What's on your Thursday Menu?
Mornin' All!
I'm late this morning because I've been trying to figure out my estimated tax payment. I wish I was one to jump on these types of things right away so I wouldn't have to waste time going through a gazillion records to figure out what I owe (and it's not just tax-related things - I've done that with other things, too - esp things I don't like dealing with...). My class is watching another episode of "Eyes on the Prize" today in class, so I'll jus****ch it online from my couch. The regular students can watch it online, too, but then, that means an unexcused absence for them (and the instructor only allows two of those). But that makes no difference to auditors. So there's that - plus possibly lunch with my mother and sister. So - slow day today. I should probably try to get caught up with stuff (my usual goal for any day). And exercise.
QOTD: Except for yogurt/skyr, I get really tired of things after a few days. I even got sick of pizza in Italy and sushi in Japan after three or four days, and I usually love those things. Plus it's healthier to get eat a variety of things anyway, so it's just as well.
coffee with half & half
2 small protein pumpkin pancakes topped with plain skyr and SF cranberry/apple compote
?? depends on if I go out to lunch with mom and sis. I told my sister if they go, I want to go somewhere where they have street tacos or soup, since I need to watch my calories today (ate some carrot cake last night - and I'm going to a social tomorrow night - so I need to really watch it on the other days)
hummus sandwich on 35-calorie bread with tomato and cucumber slices
if necessary, Ratio yogurt and/or protein shake to meet my protein requirement
have a great day, everyone!
As a kid I remember a period of six months to a year when I only ate white bread and tomato sandwiches. It was really hard then to get fresh tomatoes in stores in the winter in Ohio. My mother found a "fruit man" who came to the house every week and sold her tomatoes from Florida. There was another long period where I only ate sandwiches of white bread and strawberry jam. I remember her buying me large jars of strawberry jam from the A&P. White bread was about ten cents a loaf then.
I cannot eat any jam or jelly now but still love tomato sandwiches.
I had thirty pounds of regain and lost it doing the Weigh****chers plan where you can eat anything as long as it is in points. It took several years but I did lose it all and it has stayed off.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends