What's on your Tuesday Menu?
Happy Birthday Jen, Em, and Julia.
My plans for 2024 are a trip to Las Vegas particularily because I want to take a helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon and eat at Hell's Kitchen. There are so many fun things to do in Vegas. I don't gamble but love the entertainment there.
I am also planning a week in Hawaii with my sisters in May. Other than a luau I plan to spend most of that week on the beach. It is cold and snowy here but the sidewalks and roads are clear. When the sun comes out it is pretty sparkling on the snow.
I like the snow but getting antsy for spring. Spring is my favorite season when everything is fresh and green and there are warm sunny days again. Today is a good day to be on the couch with my cat, a blanket, and the gas fireplace running. I am going to watch Outlander and maybe finish a book I am reading.
I am enjoying the article that Teenie posted and thinking o f ways to increase my protein and vegetables. I got out for a short walk today with my jacket, gloves, hat and scarf and really needed that fresh air. The real secret of keeping weight off is the combination of eating well and getting as much exercise as possible.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends