What's on your Saturday menu?
on 9/23/23 1:00 am - Amarillo, TX
Good mornin everyone! Hope y'all's weekend is off to a great start.
Busy day ahead for me. Randall's birthday party is at 3 and I need to make the cake and frosting. Do up his presents and all. I've not slept well at all so it'll make for a long day.
We got up to 97° yesterday. So sick of this heat, so ready for fall to actually start here. BTW...it's officially fall according to the calendar! Happy fall y'all!
QOTD: What are you listening to right now? Either music, playlists or books.
I've been listening to Corey Taylor's new album and Beartooth's new releases. Also a lot of other odd ball songs I've found. Even a Taiwanese folk metal song or two. It's really interesting and all instrumental from this certain instrument player.
I'm going to try my best not to sample to much of the frosting, wish me luck!
B: oatmeal and coffee x3
L: Salas with a boiled egg and yogurt salad dressing...maybe half a large avocado
D: No clue on this one.
Have a great day eve!
on 9/23/23 3:46 am
Good morning Mel and weekend menuers,
Happy birthday to your nephew and good luck with the cake today. Hope it's not terribly long or hot for you.
And happy fall! It's my favorite season once we kick the summer weather.
QOTD- I've been stuck on the Lux Aeterna from Requiem for a Dream since I watched it again. Powerful movie, and I appreciate the ones that don't follow standard American movie patterns. Oh, and I have that darned jingle stuck in my head the past two days with Jim to thank.
Taking my car in for service today. Tune-up, brakes, all the things. I need a new headlight, too. Glad the damage is fixed now. I'll work from the dealership and then do some cooking. Light week since I'll leave for Georgia after work Thursday.
Menu today will be turkey breast, a plum, rambutan, fish, scrambled eggs, protein pudding, maybe protein oatmeal.

HW 282, LW 123.4 (8/29/23), CW 144.4
Pre-op-33, M1-12, M2-17, M3-14, M4-11, M5-14, M6-5, M7-6, M8-5, M9-22, M10-6, M11-5, M12-2, M13-2, M14-5
Mornin' All!
last night's wine & cheese party was really fun. I took an old friend of mine who was recently divorced and wants to meet new people. I've belonged to this women's social organization for the last four years that sponsors a lot of the social events and groups that I attend - the monthly wine & cheese thing, lunches and dinners out, book groups, film groups, biking groups, kayaking groups, etc. She loved the wine & cheese event, so she's going to join the organization. Like me, she works (or in my case, WORKED) for the university, so most of the people she knows are from there. I like this organization not only because of the variety of activities they offer, but because I've met and befriended women I never would have otherwise - nurses, teachers, social workers, attorneys, etc. Anyway, I'm glad she liked it!
I have to take one of the cats to the vet today to get his monthly arthritis injection, but otherwise, nuttin' planned. I'm going to go to Target to get some 2 or 3 lb hand weights to do one of my PT exercises. I've been using 5 lb weights since that's the lightest I have, but I think they're too heavy for this particular exercise. I'm in pain the next morning because the bursitis in my shoulders (which is what causes the pain) flares up, and dealing with the bursitis is why I've been going to PT in the first place (they also want to build up the muscles around my shoulders, which is why they have me doing this (and other) exercises, but if this particular exercise is also aggravating the bursitis then, we have a problem....). Anyway, I think the lighter weights should help with that. If not, I'm going to ask him if we can substitute another exercise for this particular one.
QOTD: class lectures and class-related videos that we're supposed to watch. Although sometimes I'll get on YouTube and see if there's anything interesting on there (often news-related videos)
B: crumpet with butter and jam, Ratio yogurt, coffee with half & half
L: salad and some kind of protein
AS: protein pumpkin pie. Although I have some leftover pimento cheese from last night (took that to the party) - so maybe a couple of whole grain crackers with that spread on them
D: hmm...I'd better think about this - not sure
ex: I think I'll get out on my bike this afternoon - should be an OK day for it
have a great day, everyone!
That is great to belong to an organization with women that you can do things with. I miss being part of something like that and am going to see if anything is available that I would be interested in joining. So far the people who approach me have been involved with churches and looking for new members and I have been avoiding that. Because I am still working it really limits time to spend on other activities. I am thinking of perhaps making this my last year to work. I would really have to find something that interests me and keeps me busy.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends