What's on your Thursday Menu?

Queen JB
on 9/19/24 1:52 am
RNY on 07/20/15

Good Morning all! My job is totally a feast or famine situation. I was bored and nothing was happening until yesterday when all the things happened and I left with an inbox full of emergencies. I am going to take the super early train and hope to get a few things done from 7am - 9am before the day gets busy again. I also have my 6 month evaluation this afternoon (it's actually been 7 months, but that's pretty much the pace around here, haha). Then I am presenting at a department meeting this evening, so I will be home super late. It's going to be a long day.

Ok, let's talk candidly about the return of Ava. The first few times I blocked her it was because there were new RNY patients who still participated regularly on these boards and she was telling them to drink alcohol in their first few weeks out. She even encouraged someone to try cocaine for battling regain. Basically, my first few blocks were to save others from her nonsense.

But my last few blocks were personal. She has attacked me several times and said very vulgar and disgusting things and I just don't have any tolerance for it. I know its mental health and addiction and I sincerely feel bad for her, but I am not going to risk my own mental health for hers. I will not be unblocking her. It's been 9 years and I don't think that tiger is going to change her stripes. She's already deleted her post on the DS board about trying to get sober.

But I am completely honest here in saying that if it is important to others to allow her to participate I will happily step aside and let someone else start the post so that she can be part of the RNY group. So let's call this the first QOTD. If you miss wild stories about fake adopted toddlers on a boat off Cuba, trying to buy 4 million dollar properties while also being homeless, and really enthusiastic endorsements of butter buds, I get it! Send me a message and I will be more than happy to give the thread over to someone else who isn't blocking her to let them start. No hard feelings. I swear. I can still participate (assuming you don't block me, lol).

QOTD: Anyone still taking Miralax regularly? I stopped taking it very early on (my doctor hates it and doesn't like anyone on it) and things have been fine until recently. I just ordered a huge bottle and I am just curious if anyone has been on it long term and if there are any negative side effects.

Accountability: I had a weird bout of dizziness/vertigo yesterday when I got off the train and I think it was low blood pressure so I skipped breakfast and drank about 80oz of water until lunch when I had the salami, cheese and cuke on my menu. We went out to dinner and I had a glass on sangria and about 3 bites of a salad so all in all I couldn't have had more than 500 calories yesterday but I wasn't hungry, so I just ran with it.

  • protein coffee
  • chicken sausage
  • salami & cheese & almonds
  • honey mustard chicken salad
  • High Weight before LapBand: 200 (2008)
  • High Weight before RNY: 160 (2015)
  • Lowest post-op weight: 110 (2016)
  • Maintenance Weight: 120 (2017-2019)
  • Battling Regain Weight: 135 (current)

Melody P.
on 9/19/24 3:16 am - Amarillo, TX

Good mornin all.

Yesterday's appointment went south pretty quickly. I got preached to about my mental health stuff, then he finally agreed that I have treatment resistant depression along with other stuff. I have chronic insomnia, duh. I felt like giving up. But the good thing to come of it is a new med to hopefully get me to sleep. I have to set up an ekg for next week due to it. I should hear from my PCP about getting that done and maybe some bloodwork. I should hear back either today or tomorrow about the neck stuff too. Should and will are totally different.

my mental health has not been great and I apologize for being such a stick in the mud.

As for Ava. My only thought about blocking her IP wasn't even personal. They just keep blocking these accounts I just thought it'd take care of it. I think she does give some rather bad advice at times. Like suggested I'll just block her. As for our fearless leader, QJB...please keep posting for us!

QOTD: no, everything upsets my stomach so I don't have an issue.

Food is just up in the air.


White Dove
on 9/19/24 3:53 am - Warren, OH

Ava was here long before I was. I tried a few times to be nice to her but she always ended up being so hateful. I did take a few minutes to Google her and see a few cases where she is in court sueing organizations. Also she is 73 years old. Keeping her off the RNY board is the right decision. She is never going to change and can be trusted to be offensive.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 9/19/24 4:18 am
RNY on 08/21/12

Morning gang. I'm hoping they finish up the boiler install today, and the gas company can install the meter. But I'm not betting money on it.

So, this might make you laugh. For JB and my first official date, we were supposed to meet at a particular spot. She called and asked me to pick her up at work instead. She had gotten her car booted for unpaid parking tickets.

When I was laid up for a couple of days in August for my heart procedure, she drove herself to the train station. And got a parking ticket. She tried to pay it online, but couldn't.

So yesterday, since the ticket is old enough to start racking up late fees, I figured I'd go online and pay it. I googled Stoughton parking ticket payment," and followed the link. Put in the ticket number, payment info, and paid the Stoughton PD.

