What's on your Wednesday Menu?
I've been busy and frustrated at work. Trying to close the books and dealing with stupidity of others is just make it difficult.
I know QB would be with me on that - accounting - but in this case its not mine but our customer accounting is messed up and there is not much I can do. I send them suggestions, advise, ideas how to balance their books and really help them. NOTHING works for months. I need to stop being so nice, and just pocket the money hey overpaid. Not much, lol, just over 200K. You would think they would be grateful we noticed, nope.
QOT: computers: PC and Android phone and tablets. As an engineer, at the beginning of my carrier I used softwares for calculations that were not available on Mac, and things between PC and Mac were not compatible. So we used PCs. I used to use DOS system and UNIX, and so on.... Later on I tried a few apple products and I really did not like how limited it was for what I wanted to use. Keith loves apple stuff, but he uses PC at work, and other systems, plus has android phone and tablets. They are cheaper, easier to replace and can be used with/for many different applications.
At work we have PC's and in the last 3 years, anyone in the company who needs it (managers, supervisors) get their own 10" tablet.
Accountability: Yesterday I had acupuncture so I left work early and I was planning to stop by Costco. But I slept through the session (yes, I often sleep with a bunch of needles stuck in me, and no I don't move...) I got in such a deep sleep that after the session I barely got home, I was so relaxed. Once i got home, fed the cats, took out the trash (Keith takes the bin to the to of the driveway, so I try to help a little), got my meds, had a small shot of whisky, brush my teeth, changed into a pajama and I was out. I did not wake up when he got home or when the cat crawled all over me... the 20+ lbs cat. I woke up at 10pm... with the cat all over me... overheated... he is one big furnace. Talked briefly with Keith and we went back to bed...Slept till 7 am this morning.
The whisky - I was dealing with indigestion all day, plus I was so tired that, like so many others, often prevents me from just drifting off. A small, 1 oz, shot of whisky normally not only breaks down what's "sitting high up undigested" but also breaks the "I'm too tired to sleep" barrier.
Today eats:
B: coffees tea, water, electrolytes
L: cheese, maybe an apple later
D: not sure. I plan a trip to Costco and then maybe Lidl (I'm getting low on my tea) so we will see what I feel like eating.
S: ??? I often snack on cheese, if I'm hungry but not really.
E: shopping.
My sciatica is horrible today. My leg between a knee and a foot just burns. I haven't done my stretches lately and that probably contributes to the significantly increased pain. Even opiates don't do anything for it. ugh... It takes me 15-20 min a day to do it. So why don't I?
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
on 2/22/23 7:21 pm
Wow, those folks sound like ingrates for not appreciating the return of those kinds of funds.
Also, I cannot imagine falling asleep while full of needles. They are on my list of irrational fears, along with removing my surgical glue, so that probably makes sense. Truly a hidden talent.

HW 282, LW 123.4 (8/29/23), CW 144.4
Pre-op-33, M1-12, M2-17, M3-14, M4-11, M5-14, M6-5, M7-6, M8-5, M9-22, M10-6, M11-5, M12-2, M13-2, M14-5
When acupuncturist energy is compatible with yours, every needle is properly placed. BTW: I can feel every needle going into my body. Yea, it hurts. But within a few second, the pain is gone as long as I don't move, and stay relaxed. I call that pose "bag of potatoes" - I'm "melting" into the table. Trying to move can really hurt. Plus some needle placement are for relaxing the mind and muscles. I may be going on about something, next thing I feel her starts removing the needles out of me - they stay in for 20-30 min on each side. Sometimes I'm in a twilight zone, sometimes in a dream land, or listening to book or music. But if I'm really stressed and tired - I'm often out. Majority of the time is just twilight or really light sleep, but last time - I was out...
Not every acupuncturist can do that to me. Most - don't. mine. But mine, Kathryn - we have matching energy, so she hits all the right spots all the time. Then recently I'm also getting "ozone therapy" for some of my joints. She would inject ozonated water into my joint (currently my shoulder). Now that can really hurt. But that helps with injuries of the joints.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."