
What's up for your Saturday?

Melody P.
on 2/10/24 1:39 am - Amarillo, TX

Goos mornin y'all!

Not a lot planned for the day. We'll run to a certain grocery store as my mom wants bananas and they are on sale 5 for a dollar. I'm wanting to get a salmon fillet as i'm craving it. Other than that the weather is supposed to turn colder and wetter around 2 this afternoon. I'd rather just stay at home after that. Tomorrow they are saying from 3 to 7 inches of snow. Wet snow too. Our farmers are excited over it and I'm relieved that it's on a weekend. Though a lot of SB parties will be vastly different than planned.

So I had my ablation cancelled. Medicaid said no. So they denied due to not having the test blocks. I did. I didn't get 80% relief...I did. They couldn't get ahold of the doctors office...they(the doctors office) have records of allll the attempts and successful calls.

All in the same damn letter. I admit I cried a lot at first. Then I got madder that a wet hen.

This is just cruel and I'll be calling Monday to rip a new asshole. I won't burn bridges but ask em what the heck is going on.

I did get my phone yesterday! It's so different in speed and what not compared to my old phone. I am happy with it!

QOTD: when you crave something sweet what do you have to conquer the craving?

I usually try to eat something protein heavy like yogurt or cottage cheese with fruit. The past few days I've kind of fallen on my ass from the broken wagon. Today is a new one and I must do better.

B: eggs and coffee x 2

L: stew and cheese

D: probably stew again

here is a first photo from the camera then it edited in Lightroom.

on 2/10/24 4:03 am
RNY on 02/14/18

It seems everyone is getting stupid last minute denials, hopefully yours will get resolved on monday, the others I know of where with just the additional documentation and self advocacy.

I"m thinking optimistically that we will get to the theater tonight but it's 50/50, if nothing else I'll get some exercise shoveling. I did get my rowing program for February finished so it's elliptical for me today.

Qotd - I don't get sweet cravings too much. I keep chocolate in the fridge so I know I CAN have it, because if I don't have it and I want it, then it feels like I"m depriving myself. If I have it and really want it, it's there. I will have water, do something distracting but if I really want something, I do know not to try to eat something else instead because then I will have the calories from the something and eventually the calories from the sweet too.

Have a great saturday!

HW: 306 SW: 282 GW: 145 (reached 2/6/19) CW:150


Julia S.
on 2/10/24 6:59 am - Beaverton, OR
RNY on 02/12/18

Opal is so pretty!

QOTD- Lately I've been eating fruit-grapes or raspberries to fill the sweet. But I agree with Jen just eat what your craving but in moderation.

Yesterday was a long day. My co-worker was making me change my job to add stuff I don't usually add. I was frustrated and so was she, some yelling was involved and I was told I triggered her anxiety. I probably did, but not intentionally. So I spent all day on one job and I've already spent too much time on it. This is like revision 3...

We went to Costco yesterday. When did it get so expensive? All we really bought was food and garbage bags. I still need to go to Winco for Fairlife Milk and grapes.

I'm working today to make up for the day or so that I couldn't work because the software wasn't working. I would really rather not work, but I need the money.

I can't wait to hear Jim tell about the concert and any possible celebrity sightings.

Have a great day everyone!

5'5" Age 67 HW 291 SW 275.8 CW 172.9

on 2/10/24 7:29 am
RNY on 06/03/15

Mornin' Weekenders!

I'm feeling very stressed this morning and it's all about going back over to MIL's today. I am SO SICK of this project - but there's so little left to do and I think I'd really just rather get it all done with by the end of the weekend. I spent eight hours working over there yesterday while DH was at a work meeting and spending time at the post office getting her mail situation straightened out (he had to go to three different post offices - don't ask) - but I think all is well with that now. The latest issue is her car insurance. We transferred the title over to DH on Jan 11, and paid the insurance on Jan 19 (it goes through July). So yesterday we get a bill addressed to her (or rather, to her estate) for $327 to cover her car through July. Obviously this is coming from two different departments that aren't communicating (we talked to both - the first one transferred her car onto our policy (had to do that before we had the title transferred, since we couldn't own or drive the car without insurance), then we had to call a different department to have her policy canceled - which required sending them a death certificate and a copy of the page of the will that named DH the executor of her estate). Oddly, the letter than came yesterday was addressed to "The estate of...), meaning they are aware that she died. So why are they billing her for car insurance for the next six months? This whole situation - everything - the post office, the insurance - is driving me out of my mind. Lesson learned - don't die - it'll drive your survivors crazy.

anyway, we'll go back there today - but maybe not spend quite as many hours there. We actually don't have to be done until the end of the month since we paid the rent for February - but I really want all this out of my life and would love for it to be done by tomorrow night (and it's do-able for sure)

QOTD: if I'm just craving sweets and not hungry, I'll have a couple of sugar free popsicles. If I AM a little hungry, I have one of my two favorite yogurt "sundaes" - both using a super low-cal vanilla Greek yogurt as a base (just discovered that Chobani makes one now, too - 60 calories!). Sundae number 1 is stirring in some unsweetened cocoa powder and topping with SF Cool Whip and berries. Number 2 is more caloric so I don't make it as often, but I stir in a broken mini candy cane, top with a tablespoon of melted chocolate chips, and stick in in the freezer for 10-15 minutes.

coffee with half & half

it's already after 9:00, so this will be a combo breakfast and morning snack - Greek yogurt with fruit, crumpet with butter and jam

lunch - probably hummus with baby carrots or multigrain tortilla chips

AS: cheese stick and Smartfoods popcorn

D: we'd better have one of the soups since we haven't for the last couple of days (I made both hot & sour and celeriac soup earlier this week). Plus some kind of protein

ex: I haven't done a lot in the way of intentional exercise on the days we're over at MIL's, since I easily get in at least 8000 stops and do a lot of stooping and lifting because of the packing. So probably more of the same today..

have a great day, everyone!

RNY 06/03/15 by Michael Garren (Madison, WI)

HW: 373 SW: 316 GW: 150 LW: 138 CW: 163

White Dove
on 2/10/24 8:53 am - Warren, OH

I love that blue eyed cat. Since I allow myself to eat anything I want, I have jars of candy, mostly hard candy and eat one if I have a sweet craving. One is usually enough. When I told myself candy was bad and something I could not eat, I would have eaten the whole box.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
