What's on your Tuesday Menu?
on 9/24/24 8:09 am
I agree about the time thing. I used to drink quad venti lattes for years after surgery! The thought turns my stomach now. I don't think I am lactose intolerant, but my bet is on the quantity of milk because happens with reg or SF ones.

RNY 11/21/16 - HW/SW 309 LW 150
REVISION 4/10/23 - HW 240 SW 225 CW 164 GW 155
Good Morning! Come on, Herbert!!! I hope you guys get your water back today. Nothing exciting going on here, normal work projects and working on some training documents.
QOTD: I just have my regular drinks. Starbucks used to have holiday spice starting in Nov/Dec and that was a fav but they haven't had in a few years now.
TSS: 10 years 1 month
B: SF latte, Fiber/protein oatmeal, turkey sausage, and an orange
L: Turkey and cheese sticks, carrots, light and fit yogurt and some fruit
S: Mixed nuts, a piece of fruit and yogurt
ES: Protein ice cream and carbmaster toast
E: 1/2 hour elliptical and 20 mins Pilates bar
V/W: On track
Totals: TBD
Have a great day!
I once spent a month in the Andes mountains in a little village in Venezuela. They only had cold water. No type of water heater. Everyone took cold showers. They knew I was miserable and the mother would hea****er on the stove and pour it into a bucket and put it in the shower for me. Somehow I improvised and got clean. One day we were in a town and stopped to visit someone who had ho****er and they let me take a shower there. It was wonderful.
The other thing that was hard to get used to was not flushng toilet paper. Their plumbing is not that good and they are afraid of clogging the lines. So they have a wastebasket next to the toilet to put the paper in. They are also very careful about how much toilet paper they use. If you stop at a restroom along the road, there is a lady there selling toilet paper and you pay a penny for each sheet. You also put that in a wastebasket next to the toilet
When we went on road trips, we bought our own rolls of toilet paper with us. I learned how much we take some things for granted that other people do not have. My friend was in Vietnam for four years. He was in the jiungle, living in a tent, and washing in rivers or streams. He takes long hot showers until his ho****er runs out. Always at least an hour. He said that a hot shower is something he never wanted to be without again.
I had a roof and new spouting installed a few years ago. I was not able to work from home and went to a friend's home during the day when they were working. The noise and strangers was very hard on my cat, but taking her somewhere else would have upset her more. I hope Herb comes through soon, but I would go to a hotel too. My emergency plan for loss of power is a hotel not far from me.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
we weren't allowed to flush toilet paper when I was in India, either - same reason - the plumbing there couldn't handle it. Most of the hotels had bidets, so that was easy - otherwise, we had to throw the toilet paper into the waste basket. I admit there were a handful of times when I forgot and flushed it. Whoops. Hard to remember not to do that when you've been doing that several times a day for decades...
Same exact thing in Peru. We were going around with our own TP, had to pay 1 Sol to use the bathroom (but it's the same all over Europe), and no flushing the TP down the toilet.
SW:261 6/26/17 GW:150 10/6/18
CW: 140.6
PGW: 140-142
Mornin' All!
I'm thinking of giving up my volunteer gig because my mother is stressing me out too much. She really goes bonkers sometimes. She has an appt for a Botox injection (in her bladder - for urinary incontinence) on Nov 1, and she's been spending way too much time with Dr. Google and is convinced she is going to have to use a catheter afterward for the rest of her life and will have to live in a nursing home because of it. ARRRGGGH. I don't know where she's getting this nursing home idea, but this catheter business - I've told her a zillion times that they legally have to list all the potential side effects and complications of any med or procedure, but a lot of those only happen to like 1% of people. Two of her aides (they are there for a couple of hours every morning) are retired nurses, and they really think the injection is a great idea (one has even had one herself), and I messaged her PCP yesterday about this issue, and she wrote back and said she hopes Mom won't cancel it because she also thinks it's a great idea. So for the last few days, Mom has emailed me insisting that I cancel the appt, but I've told her we have another six weeks until then, she has plenty of time to cancel it if she really doesn't want to do it, but in the mean time, I think she should talk to people who've had it. I also cut & pasted the note her PCP sent me yesterday. So I get an email this morning from her saying she thinks she's OK with it now - and she wondered where the doctor who will be doing it went to med school (not sure why this makes a difference - it's not like it's some high-risk surgery, but whatever. I looked it up and let her know). Anyway, ARRGGH. I also ordered a low profile bed frame for her last week because an occupational therapist who evaluated her appt said her bed was about 2" too high. My mother went into some rage after the bed frame arrived and said she didn't want it and wasn't going to pay for it, and I needed to come over RIGHT NOW and take this thing back to Home Depot (where I'd ordered it from). So I did. This is really driving me crazy.
