Pain after eating
ugh. My open rny was in dec 2008. Every time I eat anything now I get horrible gas pains. I have to lay down after every meal it hurts so bad. It doesn't matter what it is I eat either. I just had blood work done at my physical last week and everything was good. Is anyone having anything like this?
In between meals I am not hungry but get I get a weird almost burning feeling in my stomach and I catch myself eating something small to make it stop.
I miss being normal.
Have you ever had issues with adhesions? I had open rny in 2003 and have had numerous surgeries due to complications from scar tissue. I cut out all meat and raw veggies helped with pain after eating. But I have been on a liquid diet for over a month due to pain after eating. It is very hard to diagnose adhesions they basically rule out all other issues, there is no way to see scar tissue on scans or ultra sound.
I have had 13 surgeries since open rny mostly due to adhesions. Hysterectomy, hernia repair, gallbladder removal. revision of rny, kinked bowel, nicked bowel, strangulated intestine and several exploratory surgeries. Due to all complications I have had bowel resection 3x. I have appointment at Henry Ford wednesday with surgeon because no one local will touch me. Im here if you have any questions nice to meet another old timer lol
I am drinking premier protien shakes, tomato soup for dinner, I can handle yogurt, pudding and jello. I drink gatorade to help with dehydration. I am down to 133 lbs and been having to go to er to get saline infusions. Been admitted 3x since January. The doctor thinks I have gastro paresis as well as adhesions, hopefully get some answers Wednesday
In the late fall of 2015, I started getting terrible gas pain after eating. The pain would last about 15 minutes and a few times was so bad, I thought about calling an ambulance, since I live alone. My doctor treated me with Zantac, omeprazole, ranitidine, and Prilosec. None of those helped at all.
Finally he told me to go to the emergency room, tell them I had chest pain and get completely checked out. The emergency room did a lot of tests and could find nothing. But they put in the hospital for more testing. My EKG's were perfect, blood fats were low to average, weight was perfect for me at 136. They kept doing more scans and tests. Then they did a chemical stress test. That found a heart blockage, so they transferred me to another hospital to have a stent put in.
When I was getting the cardiac catheterization, the surgeon said that my arteries were too small for the stent. I was born with blood vessels that were so small and narrow that they had built up plaque even though I was doing all the right things with diet and exercise.
So they sent me back to a hospital room to wait another week before doing open heart surgery and a triple bypass.
The pain that I blamed on gas, was because when I ate, the blood rushed to my stomach to help with digestion and there was not enough pressure to take care of my heart at the same time. The blood supply to my heart was cut off, and that was very painful.
Although what you have is probably an ulcer, there is a reason for the pain. Don't stop until they find it and treat it.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
on 4/7/21 11:29 am
I am so sorry you had to go through all this! But you are very lucky they did find what your issue was! I had/have been dealing with pain as well and was in the hospital for 3 days worth of testing (an EKG, ultra sound of stomach and an endoscopy). Then I was discharged and told it was GERD. It very well may be all from GERD, but I do worry something may have been missed and they just treated the first 'positive' thing they came across.