Weight gain
I am in the same place and had some weight gain due to social drinking and was able to lose some of that but over the last few months I have again started gaining again. I realize that my issue is that I quit focusing on my meal planning and prepping and went with what was easy fast food. So I am going back to my basics and planning and prepping my meals. The only advice I can give you is that since you know you are eating too much start tracking your food so you can make adjustments and it was suggested to me so I want to suggest it to you hop on the WHATS ON YOUR MENU post on this forum for accountability. Plus you will get some great advice and help from others here and you will have an online support group. When I first came here I checked out the recipes that is on the site and found some good menu ideas so you might try that too. At least you will know they are carb friendly.
For a woman, it takes 10 calories a day to maintain one pound. If you eat an extra 200 calories a day you will maintain an extra 20 pounds. 200 calories could be a candy bar, cookies, ice cream, dinner roll, fruit or anything more than you need to maintain your goal weight. Track everything you eat and determine how many calories.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
on 2/22/23 2:24 pm
Congratulations on making it 15 years and without major issues, which is wonderful :)
Maybe start with a visit to your GP (or I think Americans call it a PCP) and a food diary? get your bloods done etc. Start with the basics.