anyway, my volunteer gig. The nursing home where my client lives wants me to go to some colonoscopy appt with her because they're short staffed at the nursing home. I don't have time for this and it's not part of my responsibilities. I emailed the volunteer agency and they said it's not my problem - it's the nursing home's - they need to send someone with her. They are going to know her and her situation better than I do, and she knows them because she sees them every day (she also has dementia - I stop by every four weeks or so to see her. Sometimes she recognizes me (although a couple of times she thought I was her niece), but often she does not. She would do better with someone she actually interacts with all the time (and knows), I think - and the volunteer agency agrees. The nursing home has also asked me to do things in the past like go shopping for clothes for her - and to follow up on erroneous health care billing. I've done the latter - but not the former - neither is my responsibility. They've said "well other guardians and POA's do that" - but my guess is the other guardians and POA's happen to be family members of the patient in question, and I am not this woman's relative. The volunteer agency agrees with that as well. So this situation has gotten me thinking that maybe I should give this up for a while - it's just adding to my stress level.
anyway, sorry to go on. I think I'm going to bike to class today. My eating hasn't been out of control, but I'm eating too much to lose weight (I maintain on about 1600 kcal/day). So my weight isn't budging. I really cannot be eating that much and expect to lose any weight unless I'm exercising at least an hour most days of the week, which I have not been doing. I'll get an hour of biking in if I bike to and from class, though, so I'll do that. Weather will be perfect for it - in the 60s, no rain, very little wind.
QOTD: my usual order (if I opt for a fancy drink) is an iced latte with SF syrup, but occasionally I'll get an iced matcha latte for something different (also with SF syrup). I loved iced chai lattes, but I haven't had one since before surgery because places use a mix for those, and it's real sugar. If they made a SF chai latte mix and places actually used that, I'd get one occasionally for sure.
coffee with half & half
skyr with strawberries
protein shake (?)
I might bike to campus early and get something at that Indian cafe that's in the building across from my class (also in an academic building. It used to be just a coffee place with a few other items, but they added Indian food recently. if I get that, it'll for sure be a small order - and I'll take a Tupperware so I can take some of it home). If I don't do that, I've always got a protein bar or two in my backpack, so that..
dinner TBA
have a great day, everyone! And sorry this was so long!
I can't believe they are asking you to do those things. It might be different if it were your mother, but it is not and not your responsibility at all. Your mother-in-law is like a lot of people who worry about ending up in a nursing home. I do not worry about that at all. If that is what happens, they will take good care of me there.
I watched too many people trying to keep loved ones at home after they were no longer able to care of themselves. They stressed themselves and others out and the loved one may have been better off in a home.
For many of them, and I was raised that way too, it was a disgrace to put someone in a nursing home. People believed that if they raised children, those children should care for them in their old age. But reality now is that people have jobs and families and are quite busy with their own lives. The nursing homes are there for a reason. They have good people and are inspected by the government. I am not afraid of one if that is the best place for me.
I would definitely give up the volunteer. You have enough to do with your MIL.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
G'morning all!
JB - no shower is no bueno. Funny when we remodeled our home the foreman's name was Herb too, and I have a hard time with this name. I kept not pronouncing the H and he kept telling me it's HHHHerb. Do you know how long it took me to learn when referring to cooking herbs not to pronounce the H? Then you go and throw a wrench in all of that by telling me I gotta pronounce the H when it's a person's name???
No big plans this week except for the usual work, workout, meal plan, etc.
QOTD:I have become very boring and hardly order coffee out. DH has gotten very fancy with his morning coffees he makes me so I'm very content. If I order something from starbucks I look to see what they are featuring. I did read something about oat milk in your coffee that is not good, because it's all starch.
My meals yesterday:
- Coffee
- TJ chicken fajitas
- L&F yogurt (pumpkin), edamame pouch (influenced by Yma)
- Protein icecream - pumpkin spice latte
- E: 6 moles wog
Happy taco Tuesday!
SW:261 6/26/17 GW:150 10/6/18
CW: 140.6
PGW: 140-142
on 9/24/24 7:45 am
Influenced by YOU!! So good!

RNY 11/21/16 - HW/SW 309 LW 150
REVISION 4/10/23 - HW 240 SW 225 CW 164 GW 155
You reminded me of them so off I went to the pantry for a pouch.
SW:261 6/26/17 GW:150 10/6/18
CW: 140.6
PGW: 140-142