this entire sentence lol!

Awww friend, I am so sorry something terrible happened to you yesterday! I know the first rule of HR is not to talk about HR so that must be hard to have to keep it all in. Hopefully you have a boss or peer you can vent to! You deserve the weekend for sure! Hopefully water and power are both back!
My day looks glorious! I have hours of time to do actual thoughtful work. I have two big projects that require only a Friday level of thinking so I'm hoping to nail them today. Then I can delay a Slack to my Estonian product team for their Monday morning and let them know they've been DONE!
I'm doing five classes this week at the gym AND I've been packing in every spare minute and my body is sore. Like, weary. I'm tempted to go get a massage. I shouldn't be frivolously spending money right now but we only get one wonderful and wacky life so I just may treat myself! Ha, I'm an expert at rationalizing why I deserve something LOL
Eats today...I think it's too long for the turkey so today might be cottage cheese for breakfast, tuna for lunch and pizza for dinner. The magic of wegovy is, when I crave pizza it's a much less stronger craving and the most I can eat is a piece. Normally 2/3 of one! I am so sorry you're enduring ongoing BS with getting your prescription filled. How frustrating! Today is my shot day too. I'll do it after class.
Have a most wonderful weekend everyone! I'll pop in later to check on all the peeps!

Woohoo! That's an amazing NSV! Congratulations. I'm so excited for you. I'm at the point where it's very noticeable and it's so hard to remember who I told I'm doing Wegocy to lol. It's not a secret but I don't make it my Slack status, ya know? I always tell people who comment or ask and are obese. To remove some stigma and answer questions if they have them.
QOTD: my mom loved a dinner of shake and bake chicken breast, rice a roni, and salad with fat free ranch, back in the 80s. She was always the first to hop on any weight loss bus whether the fat free movement, the margarine movement, the phen-fen movement. And she wasn't even fat! This is why I haven't told her about Wegovy. I don't need the food police!
I also have a great story about Shake and Bake. One of my closest college friends got a job in Baltimore about 10 years ago. She and her mom were apartment hunting and they had a demoralizing first day. I joined them on the second day to see some places in the Mt Vernon neighborhood. On our walk to a place her mom mused, I wonder what's near here. Do you have a grocery store? Well, I'll talk to a wall so about a minute later I saw a guy with a plastic bag and I said "hey! Do you live around here by chance?" He said yeah. I said, "My friend here is looking at a place on this street, we were just curious if you find this neighborhood safe and also where do you grocery shop?", He said he loved the area and there are two choices. Eddie's, just two blocks over, or Safeway which is a bus ride away. Then he proceeded to tell us all about how Eddies is so convenient but pretty pricy. He then said "I mean a box of Shake and Bake is $3.99 at Eddies and only $2.59 at Safeway!" We chatted a bit and thanked him and went to the appointment. All day long we would randomly crack up about how RANDOM it is to compare THAT item. Not milk, not eggs, not something very typical LOL
My eats today are sparse. I'm going to have to break down and stop at the store tonight after the gym. I still have turkey and cheese so that's breakfast. I also have tuna and i was considering a mixture of tuna, goat cheese and olive tapenade. Or would it be better with feta cheese? (Grim do NOT weigh in here lol).
Swinging a chicken that ho****er is back today. Apparently yesterdays chicken hit Herbert right in the face and spurred him to action!

They all played being hateful so stellarly! (Probably not a word) so kudos for them for that haha. But I agreed I loooved seeing Nantucket!

Goooood morning! I only slept 5 hours last night and despite wishing I could channel my inner Jen and hop out of bed and not obsess about how little I slept but instead I opted to read the internet.
QOTD: when I was visiting my mom a couple weeks ago, we binged The Perfect Couple on Netflix. It was so good. Based on an Elon Hildebrand beach read that takes place in Nantucket. I hope they do what Big Little Lies did - make a show based on the book and then create more seasons!
Eata today - the last of the crab (I had so much left that I shared it with my packing help and we all enjoyed the hell out of it!), more oven roasted turkey and havarti cheese, maybe a cottage cheese, and some jalapeño cheese popcorn. Plus an iced coffee!
Have a most fabulous day

HERBERT! Get your ass over to the Queen and Grims house! I'll be swinging a chicken for you. I can't start a day without a shower. I'm about to shower even though I'm going to the gym tonight (and then I'll shower again) because I can't even face a day withou****er. Not to make you envious - but, I understand!
I like an extra spicy chai latte but once it gave my my only time ever having RH! I was at a gate at the airport and I called NYMom to see if I was dying lol. She said nope, sounds like RH. I've never had it before or after. So now I'm cautious if I get a sweet drink. It's pretty rare.
Today is going to be a great day. Moderate amount of meetings, my cleaning ladies are coming to help me pack, gym, and kitten time! The kittens I am watching are rambunctious and hilarious. Their parents are so happy because I send lots of funny pics and videos.
Meals today...more crab, meat and cheese on fresh jalapeno sourdough, more crab. lol. I may add some popcorn. Thanks Wegovy, for keeping my food noise low and my appetite low. What a blessing. Lisa, I just read your post yesterday about your friend. From what I have read, Wegovy doesn't work for everyone. And, it seems best results are had on Zepbound. That being said, there are so many advancements being made with new drugs and pill formats etc so tell your friend not to lose hope! I imagine it's hard walking around at 500 lbs. I hope he finds what works for him

