Anti-inflammatory meds
on 4/3/21 6:03 am
What type of anti inflammatory over the counter med's can I take after I get RNY? Tylenol just won't cut my pain and does nothing for inflamation.
Thank you!
none of them. NSAIDS are not recommended for anyone who has had wls due to the incidence of them causing ulcers.
on 4/3/21 7:44 am
I take Turmeric Curcumin 1000mg with BioPerine 3 times a day for the pain from 2 tears in my upper right arm and this helps with inflammation in my whole body. I get mine from Turmeric Curcumin 1000 mg 120 Capsules | Puritan's Pride
I use Biofreeze in the spray can. Aspercreme is a bit riskier, but I have sometimes used that for leg cramps. I also have this hot/cold back support belt that really helps with back pain.
No NSAIDS at all and very rarely a Tylenol. One bottle did me for more than 10 years.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
White Dove,
I have tried voltaren/ now available OTC- It does make one smell like urine(-has ammonia added). I am skin sensitive to all the icy hot preps and Biofreeze-
. I used arnica cream for a while..i t did ok- for muscle soreness and had no bad odor..
For leg cramps I take a dose of Milk of Mag,a small 2 tbsp dose. that and a heating pad works well for mine .I tend to loose too may minerals during heavy exertion days.and Must boost my intake up preemptively.., Have been intending to get some magnesium oil I understand it works well for many people.
Moringa works for Plantar Fascitis-my Daughter takes it for that
.I tore a ligament in by shoulder blade area, Moringa, 5 type ,Multi-collagen,Heat pressure and immobility.. worked for that.
He should try Moringa or turmeric, f possible get one that has black pepper int he formula it is supposed to help the bio-availability.( i did not add it to my list because I can not take it...It does work well for many people) NSAIDS actually interfere with tissue building that joints need..that is why i take the multi collagen and moringa.
OTC pain and anti inflammatory meds shouldn't be taken by anyone! It sits in the liver and the liver doesn't know what to do with it, so it stores it. Go to a "GOOD" Health Store, NOT GNC either, and look at Curcumin for pain and inflammation. It's Tumeric! Natural! Effective! Please read about it and many other natural sources for what aisles you. You'll be happy you did! ??????