What's on your Monday Menu?
on 6/26/23 3:32 am
Good Morning Gang! Whoa, I slept until 6am! It's been a minute since I've done that! I hadn't slept well the previous nights and I guess it caught up to me.
We have no real plan today for our drive. As soon as he's up, we'll pack up and get going. It took us 14 hours to get here, so hopefully we can make it home faster than that. Praying for no rain along the route this time.
I have incredible news! There was a hot tub here in NC and I finally used it last night. It helped my knee so much! I got a lot more range of motion after sitting in there for an hour :)
QOTD: If you could do it again, would have picked the same surgery? I had the band first, and that thing can go to hell. What a terrible surgery. I was so sick from the second it was put in, until the last day when I couldn't keep down water and it was removed. But I love my RNY :)
Food? No real plan. I'm sure we'll try to avoid stops, so I will do my best to eat leftovers which I can bring with me in the car, as well as the random protein bars, Chomps, and other stuff I have with me.
on 6/26/23 3:47 am
Good morning QJB and menuers,
Love that photo! I do feel like frankenmonster some mornings. Thankfully, tea and a hot shower will do it most of the time.
That hot tub sounds like a great discovery for you! Is it a possibility to have one installed someday at home? Hope you can take your time driving.
QOTD- I'm coming up on a year and still wouldn't change it. Granted, I don't know if current health issues can be tied back to surgery or not but I don't regret it at all. Just need to get my mojo back!
So it's a good thing the endo clinic sent an automated text yesterday since I'm on clear liquid diet today. I remember thinking it was odd initially that the directions literally just said don't drink within two hours of your procedure outside of the colon prep. Guess my guts get to rest a little until 6pm today. And then 4am tomorrow!
Office day today...including a lunch we planned a month ago. I'll email and let them know that I'm happy to go but won't be eating. There are only three of us, so we'll see how that goes over. Off I go!
Happy Monday everyone!

HW 282, LW 123.4 (8/29/23), CW 144.4
Pre-op-33, M1-12, M2-17, M3-14, M4-11, M5-14, M6-5, M7-6, M8-5, M9-22, M10-6, M11-5, M12-2, M13-2, M14-5
on 6/26/23 3:50 am - Amarillo, TX
Mornin everyone. Safe travels to QJB and Grim today!
Not much happening here. I'm exhausted from not sleeping much as I can't take my regular sleeping pills. They are so bitter they cause me to throw up. Benadryl doesn't do anything for me. I am ready for this gag reflex to say adios. I'm really fatigued from the past week and then they had me take lisinopril since my BP was high in the hospital...go figure. I took it throughout the day yesterday and it never got higher than 100/60. So I took them out of my pill box and won't take them anymore. I almost passed out a couple of times yesterday. Not good.
We have the kids everyday this week. Turns out my brothers MIL is just a nasty person. She hasn't been watching the kids hardly at all. My SIL has been taking them to her work with her(she is a librarian). Not surprised but disappointed. They are good kids, they fight sometimes but are good kids. It breaks my heart for them.
QOTD: I wish I had gotten the RNY to begin with. But I also think I was not as ready as I thought I was for the initial surgery. I should've seen a counselor to begin with. But we do what we think is best at the time. I do miss NSAID's though for my back lol
B: Coffee and maybe some crackers
L: ???
D: may get a protein shake
Mornin' All!
I've been sleeping well the past two or three days (after days of ridiculous sleep), but I was wide awake at 3:30 this morning. Ugh. Well, I'll be dealing with jet lag later this week, so maybe it doesn't matter - things are going to be screwed up anyway!
I have nothing on my agenda for today, so I'm going to really plow through packing, cleaning the house (or at least enough so that it looks presentable to the cat sitter, who'll be helping DH with cat meds since he can't do it himself), printing off whatever's left to print off for my trip, and...whatever. I think I'll also go to water aerobics or Aqua Zumba today, since it's supposed to rain (again..) (rain in store for Scandinavia later this week, too - I'd better pack an umbrella - and plan on visiting museums on the rainier days...)
QOTD: I would absolutely pick RNY again. I hear these tales of severe GERD among sleevers (although I know it's not the majority of them), and I'm glad I made the choice I did, because I'm sure that would have been me if I'd have gone that route.
B: protein shake, coffee with half & half
MS: plain skyr with fruit
L: bagged salad - might throw some chickpeas on that..
AS: protein muffin
D: ?? Probably something else with yogurt (need to try to use up some of these open containers (i.e., the 32 oz size - not the individual-sized ones that aren't open) and the homemade stuff since DH won't eat it, and it's not going to last until I get back from my trip).
have a great day, everyone!!
on 6/26/23 4:20 am
Good morning and happy last monday in June!
Quick post as I need to leave for the office in the next 5 minutes and I was a bit slower to get everything ready thing morning.
QOTD - yes, I felt it was the the best for me and so did my surgeon. I've never given "did I pick right" a thought since I decided.
menu today
coffee plus half and half X 2.5
ratio yogurt
naanwhich with salami and cheese
not sure on dinner, either a slice of left over pizza or something from the freezer
Have a magnificent monday!

HW: 306 SW: 282 GW: 145 (reached 2/6/19) CW:150
on 6/26/23 5:09 am
Good morning ~ Hot tubs are great, glad to hear of your relief and safe travels home today! I had a lovely weekend. A nice mix of productive, fun and lazy. I saw Little Mermaid yesterday and although I am disappointed they left out my favorite song, it was wonderful. Other than walking the dogs - no on the the intentional exercise, but I will say I am feeling better in general and that is a huge win. Work will be good-busy this week, but not crazy - just two project to finish and misc stuff and junk but very doable.
QOTD - Yes, very happy with the RNY and the revision too. I just wi**** wasn't so hard to lose, but I'm not giving up - this is life.
B- coffee, HB eggs
l - chicken breast w/salad toppings
d - ham and cheese omelette
s - tomatoes and cucumbers
Have a great day!

RNY 11/21/16 - HW/SW 309 LW 150
REVISION 4/10/23 - HW 240 SW 225 CW 164 GW 155
G'morning all!
Safe travels to QJB & Grim. Very happy the hot tub helped with the knee. I might be in the minority but I can't tolerate hot tubs. One of the first times I used it was at the gym I was going to, thank goodness there were other people in the hot tub because I passed out. Another time we had moved to our house where we are now, and it had a hot tub on a side deck. Once again, we had friends over and I was in the tub gabbing with people and next thing I knew I was on the floor and people freaking out around me. In short, my body can't handle the heat.
I feel like a very lucky OH member this week. Tomorrow I'll be seeing DCgirl in Half Moon Bay, it's the second meetup for us. The last one was waaaay before COVID. Saturday I'll meet Jen for the first time in CO. It's hard to believe I have not met Jen yet, I feel like I've known her forever.
QOTD: I am very happy with my surgery, RNY, and never second guessed my dr's recommendation.
My meals yesterday:
- Coffee & egg bites
- Rice cake w/almond butter
- Epic chicken, jello, golden berries
- TJ kebabs w/fage yogurt
- E: cardio + weight
Happy start of the week!
SW:261 6/26/17 GW:150 10/6/18
CW: 140.6
PGW: 140-142
on 6/26/23 6:13 am
I can't wait for Saturday!!

HW: 306 SW: 282 GW: 145 (reached 2/6/19) CW:150