I got an email from the Stoughton Wisconsin Police Department, thanking me for the payment. Now, I have no idea where Stoughton Wisconsin is. But we've never been there, that's for sure. Stoughton Massachusetts, we go there all the time.

I thought Google was smarter than that.

QOTD: Ava needs help. Professional help. There's nothing we can do for her.

QOTD2: I think I've only used Miralax a couple of times, ever. It's not something I've really ever needed. The only times I've been constipated were on opioid after surgery.

6'3" tall, male.

Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.

M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.

Queen JB
on 9/19/24 4:28 am
RNY on 07/20/15

OMG I can't believe you didn't tell me you paid Stoughton WI! Ha. I appreciate you trying to stop my scofflaw antics though.

I've tried to enter the ticket into the Stoughton MA system many times and it's not recognizing the ticket number so it won't accept payment. I feel like that means I don't have to pay, no!?

  • High Weight before LapBand: 200 (2008)
  • High Weight before RNY: 160 (2015)
  • Lowest post-op weight: 110 (2016)
  • Maintenance Weight: 120 (2017-2019)
  • Battling Regain Weight: 135 (current)

on 9/19/24 4:41 am
RNY on 08/21/12

Well, I paid it yesterday. So you're clear in Stoughton MA, and I figure you've got a free one coming in Stoughton Wisconsin.

6'3" tall, male.

Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.

M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.

on 9/19/24 6:12 am
RNY on 06/03/15

ha ha - Stoughton, Wisconsin is about 15 miles from me! (so just a little southeast of Madison)

RNY 06/03/15 by Michael Garren (Madison, WI)

HW: 373 SW: 316 GW: 150 LW: 138 CW: 163

on 9/19/24 8:18 am
RNY on 08/21/12

Tell them they owe me $28.50

6'3" tall, male.

Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.

M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.

Amy Liz
on 9/19/24 4:57 am, edited 9/18/24 10:03 pm
RNY on 11/21/16

,Good morning ~ Busy day yesterday, not an extra minute yet I accomplished way more than seems possible. How is that? I was a very good day though. I hope today is slower. I have two meetings and lots of follow-up.

QOTD 1 - Ava - I understand the curiosity, the trainwreck effect, but I've never found anything about her truly interesting. Just sad and crazy. Well, except for her love of butter buds - that did amuse me. I've had many of her profiles blocked, I can't keep up.

QOTD 2 - Yes, I've used it since 2016.I'm not sure I need it anymore since I'm meeting fiber goals everyday now but I cut the dose in half. I've never had any issues. My gastro doc said it's fine, but I've had people/my NUT say that it's supposed to be temporary and bad for your gut health... I feel better when I use it, so that is what I will do.

ETA: Accountability - great on food, 45 active minutes and 9,073- after an exhausting day and I'm good with that. I am 166.8 today - possibly dehydrated so will pound fluids today. 30 minutes done on the treadmill.

B- coffee, cottage cheese

l - chicken w/spanish cauli rice and zero tortillas

d- leftover meat sauce with extra veggies, parm w/garlic baguette

s- nectarine, apple, string cheese

Have a great day!

RNY 11/21/16 - HW/SW 309 LW 150

REVISION 4/10/23 - HW 240 SW 225 CW 164 GW 155

on 9/19/24 5:12 am
RNY on 08/29/18

Good morning, everybody!

My obscure send-out bloodwork has been trickling in the last few days. Everyone will be relieved to know that my copper levels are normal.

We leave for the airport in about an hour and a half. Our friends have already started their travel and we will see them in Bangkok in about 28 hours.

Yesterday I got an email that I have an Illinois Society of CPA's training requirement due on 9/30/24. It is a once in three year course that has a name very similar to a State of Illinois course that I have to do every year. So, I thought I already did it. Nope. Got up at 5:00 AM this morning and banged the course out. I have just a few things to pack and one work thing and then i'm ready to go.

QOTD: I stopped taking Miralax about 20 months ago. As a general rule, as long as my fluid intake is good, I don't need it. Sometimes that requires three 18 ounce flavored waters within a relatively short time. I still carry Miralax in my travel bag. Old habits die hard, I guess.

No idea about food, other than that I will eat some as I often do. We should be able to have a sit down meal at the airport before we take off. I will try and lift in the hotel gyms but leaving cardio to the touristy hikes and bike rides. I probably won't post until October 8th, so wishing everyone a joyous start to decorative gourd season!

Jim Age 58 Height 6 Feet Consult Weight 344 SW 289 Pre-Surgery -55, M1 -25, M2 -16, M3 -21, M4 -10, M5 -5, M6 -1, M7 -4, M8 0, M9 +4, M10 -4

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