Good morning queen and everyone else! We made it to Monday. I had a super productive weekend that didn't feel like a weekend lol. I hoped my ex get unpacked and get the kids' rooms situated. Then I did a TON of packing and sorting and box taping. I'm paying my cleaning ladies to come help pack tomorrow since my move date is still not final and I don't want to be in a frantic rush. We were in this house for almost 8 years and I forgot that MOVING SUCKS!
Not having ho****er sucks too! I really hope they come today ð?'? Sometimes the app HotelTonight has good options. If it's still an app (haven't used it in a long time)!
QOTD: I'm not a scary movie person at all I've never seen most scary movies. I don't recall one being worse than the others!
I treated myself and got Dungeness crab at Costco. It took me a good hour to break the clusters and claws down. I use a cracker and a utility knife and a little poke tool. Damn it's labor intensive. But sooooo worth it. I have at least a pound of crab meat and for $40. I'll have it for like 7 meals this week.
Meals today: crab, turkey and havarti, crab.
Have a wonderful day!

Good morning! Oooh now I want a head massager for Chloe! Send me the link!
Today is moving day for my ex. Naturally it's raining. The movers aren't here despite confirming 9 am. I'm on laundry load 5. I am just telling myself, half of today will be stressful and then you're onto a new life. Also, I found not one, not two but THREE great house options for me yesterday. So that was an attitude boost!
Eats today are just random. I have potbelly sandwich left and chipotle burrito bowl left. With all the packing there's been no cooking! I didn't do my shot yesterday and today I can't really afford to feel off even a little bit so I'll do it tomorrow. I want it work better over the weekend anyway! It's seriously changed my life over the last year, being on Wegovy (compounded since my insurance won't cover it so it's about $300 a month). I'm down a pretty momentous amount of weight as of today so I'm choosing to celebrate that!
Have a wonderful day everyone!

Good morning! Just stress scrolling over here lol. I'm seeing 5 places today (took half a day) but I didn't have much luck on Sunday. I'm starting to wonder if I should put my stuff in a pod and go stay at my parents for a few months to help them out while I recoup some of the money I've drained this year and then come back and buy in the Spring market. Something to noodle on! The rentals I'm finding are just not exactly what I'm looking for or a little grungy from turnover. I guess I'm a fancy person now because no thanks, grunge!
Q: I had to really think about this lol. I guess our bedrooms have carpet. And the family room that is down a step from the tile kitchen. I prefer hardwoods.
Im off to Jazzercise in half an hour, then driving to Baltimore to see the 5 places and then home to work the afternoon. I have some packing up to do (things that live in furniture that's moving tomorrow) so it's gonna be a long day.
Today is Wegovy shot day so I won't be hungry. I have leftover pizza, cottage cheese, and maybe I'll get some rotisserie chicken to have on hand.
Have a most wonderful day and I'm sending healing vibes to Mama Queen JB. Aging parents are pretty trrrifying, that's for sure!

Awwww so glad Grim will be back tomorrow. And I'm sure the cats will let him back in bed solely because he is the ham purveyor LOL.
Jen, what beautiful pics! Wow! All of your trip pics have been otherworldly.
Q: I don't like scary movies. Side note, this isn't scary but it's not my normal genre, however I am binging "The Perfect Couple" on Netflix and it's sooooo good.
I have been lurking and not posting. I've been traveling for five weeks. My mom needed some ad hoc help so I'm in NC last minute. But the biggest news is that my partner and I are parting ways. It's a good thing! No condolences needed, I promise. The sad part is of course the kids, and the busy part is finding a place to move in the next 55 days. So I'll probably be here sporadically until I get my new life in gear!
Julia, I'm with you on the Wegovy! I did my **** Tuesday and Tuesday I ate half a bagel with cream cheese (airport), and a scoop of tuna. Wednesday was tuna for breakfast, a hard boiled egg in the afternoon, and crab for dinner with two bites of noodles. Yesterday was leftover crab, two hard pretzels, a hard boiled egg, and then I did succumb to 3/4 piece of pizza at night. But still! It's a miracle drug.
Todays eats: the last of the crab, 1 piece of pizza, a hard boiled egg, and rotisserie chicken if I need more food!
Have a wonderful weekend all!

Haha - would I be jealous to miss the wagon spectacle or because you're hitting the state I may never get to?
Ironically the OK state fair and it's excellent people-watching were a topic on a call this morning with a customer who is driving from CA to GA for an upcoming move. He said the OK State Fair is the best in the country lol

Such heartbreaking news, Grim. I'm so sad for your family. That is a call no one wants to get. I'm sure it will be lovely for your sister to have family support

Buenos días! I've been lurking and not posting - I'm in a month of busy travel - Detroit, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, Mexico City, deep creek Lake MD and Reading PA. So I keep tabs on y'all but haven't posted in a minute.
I woke up in a very dark room and forgot where I was! I'm in a Marriott haha.
Q: I love browsing at Marshall's and poking into boutiques but alas 90% of my stuff is bought online. I do go to Aldi and Costco fairly often too!
Eats today are up in the air. We have a workshop from 1-10. Kinda ridiculous. And they're ordering in sandwiches for lunch and pizza for dinner. Thanks to Wego y, I'll have a very sensible portion of whatever!
Have a wonderful day all!